This kind of power far exceeded the pressure that Benson had brought to him, and Gao Tianzun felt a chill in his heart.

The other party’s undisguised idea of killing him let Gao Tianzun know that no matter what the outcome of this battle, his fate may be very miserable.

Use the strongest combat power to kill the weakest self in the shortest time.

After turning his head against the other three single universes, and Gao Tianzun had no doubt that after killing him, the guy in front of him would directly target the weakest of the three single bodies, Thanos.

Single point to break the surface.

and its clever tactics.

At this moment, it was really the moment of life and death, Gao Tianzun let go of the fear of death in his heart, countless years of boring life made him think that he was not afraid of death, but when death was really in front of him, he still knew that he was still afraid of death.

Perhaps he should have realized it when Thanos found him.

It’s just that at that time, he didn’t want to admit it.

This time, he had to fight for himself.

Zhuo Lu’s sharp eye gap reached the fear in Gao Tianzun’s heart, and he was also aware of the other party’s idea of fighting to the death.

There was no change in his expression, and he said indifferently: “Stupid idea.” ”


The already extremely strong momentum soared again, and for Zhuo Lu, the idea of Gao Tianzun breaking the boat was of no use to any gold.


The figure blurred, and Gao Tianzun’s body shook violently, and he couldn’t see the other party’s trajectory at all.

The next second, he realized something was wrong.

Unfortunately, it was too late, the intense pain stimulated in Gao Tianzun’s mind, and the terrifying and incomparable force bombarded Hunkou fiercely.


Blood spewed out from his mouth, and Gao Tianzun’s figure cut through the sky like a meteor, just as short as the name of the meteor, and it didn’t take long for him to fly backwards, and a terrible force struck again, and this time it was his back.

Rumble! Rumble!

A powerful force penetrated Gao Tianzun, blood flew everywhere, and then in the shocked eyes of everyone, Gao Tianzun was constantly kicked by the golden figure like a leather ball.

With each bombardment, the air waves exploded, and a large mouthful of blood gushed out.

It can be seen how terrible the power of each bombardment really is.

As a strong person of the Heavenly Father Level, Gao Tianzun may not be the top at the Heavenly Father Level, but it is definitely not weak, but in the hands of this Virgo Golden Saint Seiya, he has no power to fight back at all, and he is played.

Is this the most rumored existence in the golden sequence?

It was horrible.

Countless people discussed the gap between the two sides, and some people realized something.

“Sigh, the first time I saw this kind of overlord being beaten, I don’t know why I always have a very cool feeling in my heart.”

“Haha, you’re not alone, I feel it too, it’s so cool, it’s cool to see the Heavenly Father level being beaten violently, grunt, dry, hahahaha!”

“What I’m concerned about is not these, but that gold is really powerful and terrible, the essence of the Sacred Realm is really terrifying, look at other people, three gold in the face of a powerful single universe does not rain and wind, there are comings and goings.”

“The powerful planet devourers can’t have the upper hand, and the same is true of the giant planet-like guys, and Thanos can’t beat them directly.”

“Not only are they powerful, they have the art of war, and their intuition about war is simply better than everybody else.”

“The others join forces to entangle Sanos, the Planet Devourer and the three monolithic universes of the unknown strong, while the strongest Virgo Golden Saint has the highest priority to take out the weakest High Heavenly Lord as quickly as possible.”

“Once Gao Tianzun is destroyed, he will continue to strike at the weakest link of the Three Gods Alliance.”


“Yes, if I’m not mistaken, this is the strategy of the Golden Arrow.”

“Although you are right, at their level, it should not be the same as we think, right?”

“Less nonsense, the boss is also one of the many strong people in the universe, although he has not reached the Heavenly Father, but he also has the power of the Heavenly Father, okay?”

“If this is the case, Gao Tianzun and Sanos should regret it now, he still underestimated the Sacred Domain people.”

“Maybe there won’t be a lose-lose situation.”

Many people have gone from guessing Zoro’s ideas to admiring his war acumen even more than his strength.

And just like the argument, they can guess, and of course Thanos can guess.

But he was also very wronged, the last time he fought with him was this Taurus Golden Saint Seiya, but at that time he obviously felt that this somewhat grumpy guy was very strong, but he was also limited in strength, and his combat strength was also the top Heavenly Father level.

The plan he made was based on information from that time.

A monomer universe to solve the Heavenly Father level is too simple, unless it is such a peak as Odin; The existence of the Almighty Heavenly Father at the peak.

But how many such people are there?

How many years have passed since then? Where is it going to become stronger?

But the realization was broken by the Sacred Domain people, Thanos could not have imagined that these Sacred Domain people had such a demon, and even now he could not believe it, he almost wanted to point at the Sacred Domain people in front of everyone in the universe and question.

Why can they be so perverted.

When has there been such a perverted race in the entire universe? How much stronger than the other races of the universe do not know.

In a short period of time, the Saint Domain people rose, and the thirteen golden powers shook the universe, and this was the same.

Everyone exclaimed at most to the demon, guessing that the other party might be a descendant of an ancient race or a god, and that in just twenty years or so they could have the combat power of the Heavenly Father, Thanos had to say a word.

How long did it take him to become Heavenly Father? In particular, he is also the best of the Titans, with the highest qualifications.

But then as it should be, their progress ends here.

After all, if you want to jump from the Heavenly Father level to a single universe in such a short period of time, isn’t that a joke? That single-level strong person is not built with time?

Which one is not millions of years and tens of millions?

So Thanos is very confident, three single cosmic level to solve the nine heavenly fathers is not easy?

The truth was, as he thought, that the gold had not become a monolith.

But Nima’s did the same thing as when he was at the top of Odin./Peak, and the Heavenly Father level always resisted the behavior of the single body, which almost made Thanos want to break his mouth.

(Ask for a monthly pass for flowers, thank you guys.) )

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