I Have a Seaside Five-star Hotel

Chapter 610: Have a little heart!

Latest website: Chen Jianhai breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the first half of the sentence.

But when he heard the second half of the sentence, Chen Jianhai was a little flustered.

This disease deserves attention! ,

Now he is a young man with good health, but if he doesn't pay attention like this,

In the future, when I get older, will it be difficult to adjust? !

The most unequal money exchange in the world is to exchange your life for money when you are young, and exchange your life for money when you are old!

Speaking of money...

"Lie on your side." The doctor's cold voice sounded.

Chen Jianhai lay on his side honestly, then unlocked his phone and opened Qin Li's chat page.

"How is it displayed in the game??"

Chen Jianhai looked at the "game console" status displayed under the other party's avatar, with a helpless look in his eyes.

Among the people he knew around him, two had the most personalities.

One is Huang Baichuan, who drinks at work all day long.

One is Qin Li, who plays games all day at work.

It's literally "outrageous" written on the face.

But he couldn't say anything yet.

After all, Chen Jianhai also sleeps when he goes to work all day.

Everyone is half a pound, and they are all irregular workers.

Since the last time Chen Jianhai and Qin Li finished talking about "the hotel of the Coconut Umbrella Hotel Industry Association and the Fengshen Buddha", he has been busy with the cross-hotel package.

Now the association's package business has begun to emerge,

At first glance, the results are pretty good.

Chen Jianhai was also moved, and wanted to give the coconut umbrella hotel another boost.

Let's see if we can implement this project next year on the first anniversary of Fengshen Buddha Temple.


"What is this big brother doing, why don't you reply to the news!"

Chen Jianhai waited for a long time and did not see a reply from the other party.

Simply log in to the game directly and go to the game to private message him.

Just when Chen Jianhai clicked into the game, selected "Qin Li", and prepared to edit the message~!

An icy aura came from behind him, making him smart.

"If you're in a hurry, finish the game and do the physical examination." The doctor's cold voice sounded from behind Chen Jianhai.

Chen Jianhai: ? ? ?

Although the doctor's voice was cold from the very beginning, this sentence was obviously wrong.

"I'm not in a hurry." Chen Jianhai put down the phone very wisely.

"Too disrespectful?!" There was a hint of anger in the doctor's cold words.

"We did a hard physical examination for you here, but you lie here and play games!"

"I'm sorry, I was wrong, I was wrong." When Chen Jianhai heard that this battle was not right, he quickly apologized.

The next inspection was uneventful,

After getting off the medical examination bed, Chen Jianhai apologized to the doctor again embarrassedly, and then pushed open the door of the examination room.

The guide came over, looked at Chen Jianhai's medical checklist, and said:

"Go to the fourth floor to line up for CT."

"OK, thanks."

Get on the elevator and walk to the fourth floor. There are at least 30 people sitting in the CT queue hall, and everyone is queuing.

Handing the list to the doctor, Chen Jianhai found a corner and sat down.

turn on the phone,

Qin Li was still at the start of the intense game, and he still did not reply to him. He was probably leading a group to play the book.

Just when Chen Jian Haibai was yawning boredly, a person sat beside him.

"How is the physical examination??" Xu Qiaoni's voice came over.

"Say my myocardial ischemia, let me stay up late and exercise more. How about you?"

"Tell me that my waist is not good, let me sit less and exercise more."

Both Xu Qiaoni and Chen Jianhai laughed.

Where's the time...

Every day is a thing.

"Why didn't you call Xiao Lang this time?" Xu Bo asked curiously.

"Why didn't you find it!"

Chen Jianhai replied angrily.

"The grandson didn't know where to go recently, and he didn't reply to messages, and no one was in the store."

Speaking of Xiaolang, Chen Jianhai felt a little flustered.

It's been more than a month, and Xiaolang is like a disappearance in the world, without even a shadow.

"This fool can't be kidnapped, right?" Xu Bo asked in confusion.

"Take it down." Chen Jianhai waved his hand, "Just because of his deadly virtue, he will be taken home to be raised by his ancestors?"

"I'll contact him again in the past few days. Anyway, my medical examination is on the public account, so I'm not in a hurry."

