I Have a Seaside Five-star Hotel

Chapter 464: The boss is the worker

"What are you going to do?"

He smiled and looked at the crowd with a dazed expression, not knowing what happened.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he was forcibly helped from his seat by a group of people and pressed directly on the ambulance frame.

He was a little panicked when he pulled his eyelids and used the flashlight again.

"I'm fine, I'm really fine!!"

But the hotel playground staff didn't listen to him at all, and they came up with various inspections, and even the fans in the live broadcast room were frightened.

"I'm going, this flashlight almost blinded me!"

"What's the matter, what happened to the host?"

"What happened?"

"Could it be that he was cursed by Vikham's magic and got the hilt and injured his body??"

"...You upstairs are calm and calm!!"

"This is an amusement park, not a TV show!"

Although Xiaoxiao always insisted that she was fine, the medical staff in the playground still did not dare to be careless. get up,

"Sorry, sir, for wasting your time."

"Very sorry."

Xiaoxiao sat on the rest stool next to her, rubbing her eyes with her hands, and said, "It's okay, it's okay."

good guy,

It was the first time he had been dazzled with a flashlight when he was so old.

Now he feels like the great wizard Vicham is possessed, observing the stars through the crystal ball, and closing his eyes are full of stars.

Quite exciting...!

After a long time, Xiaoxiao felt that her eyes were much better.

But even though Xiaoxiao made it clear that he was fine, and there was no problem under a simple inspection,

But the medical staff in the playground still didn't dare to be careless, and stood beside each other and circled the inside and outside of Xiaoxiao. Nearly ten pairs of eyes stared at Xiaoxiao together, making Xiaoxiao's whole body hairy.

This kind of scene...how do you feel that you will be surrounded by everyone in the next moment!

A little scared.

Xiaoxiao swallowed her saliva, and on the principle of easing the embarrassing atmosphere, she whispered, "I'll trouble you, I'll make trouble for you."

"This... the medical staff at our playground came very quickly."

"No trouble sir," a medical staff said quickly: "Almost every large project in our park is equipped with an emergency rescue team to ensure that as long as the customer is in an uncomfortable situation, we can arrive in time for rescue."

"Every large-scale project has it?!" Xiaoxiao was stunned for a moment, how many people must be supported!

In an ordinary amusement park, it is very good to have an emergency rescue team and a medical office in each area. There are teams for every large-scale project here. Is it a waste of resources?

And looking at the number of people and equipment, even if it is not the top configuration, it is at least a mid-to-high standard.

The owner of this hotel... is really rich! ! ! !

Xiaoxiao sent out a deep emotion in her heart!

But he sighed with emotion, he was a big man who was treated like a panda, and it was really unbearable.

"I'm really fine. I'm sorry for causing trouble for everyone. You can hurry up and stop staring at me."

Smile very sincerely.

"No trouble sir, you'd better observe and observe your situation, and we have nothing to do..." An ambulance worker waved his hand and smiled eagerly.

After waiting all morning, it is finally open!

The hope is that they finally have an opportunity to show their faces and work!

Although all of them are employees of the same playground department, other project controllers, safety guards, accompanying employees and store employees have the opportunity to work and receive guests.

Only they sat idle in the infirmary, each one felt sorry for the salary given by the boss.

Now that I have finally seized the opportunity of work, I naturally cannot let it go!

"Got..." Xiaoxiao looked at the enthusiastic eyes of everyone, knowing that he would not be able to run for a while.

And the jump from the building just now really scared me a lot, so let's take a break now.

"Sir, would you like a cup of stamina potion to recover?"

A playground employee came over and spoke enthusiastically.

"Physical strength medicine? What is that?" There was a puzzled look on the smiling face.

The playground staff enthusiastically said: "The stamina potion is a drink specially provided to tourists in our Flame Knight City. It has a miraculous effect on restoring stamina and increasing courage!"

"Would you like to try it?!"

Smile and eyes light up!

