I Have a Shenhao System

Chapter 203: Bloom for you

After Jiang Hao sat down, the Malays whispered: "If I remember correctly, this Lin family girl seems to have a marriage contract with the Ye family, do you know this?"

"I know some."

Jiang Hao nodded, "But it was all her grandfather's wishful thinking after she was in a car accident. She didn't agree."

Malay reminded again in a low voice: "I understand Ye Yuan's temper. Since the Lin family told him about this, then he will take it seriously, otherwise we people won't know about it. You two are here. It’s not that easy to do things together."

Jiang Hao raised his brows and chuckled disdainfully, "Could it be possible that Ye Yuan could kill me?"

Malay shook his head with a solemn expression: "You won't be killed, but with his temper, he will definitely strike you out of Yanjing City."

Jiang Hao snorted and said indifferently: "So, is his martial arts very powerful?"

Malays nodded and said in a low voice, "Let’s tell you that, Ye Yuan is the seventh-generation heir of Hongquan. When he was young, he had a rare opponent in the capital. Too clear."

"Furthermore, the old man of the Ye family is still alive. He is one of the few people who can walk to the No. 1 compound with a stick. Anyway, you should be careful."

Jiang Hao frowned.

Unexpectedly, this Ye Yuan was still a practitioner of the Profound Realm.

However, he has nothing to fear.

He doesn't take the initiative to cause trouble, but he is definitely not afraid of trouble!

As long as this Ye Yuan dared to disadvantage him, he was not a vegetarian!

The system has said that his second-level super combat technique is equivalent to a profound realm powerhouse.

Besides, he also has two female bodyguards from the Profound Realm!

Afraid of a bird!

He smiled at Ma Lai and said, "Uncle Ma, you may have also heard that Peishan was a disabled person before, and her face was disfigured, so the Lin family wanted to marry her to Ye Yuan's stupid son."

"However, I abolished all my strengths and cured her disability, restored her appearance, and made her a normal person from now on. Why should you and Ye Yuan ask Peishan to be his son? daughter in law?"

"Since you and Ye Yuan know each other, you might as well give him some words for me, no matter what kind of warrior he is, whether the old man in the family is still alive, these are useless to me, it is best not to provoke me."

The Malay face sank, and he shook his head and said, "Don't tell him this. He is a firecracker. Hearing you say this, he will blow up."

"I think it's better for you two to sit down and discuss this matter. He is not unreasonable and there will be a solution."

"Since your medical skills are so good, if you can cure his son's illness, I think he will let it go."

Jiang Hao smiled: "His son's cerebral palsy, I am really good at getting rid of the illness, but if you want me to treat it, it depends on his sincerity."

Malays nodded and said: "Okay, you should be calm about this matter, don't just be like him, I will take the time to communicate with him first, and then call you."

"okay then!"

Jiang Hao nodded.

This can only be done right now.

After all, he didn't want to go to conflict with such a big family.

But if you don't cause trouble, it doesn't mean you are afraid of trouble!

I have many countermeasures.

At the very least, there are still two cards in hand, it's useless!

At about ten o'clock, Sun Tiantian and Wen Xin's assistants called.

With this introduction, Jiang Hao is also going back to rest.

He stood up and held up his wine glass and said, "Uncle Ma, Uncle Liu, Uncle Yang, Uncle Wei, Uncle Zhou, thanks to your uncles for their hospitality tonight, I toast you!"

Soon, everyone raised their cups.

After everyone drank this glass of wine, Wei Bin smiled and said, "Xiaohao, do you have time tomorrow? If so, you can go to my ranch to play around. It's definitely more expensive than you go to squeeze the crowd to watch the Forbidden City and climb the Great Wall Much more fun."

Jiang Hao thought for a while and smiled: "It won't work tomorrow, there are other things. After I finish these important things, I will have a good time in Da Yanjing."

"Okay, then make it so. When you have time, you will go to my ranch to play around." Zhou Bin smiled happily.

After the show, Jiang Hao took the three women up to the 66th floor.

After that, Jiang Hao took out four bags of Immortal Pills and gave them to Sun Tiantian and Wen Xin. After some explanations, they let them go with the two female assistants.

In the suite, only Jiang Hao and Lin Peishan were left.

At this moment, Lin Peishan could no longer control her thoughts, hugged Jiang Hao tightly, and kissed him in the living room to relieve the pain of lovesickness after twenty days of being separated.

"Do your parents know that I'm here?"

After the lips of the two separated, Jiang Hao sat on a sofa holding Lin Peishan and asked.

Lin Peishan nodded and said, "I know, I told them when I went out!"

Jiang Hao smiled and asked, "I heard that I'm here, what did they do?"

This is about to see the parents, so you have to know the situation in advance!

Lin Peishan leaned her head on Jiang Hao's shoulder and said with a smile: "I don't have much performance, just say I know."

Jiang Hao smiled bitterly and shook his head: "It seems that your parents don't welcome me!"

Lin Peishan smiled and said, "You abducted their baby girl, can they welcome it?"

"What's more, they have given up a lot for my happiness this time, and they are ready to completely give up those shares in the Lin family."

After hearing this, Jiang Hao chuckled and said: "I will repay them twice as long as they don't object to your baby girl being with me."

"It's useless for them to object."

Lin Peishan pursed her mouth and said with an ironic expression: "In this life, no one will want to pull me away from you, I will die!"

"Come on, see you are so behaved, brother will reward you with something good!"

As he said, Jiang Hao thought, like a trick, took out a box, a leather bag, and a watch from the system warehouse.

Don't guess, what the box contains is a set of emperor green jewelry, which is placed next to Lin Peishan.

Lin Peishan sat up and opened it to take a look. She was ecstatic and couldn't help fiddling with it.

Before, she had been watching Wang Xiaoyu and the others wearing them. Although she didn't envy them, she couldn't help but think of little thoughts.

Women, how can they not have the psychology of comparison?

"Come on, I will put it on for you!"

Jiang Hao put bracelets, pigeon eggs, earrings, and rings on Lin Peishan.

Look at Lin Peishan again, the red dress and green chain, reflecting each other, almost becoming a perfect beauty.


Jiang Hao couldn't help but sighed, his eyes became hot.

Lin Peishan smiled, put her arms around Jiang Hao's neck, and said softly: "A scholar dies for a confidant, and a woman is a pleasing one. No matter how beautiful I am, I will only bloom for you in this life!"

"Hey," Jiang Hao chuckled, "Then you can bloom for me tonight!"

After speaking, he directly picked up Lin Peishan and strode into the bedroom.

For both of them, tonight is destined to be awake...

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