I Have a Shenhao System

Chapter 430: You are a cannon god


Jiang Hao glared: "My woman is ready to come to me, do you want to see the scene or listen to the news?"

Calculating the time, Le Jiayi is also coming.

He hadn't seen this gentle little fairy for a long time, and he missed it very much!


Qin Jiannan laughed and stretched out his thumb to Jiang Hao and said, "You are a **** of guns. I have never served anyone in Qin Jiannan's life. You are the first one, flashed!"

Not long after Qin Jiannan left, Le Jiayi came.

As soon as he saw her, Jiang Hao couldn't wait to hug her into his arms and kissed wildly.

After the two kissed until they were about to suffocate, they parted their lips reluctantly.

Jiang Hao hugged Le Jiayi tightly, stroked her snow back with his big hand, and complained: "I almost want to die of you!"

Le Jiayi nestled in Jiang Hao's arms, and said softly: "I miss you so much, I almost went to Xinghai to find you!"

Jiang Hao asked with a touched smile: "Then why don't you find me?"

Le Jiayi sighed and said: "Hey, this time is so busy."

"After returning from Dongyi country, our company’s bid for environmental protection projects for the desulphurization and deacidification of some power plants in India and Ji’an last year was unreasonably stopped by the security department of their country, and several negotiations were fruitless, prompting the company’s share price in Nangang to fall. 6%, I've always dealt with this in Yanjing!"

Jiang Hao nodded, and comforted: "This country has always had a bad reputation. Don't do business with countries like them in the future. It's too cheating!"

Le Jiayi pursed her mouth and said, "I don't want to either, but this is a national exchange program. I have to do it even if I don't want to."

"Furthermore, who would have thought that if the contract is signed, India and the economy will go back and have no credibility at all."

Jiang Haoyun said: "It doesn't matter, sooner or later I will let them, a blindly arrogant country, pay for it, and give you a fair."

"The women who dare to bully me Jiang Hao, even if they are from the United States, I have to make them pay the price they deserve, not to mention a third-rate country that is ignorant and ignorant."

Le Jiayi laughed happily in her heart: "Hehe, your tone is getting louder now, and even a country dared to threaten to clean up."


Jiang Hao laughed, hugged Le Jiayi, and said, "What is a country? They can be smashed with money. The most difficult thing to clean up is you little fairy."

"Every time I see you, I feel soft, Ding Ding becomes hard, and finally my whole body becomes hard and Ding Ding becomes soft."


After Le Jiayi heard this, some charming pictures could not help but came up in her mind, and she shyly slapped Jiang Hao with her little hand.

"Baby, shall we unlock the new pose today?" Jiang Hao asked with a wretched smile.

"Do you want to toss me to death?" Le Jiayi snorted with a small mouth.

"How is it possible? I will be very gentle!"

Jiang Hao started to assault with his big hands, with a mean smile on his face.

Le Jiayi gave Jiang Hao a white look, and let his hands behave on her body.

After a few minutes, Le Jiayi was completely unable to stand, hung on Jiang Hao's body, and put his arms around Jiang Hao's neck tightly.

Seeing this, Jiang Hao also hugged her and walked into the bedroom.

The clothes were unloaded by Jiang Hao one by one.

In fact, there are not many, there are only five pieces inside and outside, plus a pair of anti-wolf trousers.

Soon, Jiang Hao started to do whatever he wanted, unlocking many poses.

He now has to let some women understand that the drag racing of a couple is not the same up and down posture, there are many more.

In this regard, Ding Xiang is the one who can put one leg on Jiang Hao's shoulder, followed by Tong Yaya and Gu Wanqing, who have learned dance.

Sometimes, Jiang Hao wants to buy some martial arts cards directly to use on women like them.

But once they practiced martial arts, Jiang Hao was afraid that they would lose the tenderness of a woman.

After all, Dingxiang, Ye Yu, and Su Xueman all have different temperaments, and they lack some of the coquettish tenderness of women.

An hour later, Jiang Hao lost again, vomiting daily essence.

Le Jiayi closed her eyes and bit her fingers, like that, still floating on the cloud.

Soon, Jiang Hao took out a Tiffany diamond ring and slowly put it on the ring finger of her left hand.

Le Jiayi opened her eyes, and after seeing the big diamond ring in her hand, she said softly: "My husband, I never want to leave you again in my life!"

Jiang Hao had a smug look on his face and said with a smile: "Then you sell the company and follow me every day!"

Upon hearing this, Le Jiayi said with a grin: "Forget it, I'm afraid you will annoy me by following you every day."

Although she said so, she still wanted to start a family with Jiang Hao, and she was testing Jiang Hao with words.

Jiang Hao could understand some of the intentions of this smart woman. He put his arms around her and asked, "Do you know Lan Kerr?"

Le Jiayi nodded: "I know, what's the matter?"

Jiang Hao said: "She is my wife."


Hearing this, Le Jiayi was completely dumbfounded, and directly sat up, staring at Jiang Hao in a daze.

Even after killing her, Jiang Hao would turn out to be Lan Kerr's husband.

What is oneself?

Little three?

"Don't get excited."

Jiang Hao pulled her down again and said with a smile: "You are my wife just like her. I will give you a name."

"The reason I tell you this is because I want to tell you that I actually have several wives, and you have to be mentally prepared for this."

Le Jiayi bit her lip and asked quietly, "Are you really playing with my feelings?"

"You think too much, I will give you a place now."

Jiang Hao stretched out his hand and stroked Le Jiayi's cheek, and instructed the system to immediately apply for a marriage certificate with Le Jiayi.

I didn't want to get the certificate so early with Le Jiayi.

Now it seems that it won't work if you don't receive it.

【Ding——The marriage certificate has been processed and placed in the system warehouse. 】

Jiang Hao took out the marriage certificate of the two with a big hand, raised it in front of Le Jiayi, and said, "Look, I have registered the marriage for both of us."

Le Jiayi was taken aback, grabbed the big red book, and sat up again and said: "Let me see."

After opening it, it turned out that it was their marriage certificate. The issuing authority was the Yanjing Civil Affairs Bureau.


This was Le Jiayi's first reaction, just like Li Ling and the others.

Jiang Hao smiled and said: "If you don't believe it, you can use your mobile phone to check the registration number on the website of the Yanjing Civil Affairs Bureau, or you can go to the Civil Affairs Bureau to check. The password is your birth date."

"Then how did you do it? I didn't sign and register with you!"

Le Jiayi did not check, but looked at Jiang Hao in surprise.

This is incredible...

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