The magic recovery liquid of the crazy wizard city, the stamina potion of the flame knight city~~~~

You really don't need to say, Lion Lake Fort Hotel Amusement Park really paid attention to the details of these small objects!

"How much for a bottle?"


"...Okay, come on."


When Xiaoxiao got the physical strength potion in his hand, everyone was stupid.

The delicate glass is polished with a pit-like touch. The cork at the mouth of the bottle is tied with a red string. The copper buttons and leather straps can be easily fixed on the saddle and armor to carry with you. Bright red The liquid is like duck blood that has just been killed, bright and transparent like a red gemstone, and it looks like agate in the glass through the sunlight, and it has a colorful luster.

It's not scientific 100%

At first, he thought that this stamina potion, like the magic recovery liquid, was ordinary mineral water.

But unexpectedly, it was actually made into the shape of a potion! !

And what's the liquid in here?

Xiaoxiao held the heavy bottle in his hand, pondered for a long time, and suddenly asked in a low voice:

"Hello, I want to ask, this bottle... After I finish drinking the potion, do you still want to recycle it?"

The playground staff quickly explained: "No need, sir, this is what you paid for, and it all belongs to you. The hotel does not do compulsory recycling."

"But if it's inconvenient to carry the bottle after you've finished drinking, you can hand it over to us and we'll take care of you."

"Oooh." Xiaoxiao nodded thoughtfully, then continued to look at the bottle in his hand.

The hotel wool activity has started again...

Not to mention what the red liquid inside is, is it good to drink?

Just the workmanship and quality of this glass bottle is far more than 45 yuan!

Put this on the Internet, you can easily sell it for 200, but it only charges 45 here! !

Another comparison of the creamy ice Coke in a plastic paper cup is a theme park where all the magic is spent, smiles and feels that he has made a fortune.

"Let me taste what this tastes like."

Xiaoxiao took off the cork curiously and poured the liquid from the bottle into his mouth.

Sweet, sour, and refreshing.

The taste is a bit like grape juice, but also like small berries, with some mint fragrance mixed in the middle, and it has a cool and refreshing taste. The taste is quite good!

"What kind of juice is this?" Xiaoxiao looked at the drink in her hand in amazement and asked curiously.

"This is also the season's fresh berry juice carefully prepared by our boss." The playground staff said the words "our boss" with unparalleled pride,

There is a sense of pride in the words "this is my son's juice".

"Your boss is really amazing." Xiaoxiao exclaimed from the bottom of his heart.

After such a long period of repairs, the medical staff at the amusement park determined that there was nothing wrong with Xiaoxiao's body, and after repeated instructions, they reluctantly returned to the medical room.

"Mr. Wizard, congratulations on your successful capture of the Fearless Sword, and I wish you a good time in your next adventure."

The playground staff enthusiastically presented a red knight card.

On the frosted background of the gorgeous sword and shield, a silver giant sword is printed in the center of the card, and the hilt is also stained with magma and flames.

"The shield of the warrior and the sword of fearlessness are now in our hands, and now we need the last knight's holy relic to fight the darkness."

I don't know if it's the gain function of "Physical Strength Potion", or if I played a few large-scale stimulation programs and played stress immunity as soon as I came up, Xiaoxiao's state is unparalleled, and the whole person seems to be alive again, full of energy,

He even felt that there were no thrilling projects that could shake his heart.

Standing on the spot and scanning the surroundings, Xiaoxiao finally fixed his gaze on a large project in front of the amusement park.

"The last one is you...!!"


"Since the age of magic, there has always been a legend of knights that frightened monsters."

"In mortal flesh, they guard the safety of the country and the happiness of the people with sword and shield amid chaos and death,"

"But whether it's the warrior's shield or the fearless sword, it's just something outside the body."

"Only with a persistent heart can we truly fight against the darkness and win the final victory of mankind."

"Brave warriors, please find that heart in the dark!"


"I always thought that the last relic would be armor, a protective suit for Paladin Orleans, but I didn't expect it to be a heart."

