At this moment,

The three characters Lao Yin Bi has already drawn an equal sign with the owner of the Lion Castle Hotel in Xiao Xiao's heart.

"Did your boss build the entire amusement park project alone?"

He smiled and breathed in the heat wave, and asked the accompanying staff next to him.

"Not all of them?!" The accompanying staff retorted with a serious look.

"Our boss should only be in charge of designing and checking, and other people should do the work of carrying cement, painting paint, and moving concrete in the middle."

"..." He smiled and was speechless.

This hotel seems to be unusual from the owner to the staff.

But anyway, at least the key problem has been found,

The playground here is designed by the hotel owner alone.

"Then did your boss say, are there any precautions for playing these top games?"

Xiaoxiao said without giving up: "For example, when you are afraid, you scream or something?"

The accompanying staff was stunned for a while, with a look of recollection on their faces.

"I don't remember the boss saying this."

"But our boss seems to say that as long as we close our eyes and play, we will definitely survive in the end."

Smile: "..."

The words of the two people passed directly into the live broadcast room.

"Absolutely, I said why the Lion Lake Fort Hotel Amusement Park is delivering water, throat lozenges, and clothes,"

"To co-operate with other playgrounds for money, his playground is to die for!!"

"Hahahaha I have played in so many amusement parks, and this is the first time I have heard from employees that I can survive."

"Are the staff in this hotel so cute!"

Everyone in the live broadcast room was amused by the words of the accompanying staff, but only Xiaoxiao was keenly aware of the three words.

close your eyes,

Could it be that the most crucial way to play Fire Riding Tucheng is to close your eyes? ?

The analysis stream expert Xiaoxiao quickly explored the strategy of the Lion Lake Fort amusement park in his brain.

At this time, he has not only regarded this playground as a place to unwind and play, but also regarded every project as an exploration and deduction game.

"When I was in the city of madness before, as long as you screamed wildly, you could avoid the exciting upgrades of every amusement project and land smoothly."

"And in Knight City, screaming obviously doesn't work."

"Maybe... you can try closing your eyes?!"

This thought quickly appeared in Xiaoxiao's mind.

Just thinking about it here, I heard the employee next to him shout: "Are you ready? It's about to start!"


As the project start-up sound of Jingle Bell began, the seats on the jumping plane began to lift into the air,

Although the height of the giant sword is nearly 100 meters, if it really wants to rise to mid-air, the time is actually very short.

Even some jumping machines can reach the highest point in just a few seconds.

Just - don't do it again and again,

Xiaoxiao closed his eyes directly, and made a gesture of bowing his head, making sure that the audience could see the ground from the perspective of his live broadcast room.

After all, as a cloud tourism anchor,

It is his duty and obligation to bring the most intuitive visual experience to the audience in the live broadcast room.

Although he dared not open his eyes to see,

But he can't deprive the audience of the right to experience the jumping machine! ! !

Let's all die together! ! !

"Fuck, this death perspective!!"

"Are you doing this on purpose?"

"I feel like I'm dying just by looking at it."

"Wori, my legs are weak. Is the sea of ​​lava fire below drawn or a dynamic screen effect!!!"

"Me too!! The magma below looks exactly the same as the real one!!"

The barrage in the live broadcast room was madly brushed out.

The ordinary live broadcast of the jumping machine is basically the scene of looking at the left and right. Even if there is an occasional lowering of the head to shoot the ground, it is mostly unintentional at the slow speed of the ascent, and there are very few people who specifically stare at the ground.

There is basically no one who focuses on locking the perspective on the ground like Xiaoxiao.

If you smile and open your eyes,

He can see that the jumping machine is getting higher and higher off the ground, and the magma and the sea of ​​fire under his feet are more and more real.

The magma seeped into the ground and flowed over the splashed rocks, leaving startling traces.

The lava rolled, the blackened mountain was exposed, and the hilt of the silver sword sealed in the mountain was inserted into it, as if waiting for the warrior to jump into the sea of ​​fire and pull it out!

"Who will explain, what technology is this?!"

"This magma is so realistic that it even has the black magma with the highest temperature."

"I'm going! I just reacted,"

"It turns out that this jumping machine is the anchor jumping down from the tip of the sword and jumping into the sea of ​​​​fire to get the sword!"

"I feel like throwing a stone down, it can be instantly melted by magma."

