I Have a Seaside Five-star Hotel

Chapter 611: Crazy Mermaid

Latest URL: "I want to try."

"what about you?"

The voice of the pirate **** trembled a little,

After all, for a troupe that has repeatedly failed and has never had a stage,

Every opportunity that comes up is extremely precious, don't let it go!

Don't say it's been a month, even if it's only a week, they still want to fight to the death!

Not to mention that Lin Suyang also pays them for a month's work!

No matter how you look at it, they earn it.

"I'm listening to the captain!"

"I also listen to the captain!

! "

The team members hardly hesitated, and they all agreed.

"Okay, here's my contact information and address." Lin Suyang took out a business card and handed it to the "God of Pirates".

"Contact me in a month and I'll tell you where the audition is."

"Prepare well."

After a pause, Lin Suyang said deeply, "I'm optimistic about you."

But don't embarrass me...

oh oh oh.

That night, Lin Suyang went down the mountain with his bag and stayed at the Jasmine Hotel.

These days, in order to find out the truth and the strength of the opponent, he spends days and nights hanging out with the "melancholy honeys", living in the Haiya Library every night, and his body is going sour.

Back at the hotel, I took a comfortable bath and went downstairs to enjoy a gentle spa.

Looking at the orange sea in the sunset,

Lin Suyang grumbled in his heart:

"Can they do it..."

Although "Melancholy Honey" is young and talented, it is a young team after all.

Is it too reckless to invite an immature stage troupe to perform the magic repertoire of the Lion Castle Hotel so passionately? !

At that time, if it is broken, the boss must not tear himself up!

Thinking of Chen Jianhai's questioning tone on the phone, Lin Suyang felt more flustered the more he thought about it.

The hotel promotes this, it doesn't matter if there is a small flaw.

But what the boss personally explained, if he loses the chain, it will directly affect the future development!

Thinking of this, Lin Suyang jumped off the spa bed with a carp.

I didn't dare to delay for a minute, and then went on a journey to find a replacement troupe.

When Lin Suyang was anxiously looking for a new team,

Inside the Sea Cliff Library on Xiaomajia Island

The "Melancholy Honey" crowd gathered together and watched the live video playback of the "Huadu Xiaoxiao" Lion Castle Hotel Amusement Park playing on the pad, and their eyes glowed green with excitement!


"Worge, I'll be able to play Vicham one day!


After accepting Lin Suyang's audition invitation,

The "Melancholy Honey" people immediately found all the fans and pictures about the "Vikam" series on the Internet, and found the most popular travel video "Huadu Xiaoxiao" on the Internet.

After spending most of the night, everyone finally got a general understanding of the world of "Vikam".

Turning off the pad, "God of Pirates" looked at his team members and asked:

"There is no script, no written materials, we have to audition a segment within a month, and the task is very arduous."

"The main thing now is to determine the plot and script of the show."

"What's everyone's opinion?"

"member a" said, "there is only one protagonist on the stage, and the protagonist is the soul of the play."

"Since this world is the dark wizarding world of Vicham, I suggest editing Vicham's storyline with the wizarding city as the background."

"member b" shook his head.

"The character Vikham gives me...he is a very restrained person with a very strong spiritual field."

"Such a character is not suitable for other lines besides chanting incantations."

"The protagonist of a stage play not only needs to have the ability to connect the entire play and link various clues. It also needs to have a very strong expressiveness and appeal."

"Vicham is not suitable."

When everyone heard this, they all nodded.

A stage script is a performance with an extremely vivid form of expression, which requires actors to interpret the plot and characters with passion and emotion.

You can't just put an actor on stage and do nothing, just stare at the stars, right? !

"Would you like to consider a knight?" member c said.

"First of all, the role of the knight is an important role in the dark wizarding world of Vicham, and this role connects the mermaid city and the wizard city."

"Kindness, bravery, fearlessness, toughness, adventure... All the qualities and virtues that the protagonists of these stage plays should have are possessed by knights."

"member b" said, "I think knights are more suitable for the protagonist than Vickam."

"I agree." Member c said.

"If the protagonist is a knight, we can choreograph some sword-and-shield fight scenes, and the visual effects will also look good."

The God of Pirates seriously listened to the opinions of the team members, nodded, and said:

"Okay, then the protagonist will be a knight."

"In terms of the audition, I think it's best to focus on restoring the game project."

"First, there are ready-made story props for us to refer to, which is convenient for publishing. Second, the audience is also familiar with it and can quickly bring the scene into it."

Think about it,

The God of Pirates pondered for a while and said, "I want to choose a knight to enter the bottom of the lake, seize the persistent heart, go to the Mermaid City for adventure, and quell the wrath of the sea king as an audition clip."

"What do you think?"

The other members of the group looked at each other with hesitation and entanglement in their eyes.

"Knights seize the heart of perseverance. The most fun and exciting place is that the knights pass through the big slide, cross the bottom of the deep lake, and enter the Mermaid City."

"The slide is good, but the scene of the deep lake is not easy to do."

The "Dance Beauty" of "Melancholy Honey" frowned.

"And Sea King's trident may not be able to make realistic props within a month, it's a bit difficult..."

In addition to the characters and plot, the stage play also relies heavily on the lighting, scenery and decoration on the stage.

Only when these factors are combined together can a successful and complete stage play be made.

If any of these links are missing, the effect will be discounted.

After pondering for a while,

"Dance Beauty" said: "Captain, I actually don't think the idea of ​​restoring the game project is very realistic."

"We don't even know where the audition venue is now, and we have absolutely no advantage in the arrangement of props."

"Instead of deliberately fitting the amusement park project, let's make a wonderful magic short film."

"For example, we can use Vicham's persecution of mermen as the background of the story and come up with a small clip."

"In today's stories and movies, blood can't be red. Then we can use foam, star shreds or cut candy paper instead of blood."

"Gene Era"

"When the time comes, it will be spilled on the stage, and it will be beautiful and interesting with the light."

Speaking of this, "Dance Beauty" then said:

"I personally think that there are really too many protagonists of this kind on the stage now."

"With the knight as the protagonist, although you can't go wrong, it won't be too brilliant."

"There's only one chance anyway."

"Should we try to make a crazy mermaid protagonist and play a big one?!"

Crazy mermaid protagonist?

The corners of the "Pirate God"'s mouth twitched slightly.

Crazy criticism... It's really been quite popular recently.

But the merman has always been a broken image of persecution in the dark world of Vicham,

Can it go crazy?

When others criticize them like crazy, they not only kill others, but also kill themselves.

How crazy is the mermaid? ? ?

Sing and blow bubbles in the water? ?

"God of Pirates" is not very clear.

Now the audience's appetite is changing with each passing day, and no one knows when a character design will be inexplicably popular.

But I have to say,

The idea is really tempting!

"What do you think?" The God of Pirates looked at everyone.

"I think I can try it. UU reading www.uukanshu.com" The captain thought for a moment and then answered.

"Brother Lin said that we are not responsible for the venue, we just need to come up with the script and actors."

"I think the venue and layout may not need us to do it at all, and the hotel will arrange it by itself."

"We might as well take advantage of the limited time and come up with a good script,"

The others also nodded.

The God of Pirates nodded: "Okay, then do it!"

"Anyway, we now have a month's work fee from Brother Lin, which is enough for us to live for a month. We will work hard, according to the highest standards, carefully polish a script and give him a beautiful performance. !"

"If this performance is successful, then we can also take this opportunity to gain popularity, and the future is bright!"


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