"This setting feels that the accumulation of small cards on the street has risen to Epic Heroes in an instant."

"To be honest, I kind of like this worldview."

Seeing that the holy relic of the last Paladin came out of the water, everyone in the live broadcast room exclaimed in admiration.

Although the Wizard Zombie Mummy Chaos War in the Magic Century Theme Park is also very cool, it is dazzling and fun to play, and the visual effects are really good, but there is always a feeling of ignorance.

I don't know how this war came, nor how it didn't end.

The perspective is fixed on the wizard for a while, on the zombie for a while, and on the mummy for a while. In short, it is very messy.

I don't even know who is the good guy and who is the bad guy.

Anyway, just sit in and click and play.

But the story line of the Lion Lake Fort Amusement Park is much clearer than the story of the Magic Century Theme Park Amusement Park.

In the form of game projects, just like a storybook, the characters and design backgrounds are turned to you page by page,

As for the environmental background of the magical world, it is directly displayed to others through the inner streets of the amusement park area in a quite intuitive way. Even the costumes, drinks and food of the characters in the magical era are available, and the sense of substitution is very strong!

"Is there anyone who can write a novel based on this setting! I want to read it!!"

"Yeah, the anchor asked the hotel if there were fan comics for sale!"

"Wait...what a fan, it's obviously an original!"

The audience in the live broadcast room left messages one after another, and the smiles were also a little itchy.

"Excuse me, do we have novels or comics with corresponding backgrounds for sale here?"

The playground staff froze for a moment.

I don't seem to have heard the boss say that there is such a thing!

But the whole playground doesn't really seem to sell this kind of thing.

"We don't have this in our playground yet, but I can give your opinion to our boss." The playground staff spoke quickly.

"How do I feel that in this hotel, the boss is the real worker???"

"The amusement park was built by the boss, designed by the project boss, and thought by the boss in the background of the story. The juice sold in the park was adjusted by the boss, and the employees would find the boss as soon as they encountered something."

"Such an almighty boss, give me a stack!!"

"To tell the truth, give me such a boss, and I can pull him to work overtime to death!"

"Is this hotel still hiring?"

After a whole afternoon of cloud tourism,

Everyone in the live broadcast room was not only planted grass by various projects and staff services in the playground, but also had a strong interest in this omnipotent hotel owner.

Just when everyone was discussing the hotel owner, Xiaoxiao had come to the high-altitude room more than 100 meters high under the guidance of the staff.

The interior of the entire room is black, and the walls are covered with traces of various swords, guns and swords, and there is a mess everywhere. It seems that an extremely tragic war has occurred here.

In front of Xiaoxiao, a huge wooden door was tightly closed, and there seemed to be a faint fire coming from the crack of the door. I didn't know what was on the other side of the door.

Smiling a little bit with a toothache.

He is now in awe of all the "door" buildings of the Lion Lake Fort Hotel.

Whether it is the hidden door of the squirrel bookstore in the small town~www.readwn.com~ or the wall door from the crazy wizard city to the flame knight city, every door is designed unexpectedly and full of surprises,

You can't imagine what's behind the door after you push it open.

But... this is about 100 meters high in the sky. No matter how powerful that door is, where can it lead to?

You can't open the door and go straight to heaven, right? ?

"Mr. Wizard, are you sure you want to seize your attachment now?"

"Once you decide to go to the dark to find the heart of persistence, you can't return to the Fire Knight City. If you still have unfinished tasks in the Knight City, you can go to explore again, and come back to challenge after the exploration is complete."

The playground staff stood by the gate and spoke seriously.

There is a feeling that if you dare to leave, you will never want to come back.

"I'm sure." Xiaoxiao took a deep breath.

"Then did you get the Warrior's Shield and the Fearless Sword?" The playground staff asked unwillingly again.

"I have it all." Xiaoxiao said affirmatively again.

"Okay, Mr. Wizard... I wish you a good trip."

I have a seaside five-star hotel https://

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