"Upstairs, throwing objects from high altitude is not acceptable!!"

The audience in the live broadcast room communicated, and the smiles were invisible.

But he listened firmly to the screams and discussions of the accompanying employees.


"Ah ah ah..."

"Fuck, what the **** did the boss fix, can it burn to death if it falls!!!"

"I've been on the jumping machine so many times, how do I feel that the car is going to jump directly to the ground this time!"

"Do you feel hot?"

"Why do I feel like there is a real heat wave blowing me..."

The sweat of the smile has long flowed down his neck.

With his eyes closed, he is more sensitive to his surroundings.

From the very beginning, he felt that the temperature of this project was much higher than other places, as if there was really a continuous cooling magma underneath,

At this time, when he heard the communication with the employees who accompanied him, he was even more grumbling in his heart,

"The owner of this hotel really paid attention to the details!"

"Not only the visual effects and auditory effects are in place, but also the temperature, which is the most easily overlooked thing."

"Speaking of... what's going on down there, I'm really curious~~~"

was thinking,

Suddenly, the upward momentum of the jumping machine suddenly stopped!

"Come, come! Wait for the dead link to come!

Smiling nervously, he held the armrest and closed his eyes.

The most annoying thing is this! !

Raise you to the top, so that you know you will fall the next moment, but you don't know when you will fall.

Suddenly falling down while waiting for you to be anxious and dying, you will lose your voice in fear at the moment of weightlessness!

One second, two seconds, two seconds... six seconds passed.

For a long time, it seems like lying in bed with insomnia and staying up all night,

Just when I couldn't help laughing and wanted to secretly open my eyes,

Suddenly, a strong sense of weightlessness came, and the whole person seemed to be in free fall.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!!!!"

The miserable screams came from the mouths of the accompanying employees.

Xiaoxiao always closed her eyes, but the audience in the live broadcast room was almost scared to pee.

"Damn it, is this about diving into the magma directly from high altitude!"

"Nima, what kind of special effect is this!!! Why did I just see a few drops of magma sprayed from the ground."

"I thought I was the only one who saw it, but I didn't expect you to see it too!"

"...Grass!! Did this really go underground?"

Right at this moment,

The whole live broadcast room seemed to be distorted by the heat wave,

The bright red magma tumbled into the sea of ​​fire, raging on the charred underground mountain, and occasionally burst a few bubbles, splashing on the nearby mountain wall, making the originally dilapidated mountain wall more black holes. .

Although everyone did not feel the same way sitting on the jumping machine,

However, as the line of sight swooped faster and faster, it was as if an air current was pressing down from a height, driving the magma into two sides, exposing the sword hilt hidden in it.

They even felt that they could easily pull the hilt from the ground just by reaching out.

"I am silly!"

"The name is Fearless Sword, and the co-author really created a special effect of a sea of ​​lava and fire to jump in to get the sword."

"This visual effect is simply amazing!!"

"...Do you really think this is a special effect???"


"Have you ever thought that if it's special effects, all we can see is just a flat screen recorded by the camera."

"But the current picture is obviously a picture that can only be recorded by being in the scene!!!"

When everyone in the live broadcast room was feeling the special effects of the Lion Lake Fort Amusement Park, a discordant voice suddenly came out.

"What do you mean?"

"The current cameras are basically wide-angle, and they can naturally cover everything in front of them."

"What's wrong with that?"

Someone in the audience in the live broadcast room raised rebuttals and questions, but then the person continued:

"Indeed, the camera can cover it all."

"But if you sit in a helicopter and shoot the sea from above, and you throw the camera into the sea to shoot, can the picture be the same?!"

As soon as these words came out, the people in the live broadcast room were dumbfounded.

"Damn it, is it possible that this jumping machine leads to the underworld and directly sends the anchor to the eighteenth floor of hell??"

"Although I can't believe it, what the upstairs said makes sense!"

"Why don't the anchors scream! Are they dead?"

The audience in the live broadcast room laughed and laughed.

Although what the popular science barrage said makes sense, they absolutely do not believe that they were really sent directly into the magma by the jumping machine.

Common sense: If any hero really jumped into the volcano, it is estimated that the moment he jumped in, he was obliterated by the high temperature. How could he be able to make such a miserable scream? ?

Although there were no laughing screams in the live broadcast room,

But the good radio equipment can absorb all the screams of the players next to him, and it can't be faked at all.

