I Have a Shenhao System

Chapter 204: Go to see the parents

Early the next morning, Jiang Hao and Lin Peishan got up early to see their parents.

Although drag racing last night into the middle of the night, the two of them were still in good spirits.

After all, Lin Peishan's body has also been strengthened by the system.

After Jiang Hao called Qin Jiannan to inform him, he and Lin Peishan went downstairs to the restaurant on the third floor for breakfast.

When he was about to finish eating, Jiang Hao asked, "Did you drive here last night?"

Lin Peishan shook her head: "No, I came by taxi."

Jiang Hao nodded and said, "We will buy a car first."

Lin Peishan asked: "Did you drive back to Xinghai after buying the car?"

Jiang Hao wiped his mouth and said, "Then stay in Yanjing, and it won't be impossible to come back in the future."

Lin Peishan suggested: "Then buy an ordinary one first, and you can move on. Even if you buy a 100 million car in Yanjing City, you will drive at a turtle speed."

"Okay, listen to you, and buy a one-million-dollar car in a while!"

Jiang Hao nodded, feeling that what Lin Peishan said was reasonable and there was no need to have rich people here.

After all, this is the capital city, and there are more wealthy people than Xinghai.

His 200 billion assets are still improvised in Xinghai.

But in Yenching, it is not ranked at all.

If all the hidden wealthy people here show their backgrounds, together it is estimated that they will be worth the country's GDP for several years.

Seeing Jiang Hao actually listened to her own words, Lin Peishan's pretty face was filled with a bright smile.

The most precious thing between husband and wife is mutual appreciation.

Although she and Jiang Hao haven't been together for a long time, she just appreciates Jiang Hao's talent.

In addition to the systematic effect, this is also what Jiang Hao himself showed.

Although Jiang Hao is abusive, he is really responsible for every woman.

After breakfast, the two left the Jingyun Hotel arm in arm, got in a taxi, and went straight to the nearest 4S shop.

In the morning, there was a traffic jam in Yanjing City. It was only a dozen kilometers away. After driving for more than half an hour, I finally stopped in front of a BMW 4S shop.

This also allowed Jiang Hao to see the traffic jam in the metropolis.

After paying the fee, Jiang Hao took Lin Peishan into the BMW 4S shop.

Half an hour later, Lin Peishan drove out a dark red unlicensed BMW X6 and drove towards the West Third Ring Road.

Originally, Jiang Hao wanted to buy a more expensive car, but Lin Peishan stopped him and only asked him to buy this ordinary car.

Regarding Lin Peishan's words, Jiang Hao also obeyed and did not insist.

"I'm here for the first time, what should I buy?"

On the way, Jiang Hao sitting in the co-pilot asked Lin Peishan for advice.

After thinking about it, Lin Peishan smiled lightly and said, "Just buy some gift boxes in the mall. You are not an outsider anymore. No one will pick you."

Jiang Hao didn't get any ink marks, so he nodded and said: "Well, as long as your parents don't bother, stop at a mall later. I also want to buy a set of clothes and change them. This outfit is full of tobacco and alcohol."

Lin Peishan nodded and said, "The China World Trade Center is not far ahead. You can buy it there."

A few minutes later, the two parked their car in the underground garage of the China World Trade Center.

After entering the mall, they did not buy the gift box first, but went straight to the clothing store upstairs.

When passing by a Chanel franchise store, Jiang Hao said to Lin Peishan: "Let's go first and choose some clothes for you!"

Although the Li Yitong sisters often sell luxury clothing in the group, Lin Peishan is a little far away and did not buy them, but it saves Jiang Hao money.

"I have clothes, so don't buy it for me!"

Lin Peishan grabbed Jiang Hao and didn't let him go inside.

Jiang Hao just wanted to give up, but unfortunately saw an old acquaintance just walking out of this store.

Short hair, heroic, capable and beautiful.

When Lin Peishan saw this woman, she quickly let go of Jiang Hao's arm, stepped forward and pulled up the other's hand, and asked with a smile, "Ye Yu, are you also coming to China World Trade Center for a stroll?"

Jiang Hao didn't expect that the two people still knew each other, so he was stunned.

This is a coincidence.

After Ye Yu looked at Jiang Hao, he was also taken aback. He didn't expect to see him in Yanjing.

Back in this period, she often thinks of what this **** did to her.

However, she quickly frowned and asked Lin Peishan: "Peishan, why are you with Jiang Hao asshole? Still so close?"

"You know him?"

Lin Peishan was suddenly surprised.

Before Ye Yu could speak, Jiang Hao stepped forward and smiled: "Of course we know each other. When I was in Xinghai, Officer Ye did not take care of me. Of course, I did not take care of her. You said Right, Officer Ye?"

Ye Yu said with a gloomy expression: "Go away, I don't need you to take care of it, so don't get close to me!"

When Jiang Hao thought about spanking her that day, he got excited, and jokingly said, "Officer Ye, do you want me to treat you? You can't delay your illness, otherwise it will easily cause all kinds of problems. Complications, especially the phobia of men!"

Lin Peishan looked at Jiang Hao in surprise and asked, "What's wrong with Ye Yu?"

"I haven't got any sickness, don't listen to him talking nonsense there."

Obviously Ye Yu didn't want Lin Peishan to know that she was a stone girl, so she hurriedly covered it up.

At the same time, she glared at Jiang Hao.

That means, if you dare to say it, I will fight with you.

Jiang Hao naturally understood Ye Yu's eyes, so he shrugged and smiled.

Looking at the strange expressions of the two, Lin Peishan couldn't guess what was going on with them.

However, she did not continue to question.

In order to conceal her embarrassment, she took Ye Yu's hand and said, "Go, go in and help me choose some clothes to wear!"

Ye Yu, who wanted to leave, had to enter the Chanel store again with Lin Peishan.

After a while, Ye Yu absently helped Lin Peishan choose some clothes.

When Lin Peishan took the clothes to try on them, she glared at Jiang Hao and asked coldly: "What is the relationship between you and Lin Peishan?"

Jiang Hao smiled triumphantly: "Of course it's the relationship between boy and girl friends. More precisely, we are already a husband and wife relationship."

At this moment, Jiang Hao had faintly guessed Ye Yu's true identity.

Her surname is Ye, and she is most likely Ye Yuan's daughter.

Therefore, he also unobtrusively stated his relationship with Lin Peishan.

Hearing Jiang Hao’s words, Ye Yu frowned and said, "The surname Jiang, don’t say I didn’t warn you. Lin Peishan and my brother have a marriage contract. If you dare to be with her, my dad will definitely not spare you. He is a master of the Profound Realm, a hundred times more powerful than me, and he will beat you out of Yanjing!"


"Master of the Profound Realm?"

"Play Yanjing?"

Hearing Ye Yu's words, Jiang Hao's eyelids suddenly sank.

Originally, he promised the Malays last night to stay calm these days and let him help with the threading.

But now I can't help hearing Ye Yu's words again.

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