I Have a Shenhao System

Chapter 431: Make new friends

At around six in the evening, when Jiang Hao and Le Jiayi were still embracing each other in bed, he received a call from Malay.

After the two chatted on the phone for a while, Jiang Hao sat up and asked Le Jiayi: "I will have a party at a club near the Olympic Park tonight. Do you want to go with me?"

After hearing this, Le Jiayi also sat up, shook her head and said, "I also have a small business party tonight, so I can't go."

People with the status of Le Jiayi will naturally have a lot of entertainment.

It is also very important.

Hearing that, Jiang Hao nodded and said, "Well, then, I will go by myself tonight."

Le Jiayi said with an apologetic expression: "I will go with you when I have a chance next time!"


Jiang Hao nodded, "Let's get up to wash, let's go!"

After washing and dressing, the two went downstairs together.

"I go first."

After leaving the hotel door, Le Jiayi separated from Jiang Hao and got in her Rolls-Royce car.

Jiang Hao also took out the car keys and sat in the Bugatti Divo that Wang Yuncong gave him.


The sports car started, erupted with a beautiful sound wave, and drove out of the hotel parking lot.

Sanlitun, one of the most prosperous places in Yanjing, the leading area of ​​international fashion, is the most popular place for young people to go.

When Jiang Hao's sports car drove out, the beautiful sound waves also attracted the attention of many people.

After all, such a sports car with hundreds of millions of dollars is very rare. There are only 40 in the world, only 5 in China, and two in Yanjing, and the other is still in Wang Yuncong's hands.

I have to say that Wang Yuncong, the big boy, still has a little trick.

There are at least two Bugatti Chirons in his hand.

Because of the conditions for buying this car, you must first have a Bugatti Chiron.

More than fifty minutes later, Jiang Hao came to a private club near the Olympic Park.

Earlier, Malays told Jiang Hao on the phone that this club was opened by Jiang Wen, a big figure in the entertainment industry.

Although it is not as grand and luxurious as the Great Wall Club, those who come and go are either rich or expensive.

But because it is not open to the outside world, it seems quite mysterious.

Once here, a security guard at the door stopped Jiang Hao's car.

Jiang Hao pressed down the car window and pointed at the security guard and said, "My name is Jiang Hao."

"Hello Mr. Jiang, please come in."

After hearing this, the security guard gave a respectful greeting and directly pressed the button to open the door of the clubhouse. Obviously, he had received the notice before.

After Jiang Hao drove the car into the courtyard of the clubhouse, he saw that the clubhouse was actually a large quadrangle courtyard.

More than a dozen cars have been parked in the parking lot of the yard, basically more than one million, and there are some drivers sitting in the cars.

I also saw Zhang Zilin's GLC parked in it.

After Jiang Hao parked the car, he took out a Prada leather bag from the system warehouse and directly put it in two hundred bags of Shenxian Pills and one hundred bags of Huanyan Pills.

These people come to make friends with themselves, but they are just rushing to these things.

Of course, they want to make money by themselves.

But Jiang Hao still doesn't want to invest in investment.

When I opened the door and got out of the car, a gust of hot wind came oncoming, it was sultry and sultry, and it seemed that it was going to rain.

After locking the car, Jiang Hao walked towards the main house. A female staff member wearing a red cheongsam greeted him and asked with a smile, "Are you Mr. Jiang?"

Jiang Hao nodded and said, "I am."

The female staff member smiled again and said: "Hello Mr. Jiang, Mr. Jiang and Mr. Ma are waiting for you in the tea room, please come with me."

Under the leadership of this waiter, Jiang Hao came near a wing room.


The waiter stretched out his hand and pushed open the door. Jiang Hao also saw a room sitting inside, with more than 30 people.

Men and women, old and young, some people who know, some who don't, messy, just like the school's New Year's Day tea party, it is very lively.

When these people saw Jiang Hao coming, they all stood up.

The red-skinned, white-faced and black-haired Malay took the lead and smiled when he met Jiang Hao: "I can see you again. It's been more than ten days since I left. "

Jiang Hao pinched his nose and smiled: "This is not too much!"

"Okay, you don't need to make excuses, can you hide things from me?"

The Malays showed their signature smiles, their eyes were almost squeezed together, and they pointed to a burly man next to him and said, "Do you know this person strangely?"

Jiang Hao nodded, stretched out his hand and shook Jiang Wen, and said with a smile: "How dare I not know the famous Zhang Mazi?"

Jiang Wen said with a smile: "Hello brother Jiang, welcome to my clubhouse as a guest!"

Then, Malays continued to introduce Jiang Hao to the people here, all of whom were big names in the entertainment industry.

Today, Guo Degang is also here.

When the two shook hands, Guo Degang looked up at Jiang Hao and complained: "The last time I went to film, I lost more than a billion yuan. After hearing this, I smashed the camera, tore the script, I returned to Yanjing with my suitcase, and I have to get to know Brother Jiang for everything this time, otherwise Qiange can run this thing against me for the rest of my life!"

"You have half your life left!" Yu Qian laughed beside him.

"You speak carefully, and be careful that I also broke the news about your family background!"

Guo Degang glared at Yu Qianyi sideways.

"Well, now we will start to retaliate."

Yu Qian directly took it.

After Jiang Hao smiled happily, he shook hands with the remaining people.

In fact, the people here do not need to be introduced in Malay, and Jiang Hao can also call out their names directly.

Among them, the females are Qin Xiaolan, Liu Feifei, Jin Cheng, Ni Danni, Song Shuqian, Deng Shuang, Tang Yunyan, Jiang Ying, Wang Lechen, and Qiao Yixin.

They are all first-class old beauties, actresses at the level of actresses.

And the males include Deng Chao, Wu Jing, Tong Dawei, Huang Lei, Wang Feng, Yang Kun, etc., who are all powerful actors and musicians.

The remaining people are naturally Chen Daoming, Ma Yuan, and Liu Huan whom Jiang Hao knows.

There are also three of her own women, Tong Yaya, Yang Mi, Zhang Zilin, and the quick little prince Qin Jiannan.

After seeing his three women, Jiang Hao hugged and kissed them directly.

Earlier, the Malays had revealed the identities of the three of them.

So seeing this scene, these people in the house are not surprised.

It was only half past six, and the sky was still lit, and it was not time for dinner.

Therefore, everyone is still sitting in the tea room and chatting.

Not long after sitting down, some outspoken veteran beauty Qin Xiaolan asked: "Brother Jiang, besides wanting to get to know you, we also want to buy some of the Immortal Pills in your hand, don't know if there are any more? "

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