"But anyway, the visual effects are really too realistic."

"I really want to go and play in person... If I can play in person, it must be very cool."


"Sitting in this jumping machine is like jumping into magma, it's exciting to think about it!"

At this moment, Xiaoxiao, who closed his eyes, didn't know that the audience was discussing fiercely in the live broadcast room. Instead, he clenched the handrail even more, his expression showing a look of horror.

Nima... The speed of this jumping plane's second liftoff is not right! ! !

Generally speaking, there are basically only two ways to play the jumping machine.

One is that a person sits on it, the machine slowly climbs the person to the top, and then suddenly falls freely. At the moment of weightlessness, people feel the stimulation of drilling the wind under their feet, and they can fully experience the sense of time in weightlessness.

The other is that a person sits on it and is brought to a high place by a machine. But the speed is a rapid climb, pushing the person to a height of about 60 meters in less than 2 seconds, and then pulling you down,

Because it is not a free fall, but is pulled down by the acceleration of the machine,

Therefore, it can be regarded as a combination of overweight and weightlessness in an instant, and a little blood can rush to the sky for you.

At first Xiaoxiao thought that the knight jumping machine in Lion Lake Fort was the first way to relax, but it was just a wave of things in free fall.

But I didn't expect that when the jumping machine rose for the second time, the speed soared obviously.

In less than 5 seconds, Xiaoxiao directly experienced a crit that fell from a height of tens of meters, then rose madly, and finally fell madly!

The jumping machine here turned out to be a combination of free fall and rapid ascent!

And every time the jumping machine fell, Xiaoxiao could almost hear the sound of the pipa's flame burning in his ears, and the heat wave rolled over the surface, as if he really jumped into the lava of the sea of ​​fire.

Even the background tuning is done...

This boss is **** killing people! ! ! !

For a moment, Xiao Xiao's lips were numb, and his mind went blank.

"Fuck, I'm going to vomit."

"Am I the only one feeling suffocated?"

"As a person with acrophobia and severe myopia, watching videos is more terrifying than riding a roller coaster myself."

Many viewers in the live broadcast room were frightened by the jumping machine that suddenly took off up and down, and there was chaos in the live broadcast room.

"I'm going, do the anchors want to be so ruthless and dare to reach out and touch the hilt of the sword!"

"The anchor is too brave!"

"If it were me, I would be scared to pee, and I wouldn't dare to draw the hilt."

Everyone in the chaotic live broadcast room was completely stunned.

In the moment just now, the smiling hand in the video picture suddenly stretched out, towards the hilt in the middle of the magma.

Although it was only for a moment, the hand stretched out halfway really shocked everyone.

"Is this the true strength of the father of the big pendulum?"

"I do, I really do."

A lot of gifts and peaches are rising on the screen. Peaches are like rain flowers. All kinds of planes, yachts, peach trees, peach swords and peach darts are flying all over the It is almost impossible to see what is on the screen. picture is up.

In the real situation, under the sudden stimulation, Xiaoxiao's hand slid down in the direction of the jumping machine, and it just happened to be placed on the ground magma hilt.

This gave others the illusion that he was deliberately reaching for the hilt of the sword.

The time of jumping off the building machine is very fast, less than 1 minute in total, and Shengsheng makes Xiaoxiao feel like a reincarnation.

But even if the speed of the jumping machine slows down, the height is getting lower and lower,

Xiaoxiao still kept her head down, her eyes tightly closed, and she didn't dare to open it at all.

I'm afraid that the jumping machine designed by the hotel owner will do something else and make a surprise attack.


At the moment when the jumping plane landed smoothly,

A group of employees rushed up frantically, all rushing in front of Xiaoxiao.

"Sir, sir!! You wake up!!"


The accompanying employees on both sides were also frightened and pale, but they were not frightened by jumping off the building, but by laughing and laughing.

From the start of the jumping machine, the staff found in horror that the guests sitting in the middle and wearing wizard robes kept their heads down and motionless.

Neither looking left or right like the others, nor screaming, like passing out.

Especially when it finally fell, Xiaoxiao's hand suddenly detached from the armrest, and after it flew down, everyone was completely frightened.

For fear that the guest could not stand the excitement and something happened on the jumping plane,

So as soon as the jumping machine stopped, a group of people led the medical staff and rushed in. Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!

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