Except for the Sacred Realm’s own people, no one could know the characteristics of Saint Seiya better than her.

Glancing at the huge figure that suddenly appeared on the throne above the Temple, well, maybe Thanos did.

After all, the losses suffered in the Sacred Realm were enough for Thanos to remember forever.

But apart from these people, Carol is definitely confident that she knows best.

After many gatherings, except for Zhuo Lu, who was not very willing to do it, she and the other gold basically used their hands, and the result was self-evident, unless she opened the double star life and death battle with all her strength, her victory rate and its dismal rate.

Strength, speed, defense, energy, etc. She found that these guys were the most authentic all-round warriors.

Especially these people are so evil that she can’t breathe.

With each fight, she could feel the unimaginable progress of the other side.

Since that big incident, she has made great progress in the past few decades, but compared with these freaks, it is really incomparable.

Fortunately, she is not a person who likes to be jealous of others.

After the surprise, it is not an accident.

In the current situation, everyone would think that under the three single cosmic level gods, the Sacred Domain side would suffer a big loss, but Carol was dismissive in his heart.

Especially a few people from Thanos.

These guys underestimated the essence of the Sacred Realm.

Carroll’s idea was unknown to the others, and Thanos certainly didn’t know, but he was proud now.

His plan worked.

There were a full nine gold here, but unfortunately, the thirty thousand Saint Fighter Legions had run away ahead of time, but the mere destruction of these nine golden sequences was enough to seriously hurt the Saint Domain.

When these nine golden sequences were destroyed, there were only five Heavenly Father Levels in the Sacred Realm.

There was also a man who was also of the level of a single universe, the man who exiled him.

Thinking of that seemingly high up all the time, those ruthless and cold eyes look at themselves full of great ideals and ideas, just like looking at the garbage on a garbage planet.

That humiliation was something that Thanos would never forget for the rest of his life.

He was going to wash away his humiliation with the blood of this fellow, and all that he had, his relatives, his friends, these most loyal warriors of his.

Start this time.


The eight golden cloth boundaries were strong enough, but it was not worth mentioning at all in the face of the planetary devourers who could devour all energy, the so-called energy boundaries were only for him to plug his teeth, and he was enough to crush all the single universes when he was full.

But the power displayed by the planetary devourers of the current state of normal hunger is even enough to be feared.

The terrifying cosmic storm covered hundreds of millions of kilometers, and the huge range occupied a small part of the original boundless void, and ordinary people might not dare to move at all in fear.

This is the horror of the god Planet Eater.

The other unknown god was even more unwilling, and the looming planet form seemed to be no bigger than the planet devourer, but the countless energy green rattan of the tooth dance claw made people know this horror.

Plus Thanos on the huge iron throne above the frontal battlefield Temple.

It turned out to be the appearance of surrounding the eight Golden Saints.

In total, there were eleven god-level powerful people facing each other, as if the entire void was trembling with fear.

This picture also made everyone stunned.

They didn’t expect such a big change.

Not only the mercenaries, pirates, etc., but also the first-class big powers are even more concerned.

The hostile forces, neutrality, and even affinity forces of the Sacred Domain are equally concerned.

For example, the Sovilin Golden Family, who was shocked by Leon at the beginning, was originally an arrogant race, and the technology was extremely developed, resulting in no disdain for other civilizations in the universe.

But Leon’s tough borrowing of the terrible power of cherishing metal sobered Sovereign.

After that, the prestige of the Sacred Realm became stronger and stronger, and Sovelin, although arrogant, was not a fool.

Also visit the temple.

Becoming a so-called ally, but in fact there is no difference between surrender and submission, except that the Sacred Domain is not so harsh on allies, saying that it must surrender or something.

It basically belongs to the equal alliance.

To the delight of the Sovereign and other races.

Having such a powerful ally was very helpful to Sovereign’s position in the universe, and there was naturally a lot of contact between the two sides.

Many of the technologies in the Sacred Realm actually have the support of Sovereign.

Sovalin can also release some tasks in the Sacred Domain, such as clearing some cosmic pest beasts and so on.

Lasting down, the natural connection between the two sides is also relatively tight.

This is somewhat similar to Qaida Star.

This battle Sovirin is naturally the heart to the Sacred Realm, is it the heart to Thanos, such a cruel and unkind guy?

However, the appearance of the Planet Devourer and another strange and powerful person made the high-ranking people who were watching in the temple feel bad.

“There are actually two more single universes, three single universes, but I’m afraid that the Golden Lord is in trouble.”

“The Planet Devourer, he is a truly ancient deity, according to our data, he is normally in a state of hunger all the time, and the power he can exert is in the single universe, once he absorbs enough energy to complete the state of fullness, he is afraid that he will far exceed the single universe.” 」

“Heck, it’s horrible.”

“In addition, there are some records, it seems to be one of the ancient races, there have been many other galaxies, there are many connections with the cosmic pirates, and the places where he exists belong to the absolute death forbidden zone, which is very terrible.”

“This is a little difficult, three single cosmic levels, nine golden lords have also been clamped down by Gao Tianzun.”

“Yeah, if all the Golden Lords were on the move, plus that one, it would have been able to resist.”

The Sovereign High Level was worried, if the Sacred Domain failed this time, these nine golden falls would definitely cause the Sacred Domain to be severely damaged.

Even the forces of the entire universe would unite to attack the Sacred Domain, and they thought that the most vicious and greedy Babi beasts in the universe would completely tear the Sacred Domain apart and devour it.

Perhaps Sovereign, who has a close connection to the Sacred Realm, will also be affected.

“No, no one knows how powerful they are, believe them.”

High Priest Ayesha looked at her with a twinkle in her eye, full of confidence.

(Ask for a monthly pass for flowers!) )

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