The void was shaking violently, as if it were wailing.

Several small universes in the silver bodies that were about to reach the seventh sense surged out, and the power that erupted with full force shocked the other descendants.

No one expected that the power of the seniors who usually seemed to like to frolic with the younger generation would be so terrifying.

The new generation of young girls know that sometimes the gap brought about by a realm is very large, but they did not expect that the gap was so large.

The answer given by the Sacred Domain instructor was actually very vague.

According to the words of the instructors, sometimes the realm is not a gap, but sometimes the gap is very large, and the more talented Saint Seiya is, the higher the level can challenge the higher realm.

But in the Sacred Realm, in fact, this statement is not too reliable.

Invincible at the same level is the comparison of Saint Seiya with other powerful people in the outside world.

In the Sacred Realm, everyone is a genius, they have all experienced the baptism of divine power, and if you want to cross the level of challenge, how far you have to be genius.

There were only twelve people in the Sacred Domain who could do the challenge of crossing the level, and according to rumors, the top level of the Sacred Domain had taken a fancy to these twelve and wanted to cultivate into a new generation of Golden Saint Fighters.

It is said that all of them have reached the late stage of the sixth sense and are hitting the peak./peak.

That’s why this time it didn’t come.

However, because of the existence of these twelve who can cross the level challenge, the new generation of Saint Seiya has some drifting hearts in their hearts, and they do not have the meaning of looking down on their predecessors, but there is a feeling that the predecessors can spread their reputation in the universe.

There is even a challenge that seniors may not win but will not lose.

Now it was only after the old silver had exploded with full power that the young girls realized how wrong they were.

It’s too scary.

The extreme depressing danger of the full force erupted by a few silver pieces is much stronger than the crushing force of this collapse.

A strong sensory instinct told these juniors that if they really broke out in full force, they might be beaten and cried.

Fortunately, fortunately, this will come to the battle to see the real strength of the predecessors, originally they planned to go back and challenge the predecessors to prove their pride.


The teenagers who had escaped the fate of being almost beaten up had a moment of gratitude to Thanos and Gao Tianzun.

Of course these are jokes.

Of course, Ye Ye and a few other silver people didn’t know the rebellious thoughts of the younger generations, otherwise, everyone would definitely let these bold little cubs know what it was to be beaten.


Without too much nonsense, without a trace of filthy and holy golden radiance shining like a blazing sun, several golden pillars of light centered on the silver went straight to the top of the firmament.

A roar and vibration.

The golden pillar of light cut straight through the void and rushed towards the antimatter collision energy that created this squeezing space.

The moment the two different energies collided, the entire void seemed to be still.

Time all stood still for a second.

The next second, the earth-shattering air waves exploded in an instant.

Like the explosion of a planet, the terrifying circular air waves swept in all directions in an instant, and the terrible ripples and ripples along the way blocked the battleships were all submerged and shredded almost instantaneously.

Even many of the warriors were directly thrown into the air.

Scattered and scattered like cannonballs flew backwards, and many even smashed into a certain battleship.

Barry smashed into a large Chitauri warship, which was too huge like a fortress of war, and the Chitauri were even more densely packed.

Because Barry’s fall, a large number of explosions were triggered, and the vacuum was sucked in.

But fortunately, the Chitauri are capable of fighting in a vacuum.

The loss was not great, Barry was thrown by a powerful wave of air, smashing the energy shield of the battleship, although the problem was not big, and his head was a little dizzy.


Some dizziness, powerful senses made Barry a spirit, instinctive posture slightly tilted, a purple energy beam of light the next second and his body a little distance to cut through the air bombardment of the dark golden wall behind him.

I have to say that this metal shell is very hard, and the energy beam has not caused any damage.

Barry didn’t care that much at all, and the strong physical fitness between breathing made all his discomfort disappear.

Almost instantaneously, he knew the situation.

Well, it seems to have smashed into the command room of this battleship, which is very large, and it is surrounded by a large number of Chitauri.

The dense guns pointed at themselves, and the ugly armor grunted and did not know what they were saying.

It’s just that the strong malice and murderous intent that exudes it let Barry know that what the Chitauri people are saying now may not be a good thing.

But he didn’t care.

Ignoring the Chitauris, the communication of his squad mates came from his ears.

The Thirty Thousand Saints Legion naturally has its own squad.

Each squad is seven people, which can be formed into battle formations or fought alone, which is extremely flexible.

“Damn, they smashed into the vanguard warship, these monsters are really ugly and unhygienic, I’m going to blow them up.”


Finally, as soon as the words fell, an explosion came.

Barry smiled, this little aunt is a cleanliness addict, this is not boring.

“Sigh, Aisha, do you want to take a shower, haha?”

“Shut up.”

“Is the Vanguard Battleship that dirty?”

“Well, don’t say it, okay?” I felt like I was going to have nightmares when I slept, and I was going to go to Lake Alice for three days and three nights. ”

“Ahaha, do you want us to be together, we are all a squad, we accompany you.”

“Well, my name is Lilia, and you stinky men are going along.”

The chatter, scolding, and frolicking in the communication made Barry smile when he heard it, and his face was not involuntarily happy.

Like the rest of the Sanctuary’s friends, almost all of them had lost their loved ones because their families had suffered a great catastrophe, and he was no exception, Barry, like the children of the same age, was much more precocious than the children of the family.

I also know how precious family affection and friendship are.

Fortunately, the goddess Athena did not give up on him Bari, let him be absorbed by Antonia, and was eventually selected by the Sacred Realm, and met a large number of friends in the training of the Sacred Domain.

In the Sacred Realm it cannot be said that there is complete harmony, there is competition, there are quarrels, but in general they are extremely fraternal.

Later, after awakening the small universe, he was selected to the Scorpion Palace, became a member of the Scorpion Palace, and also regarded this place as his home.

(Ask for a monthly pass for flowers!) )

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