After a pause, Chen Jianhai asked:

"Big wave, if I split the dessert house out of the hotel and set up a separate department, do you think it's feasible?"

"Set up a separate department? Set up a dessert department?" Xu Bo didn't understand what Chen Jianhai meant.

"It's not the dessert department...it's the establishment of a dessert company." Chen Jianhai said.

"I have an idea to separate the dessert room and make it an independent brand like Summer Momo. What do you think?"

Chen Jianhai looked at Xu Bo seriously, wanting to hear the other party's reaction.

Since he finished drinking with Huang Baichuan last time, his mind has been completely alive.

Now that Summer Momo has just opened, the foundation and market have not yet been established, and Chen Jianhai is not ready to expand rashly.

In a few months, the sales of Momo will be more stable in summer, and there will be more fans in the market.

Chen Jianhai really wants to set up another dessert company, let him join hands with Xia Momo, leave Nanjiang, and grow up independently!

"You mean to separate the desserts from the hotel and set up a separate company?" Xu Bo said in surprise.

"I have this plan..." Chen Jianhai nodded honestly.

"It's feasible, it's feasible," Xu Bo said with a frown.

"Currently, the hotel is supplying summer desserts in the South River, and the pressure is really too great."

"If you can get a modern dessert factory and build a large dessert industrial park, even if your dessert shop opens all over the country in the future, it will be enough to ensure the production line and food quality control..."

"But do you have enough funds?" Xu Bo asked a question from his soul.

Chen Jianhai suddenly became discouraged and said in a muffled voice:

"I haven't counted the money... It seems that it's not enough now."

During this period of time, he built factories, opened coffee shops, and spent tens of millions of dollars to buy a noodle factory. Almost all the money he earned from opening a hotel was thrown into it.

Imagine Chinese Network

However, no problem!

When the order of the small horse turtle basket weaving factory is completed and 6 million Dihua Jin is received, he will have money again!

When the time comes, see how many more bags of noodles your noodle factory sells, and how many more cups of coffee it sells in summer,

When the tourist season of Nanjiang arrives, Lang Ai and Jasmine will sell a few more rooms...

By piecing things together, the Dessert Industrial Park can also make a down payment... Maybe the full payment!

"Haizi, although I haven't done business myself."

"But I still think that doing business is like cooking, so you can't be in a hurry."

"You have to use the ingredients in your hand and make this dish before you start to make the next dish."

Xu Bo said bitterly.

"You have already expanded your three hotels very quickly. My suggestion is to stabilize first."

"Wait until the funds in hand are abundant and the market has figured it out before deciding whether to expand and open a store."

"Well. I see." Chen Jianhai nodded.


Chen Jianhai spoke half jokingly and half seriously:

"Dabo, if I set up a comprehensive food and dessert company in the future, are you willing to take care of it?"

"I don't want to." Xu Bo refused without even thinking about it.

"Why!" Chen Jianhai was stunned.

Xu Bo glanced at Chen Jianhai with disdain, and said a very domineering sentence:

"I came to the hotel to cook to realize my dream, not to work for you."

Xu Bo stretched out his hand.

Those beautiful hands with fair, slender, slender knuckles and faintly revealing blood vessels, after more than a year of kneading and cooking, the fingers are all clearly visible with small dry lines, which are too rough.

"Speaking of which, if I really manage the company, can I go home?!"

"There is still a big business in my family waiting for me to go back and inherit it!"

"Wait..." Looking at Xu Bo's wide-eyed eyes, Chen Jianhai felt speechless for a while.

"Jingle bell~~"

The phone rang.

"Hello?!" Chen Jianhai picked up the phone and gradually frowned.

"Melancholy Honey...??! Is this troupe reliable?"

"In this way, you let them prepare first, and then look for other suitable troupes."

"A month later, let them come to the hotel to audition, and I will sign the contract after I have seen the pass."

"Well...you can give them a little money, but not too much."

"Okay, let's get in touch again."

Looking at Chen Jianhai's dull face, Xu Bo asked curiously, "The hotel is going to hold an event again?!"

"Yes." Chen Jianhai said helplessly:

"I was planning to do a stage show at Lion Castle, and I asked Lin Suyang to find a reliable troupe. In the end, he found me a troupe that just graduated and hasn't been on stage yet. Really..."

