I Have a Seaside Five-star Hotel

Chapter 89: small vest island

Small vest island.

Located in the southeast of Nanjiang City, the island is shaped like a small vest, hence the name.

Standing on the deck, feeling the freedom of the cool sea breeze blowing through the fingers, smelling the unique faint fishy smell of the sea, Chen Jianhai enjoyed it immensely.

There are endless seas everywhere.

The blue sea was ups and downs, and the hull quickly sailed through the snow-white waves, as if the tail of a huge butterfly fish stretched and swayed behind the boat.

The white seagulls stretched their wings across the clear blue sky,

The whole world exudes a clean and free atmosphere.

Chen Jianhai took a deep breath and shouted:

"My Chen Jianhai is the most awesome!!!"

"I must build the best hotel in the whole Nam River!!!"

"I want to join the Coconut Umbrella Industry Association!!!!"

"I'll do your second uncle!!!!"

On the deck, Xiao Lang and Xu Bo, who were packing the fishing rods and bait, couldn't listen anymore and cursed:

"Don't be crazy, come and clean up!"



As the small yacht continued to accelerate away from the coastline,

The sound of "Boom Rumble" became louder and louder, and the low and powerful sound of the motor was like a horse with strong limbs, galloping fast in the ocean.

Today's waves are a bit big, even Chen Jianhai is a little dizzy.

On the bow of the small yacht, Xiao Lang clutched the boat pole tightly, took out his mobile phone in his right hand, and wanted to take a selfie.

Between the tremblings, Chen Jianhai stood against the sea breeze and asked loudly:

"The waves are so big, can you hold your phone steady!".

"What are the waves! As long as I have more waves than him! I can hold my phone!"

"This is called controlling waves with waves!!"

While talking, Xiao Lang stepped one foot on the mast of the ship, and pressed the shutter happily.

Leaving a very blurry selfie.

After the speedboat drove for about 52 minutes,

Chen Jianhai looked ahead,

I saw a small green island poking its head above the sea level,

It should be the destination of their trip, Xiaomajia Island.

Since this is a small island that has just been developed, there are almost no artificial traces left in the surrounding waters.

The closer you get to the small islands and reefs, the shallower the sea level is. In order to prevent hitting the reefs, the speed of the speedboat is getting slower and slower.

Although he was used to seeing the sea on weekdays, Chen Jianhai was still shocked by the scenery in front of him.

The sea and sky are the same color, blue sea and blue sky.

All time and space are drawn closer.

Large swaths of white clouds seemed to float lazily above their heads, and a piece could be torn off just by gently reaching out.

The blue-green water is like a side of melting glass, clear and transparent. When you lower your head, you can even see the shadow of a small yacht on the bottom of the sea.

not far away,

The snow-white fine sand covers the entire island, shining brightly under the sunlight.

When the boat docked, Chen Jianhai excitedly picked up his luggage and stepped directly into the sea with his bare feet.

Just as the soft sand rubbed the soles of the feet, it was swept away by the cool sea water. It was itchy, slippery, and so delicate that it felt comfortable to the tip of the toes.

"Brother Lang!"

A middle-aged fisherman with a straw hat and tanned body came over enthusiastically.

"Old Yan!"

When Xiao Lang saw the middle-aged fisherman, he immediately walked over enthusiastically, and the two of them came directly to hug from a good brother.

"Aren't you tired from the journey!? Go! Go to my house, the food is ready, the fish I just caught in the morning!"

After Lao Yan finished speaking,

Directly led Xiaolang and a few people to get on a blue bouncing car similar to a three-wheeled car, and drove towards the island.


Xiaomajia Island is not very big.

But the scenery is beautiful, all the buildings look simple, and the cement pavement is very clean.

The longest path Lao Yan took with Chen Jianhai and the others was only three or four hundred meters.

You can see the head at a glance.

Although the island is not big, it has all the necessary facilities.

Perhaps it is because the air is fresh and there is no pollution.

Everything here seems to have a 4K pure enjoyment filter turned on, and the colors and scenery are so clear that people seem to be in a painting.

On this street, there are fruit shops, barber shops, banks, post offices, barber shops, TV stations and other necessary facilities for life.

Next to the cinema is a cafe, and next to the cafe is a lottery station.

Several children squatted on the stone pier at the door, scratching the lottery tickets with coins,

In front of the fruit stand, in addition to fresh and delicious local fruits, there is also a small board in front of it, which is dedicated to hanging local fish bones and small souvenirs of shells.

There are hardly any people driving on the whole street,

Except for the blue bouncing that Chen Jianhai and the others ride on, the rest are the free minibuses on the island.

Private cars and sedan vehicles are basically invisible.

All the islanders are walking carelessly in the middle of the road,

The child was wearing a vest and shorts, happily chasing and running on the road, and watching Xiaolang was extremely envious.

"It's no exaggeration to say this place is heaven!"

Lao Yan smiled indifferently and said:

"Everyone who just came here thinks it's good here."

"Our island, one day is heaven, one week is earth, one month is hell."

"When you come now, it's good time to have a good time."

"If you encounter a typhoon, it's scary, half the roof can be blown to the sky!"

along the way,

Lao Yan told Chen Jianhai and the others a lot about the customs of Xiaomajia Island, and a few people were very interested.

"Our island, although the number of people is small, only more than 4,000 people, but there are more than 300 people in our satellite group."

"What movie will be played in the cinema tomorrow, what cargo ship will enter the port, whose water bottle has landed at the lottery station, and the wave alarm will all be said in the group."

"Every Friday is the island's Love Island Day. Every family goes to the streets and the beach with tools to pick up garbage, clean up rubble, and shovel weeds. They are very united."


Lao Yan said it happily, and several people listened with relish.

"So is there no hotel here?" Chen Jianhai suddenly asked.

"Who would build a hotel in such a ghost place~www.readwn.com~ said with a wry smile.

"It takes an hour to drive the boat from Nanjiang City. How much will it cost to transport the materials and workers for building the hotel."

"And there are often typhoons on the island."

"Once the typhoon comes, let alone the roof is lifted, the pigs raised in the pigpen at home will be blown away. By then, the hotel will be blown away before half of it is built."

What Lao Yan said was very true.

Television stations, signal towers, cinemas, and major roads are all planned and established by relevant local organizations.

But a privately run thing like a hotel would be difficult to build on a small island without extremely strong financial resources.

Besides, those who can come to Xiaomajia Island,

That is to say, I came here for the snorkeling, sea fishing and the sea and the sky.

After staying at the fisherman's house for a few days, eating some sea fishing and trying new things, he left.

Who would want to live here forever?

It sounds bad to say,

Whenever there is a typhoon and you can't go out to the island, it's another matter. Cargo ships can't come in for a whole day. There is no green vegetables, no rice, noodles, oil, and every meal of porridge and pickles. People are suffocated to death.

"My home is here, come, get off the bus."

Saying that, Lao Yan stopped the car,

In front of him is a two-story white building. In front of the building is a small berry tree with little red fruits.

In clusters, they look extremely bright red and lovely.

The island is particularly deficient in vitamins, so the fishermen here almost always grow acerola at home, which tastes sweet and astringent, and fried chicken is delicious.

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