I Have a Shenhao System

Chapter 429: Old friend

After lunch, You Zhiqiang left with excuses and wisely left the space here for Jiang Hao, Lan Keer and Dingxiang to be alone.

When the three of them chatted in the living room for more than half an hour, Lan Kerr wanted to return to the company and left here first.

When there were only two people left in the house, Jiang Hao took the cloves into his arms, and put his big hands into her arms, and asked: "Isn't the people from Vermilion Hall coming to trouble you recently?"

After thinking about it, Ding Xiang bit his lip and said, "Because I gave up on assassinating you, the people in Vermilion Hall regarded me as a traitor. A person from the Law Enforcement Hall was sent two days ago, but I was beaten by me. I ran away, and I guess I will come back soon."

After Jiang Hao heard this, an angry look appeared in his eyes. He didn't expect that the Vermillion Bird Hall would dare to come to the door.

He nodded, his eyes were cold and said: "Sooner or later I will overthrow this organization and make them pay an unbearable price."

Ding Xiang shook his head solemnly and said, "I'll take care of this by myself, so don't interfere."

"However, I gave up on assassinating you, and Suzakutang will send another assassin to kill you. You have to be careful recently."

"Ok, I will."

Jiang Hao nodded.

But he is in the light and the enemy is in the dark, which is really difficult to deal with.

At the same time, he hated the Zhong family even more.

When he came to Yanjing this time, he decided to completely eradicate the Zhong family to avoid future troubles.

After a while, Ding Xiang was tortured by Jiang Hao, breathing heavily, and the spring water ran across, clinging to Jiang Hao's head tightly.

Seeing that the time had come, Jiang Hao also started to act.

This is his responsibility, he must comfort his own woman.

It didn't take long for the two to meet frankly and fight together.

Just when Jiang Hao and Dingxiang were halfway through their exercise, his phone rang suddenly.

With a move of thought, he saw that it was another call from Qin Jiannan.

He really wondered if this kid was his nemesis, how could he call when he was doing business.

After Jiang Hao picked up the phone and connected, he asked in a loud voice, "What are you looking for?"

Qin Jiannan immediately understood what was going on when he heard this, and laughed: "I won't delay you from doing things again, am I?"

Jiang Haoyun said: "What do you mean?"


Qin Jiannan laughed directly, and then said after a long time: "You really are not idle this day, where are you?"


"Coincidentally, I am also in Yanjing."

"Can you play with you? Don't keep looking for me, I will bother you!"

"Then you don't want money anymore?"

"You sold out those big tonic pills?"

Jiang Hao was surprised.

It's not a few days!

One hundred big tonic pills sold out so soon?

Is it so popular?

Qin Jiannan smiled and said, "Yes, isn't this because I want to ask you for more goods!"

Jiang Hao thought for a while, and said, "After an hour and a half, go to the fifty-eighth floor of Qianhao Hotel to find me!"

"That's it!"

After Qin Jiannan heard this, he said straightforwardly and hung up the phone.

After putting down the phone, Jiang Hao continued to drag racing.

Lilac's body is extremely flexible, and he can make many kinds of fancy racing cars, which also made Jiang Hao very addicted.

An hour later, Lilac left contentedly, still wearing a big diamond ring.

And soon after, Qin Jiannan came.

As soon as the two met, Jiang Hao frowned and shook his head: "You are like a bug, I can't get rid of you wherever I go!"

Qin Jiannan didn't like to listen anymore, and jumped and said, "I have been here for two days, okay? Who on earth is with whom?"

"Don't talk nonsense, get the money."

Jiang Hao gave him a blank look and stretched out his hand for money.

Qin Jiannan gave him a blank look, took out his cell phone, dialed Xinghai's finance, and ordered: "Transfer 10 billion to Jiang Hao."


Soon after, Jiang Hao's cell phone rang, and the message showed that 10 billion had arrived.

"How can you sell so fast?" Jiang Hao asked curiously.

Qin Jiannan said with a smile: "This time Dabu Pills can be sold so fast, it is entirely due to the guy Mu Chen, who was exposed in the circle of friends, and the group of husbands and dogs directly ordered more than 80 tablets from me. , I also made a small profit."

"Besides, I listened to you and sold them directly to the door. I sold Chutian three big tonic pills and earned him three small goals."

"I brought the remaining ten or so tablets to Yanjing. After I gave one to Uncle Ma, I sold the rest to Uncle Ma's friends and sold them out. No, everyone thinks. If you want to buy more from me, I'll find you quickly."

After listening to Qin Jiannan's words, Jiang Hao smiled: "You have really become a drug dealer now, and you are addicted to selling."

I thought that this girl was a little embarrassed to help him sell Dabu pills on the special plane, and now he has begun to ask for purchases.

Qin Jiannan curled his lips and said, "If I don't do such a money-making business, then am I not a fool?"

After thinking for a while, Jiang Hao said, "Well, I'll give you another two hundred tablets in a while, and we will have to wait when we sell out."

"no problem."

Qin Jiannan nodded, and said, "When you refine Dabu Pills in the future, can you refine more? Otherwise, it won't be a problem to keep out of stock like this!"

Jiang Hao scorned Qin Jiannan and said, "Do you think this is an ordinary cold medicine. Go to the drugstore and grab a lot?"

"Do you know how much energy it takes to buy all kinds of medicinal materials for refining Dabu Pills!"

Qin Jiannan spread his hands and smiled awkwardly: "When I didn't say anything."

Jiang Hao asked, "How is Uncle Ma?"

Qin Jiannan smiled and said, "He is really getting younger and younger after eating the Immortal Pill now, and he lives like a god. Isn't it okay?"

Jiang Hao nodded: "When I finish my work these days, I will find a chance to have a meal with him."

Qin Jiannan said: "Okay, I'll tell him, last time you helped them earn so much money, they always wanted to ask you to eat again, thank you very much."

Jiang Hao thought for a while and said, "Or tonight, I just want to ask some of them to help me."

"Okay, I will inform Uncle Ma now, let him arrange and call those people."

After Qin Jiannan finished speaking, he picked up his mobile phone and dialed out, and talked about it with Malay.

After putting down the phone, Qin Jiannan said, "Uncle Ma said it's okay. I will call some people to entertain you tonight."

Jiang Hao nodded, got up and walked back to the room, took out two hundred large supplement pills from the system warehouse, packed it in a new bag, and walked out.

Throwing the bag to Qin Jiannan said, "This bag sells for 300,000 yuan. You can give it to Lili then.

"Then I will thank you for her!"

Qin Jiannan took the leather bag and smiled happily.

"You have something else?"

Seeing that Qin Jiannan didn't mean to leave, Jiang Hao asked suddenly.

"Damn, why are you still taking people away?"

Hearing this, Qin Jiannan curled his lips and stood up angrily.

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