Chen Jianhai swallowed the second half of his sentence.

Xu Bo didn't care.

"What's wrong with just graduating?!"

"When the staff of Langai Hotel started your business with you, they didn't even graduate, and they're doing pretty well now."

As soon as these words came out, Chen Jianhai felt a lot better in an instant.

"But this is a stage play after all, it's different from working in a hotel." Chen Jianhai was a little worried.

"What's the difference? Isn't it all played by humans!" Xu Bo said rudely and went back.

"Okay, you've become a big boss, you have a little mind, don't go back more and more."

the other side

Xiaomajia Island, Nanjiang City

Lin Suyang hung up the phone nervously and exhaled softly.

Dangerous move...

Too dangerous!

He was sure that if it wasn't for his good performance in the past and his reliable work, Chen Jianhai would have almost scolded someone on the phone just now.

A newly graduated drama and dance troupe with only a dozen people,

Apart from performing on the school stage, I have almost never had any stage experience,

It is absolutely crazy to ask such a "young" team to play "Vicham Dark Wizard"!

"But they are really good!

"Lin Suyang's eyes flashed with determination.

In the past few days, he lives in the library with the members of the Melancholy Honey Repertory Troupe every day, watching them rehearse during the day and watching them study stories and scripts together at night, eating and drinking together.

The members of these drama troupes have just graduated, and their minds are very pure.

Not only did he show Lin Suyang his script, he even dragged him to discuss it, treating him as a confidant and his own.

In Lin Suyang's view,

Although "Melancholy Honey" has just debuted, it is still immature in many ways due to lack of experience,

But things like talent and dreams will never be overshadowed by years.

As long as you can provide them with a suitable stage and an opportunity, you can let them display their talents to the fullest!

After seeking the consent of Chen Jianhai,

Lin Suyang pushed open the door of Haiya Library.

In the hall of the library, the original mobile bookshelves were neatly pushed to the corner, and a dozen young people were lighting the lamps and sitting around the table, conceiving and designing the latest script.

Seeing Lin Suyang coming in, the "God of Pirates" quickly greeted him:

"Brother Lin, help us analyze and analyze,"

"Is it better to use 'Did she cry?' or 'She cried.' better?"

Lin Suyang glanced at the script on the table, took a deep breath, sat on the stool, and said slowly:

"I planned to get along with you as ordinary people, but I didn't expect that in exchange for it was closeness and trust."

"Forget it, I won't pretend, I'll showdown."

"I'm actually the head of the propaganda department of the Langai Hotel."

"I'm looking for you today to invite you to come to the Lion Castle Hotel to perform a magical stage play."

Speaking of which,

Lin Suyang made a slight pause very artistically.

After all, this kind of big news needs enough time for people to react.

as predicted,

All the members of the "Melancholy Honey" at the table widened their eyes and looked at Lin Suyang with bewildered expressions.

"Brother Lin... Are you serious, or are you kidding us?"

"God of Pirates" swallowed hard, his voice trembling.

Without saying a word, Lin Suyang directly turned on the phone to call up the official website of Langai Hotel, found his own page in the "Hotel Staff" column, and then rudely put the phone on the table.

Watching the "God of Pirates" pick up the phone, he looked shocked.

Lin Suyang let out a light sigh of relief.

This official website was built by him personally led by people from the propaganda department.

In addition to the boss, the hotel employees have the most handsome photos of themselves!

Not only the smile is the warmest and most friendly, but every eyelash is meticulously pampered!

"Then you have been eating and living with us for so long, is it to test us??"

After comparing the photos and real people several times, the "God of Pirates" expressed his inner doubts in doubt~www.readwn.com~ can be understood in this way. "Lin Suyang nodded.

"Because the story of this magical stage play is based on the project of the hotel playground."

"I can only provide the general background and characters of the magical story here. The specific script and plot need to be completed by yourself."

Lin Suyang spoke with a serious face.

"If you agree to perform, I will arrange for you to audition on stage a month later,"

"During this month's rehearsal period, I will pay you a certain amount of work expenses to ensure your normal life."

"After the successful audition, the two parties formally signed the contract."

"You guys think about it."

After speaking, Lin Suyang leaned back and quietly waited for the response from these people.

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