I Have a Shenhao System

Chapter 479: Meet a bitch

After half an hour, everything was over.

After Laura swallowed, she wiped her mouth clean with a tissue.

Seeing Laura's actions, Jiang Hao was also stunned.

How much love must he be willing to do?

Immediately, Jiang Hao hugged Lola and said distressedly: "I'm wronged you!"

Laura smiled comfortedly: "I finally have one for you for the first time."

"I'm very relieved."

Jiang Hao nodded and kissed her without disdain.

Not long after, the lips of the two separated, Jiang Hao hugged Laura and said, "Go, let's go to wash up together. After a while, I will take you home first after I arrange some things. I have things to do after ten o'clock. ."

"it is good."

Laura nodded and followed Jiang Hao into the bathroom to wash.

After washing, Jiang Hao took out a new set of casual clothes from the system warehouse and put it on.

After looking at Laura, he took out a whole set of Van GUCCI clothes and hats and gave it to her.


Seeing Jiang Hao magically took out so many clothes and hats, Lola immediately looked at her in surprise.

Jiang Hao smiled, and said: "I have super powers, I can change a lot of things I need, put it on quickly."

Soon, Lola put on the luxury suit given by Jiang Hao, and then put on a white baseball cap, the temperament of the whole person has improved a lot.

She was originally a beauty with a score of 94+, but now she definitely has a score of 95.


After looking at Laura, Jiang Hao also smiled satisfied.

I have to say that Jiang Hao's vision is a real thief, or the system's vision is a real thief, all the women who stay by his side are stunning in the world.

The most terrible thing is that after racing with him, these women will become more and more watery.

It may be that those daily essences of Jiang Hao are rich in various nutrients!

"This is for you too."

Jiang Hao took out a pair of Chanel women's sunglasses and gave it to Laura. After wearing them, the whole person looked even more dazzling.

Then, Jiang Hao walked into the bedroom and explained how much money he was still sleeping. Xu Muxi and Li Xiaomo said, "I have left beforehand. I may not be back tonight. You can leave after you wake up."

"Well, go ahead."

The three of them responded with a bewildered voice, and then turned to sleep.

Soon, Jiang Hao took Lola to the downstairs.

As soon as he arrived here, he saw Tian Yong and they were already sitting in the hotel lobby waiting for him. There were eight people.

It's less than 8 o'clock, they are really early enough.

Jiang Hao didn't know that Tian Yong and the others didn't sleep at all last night. After getting off work in the middle of the night, they sat in the lobby of Qianhao Hotel for the whole night, and the other two also rushed over overnight.

A job with an annual salary of one million will be so excited that anyone can not fall asleep overnight.

"The boss is early."

After seeing Jiang Hao coming down, Tian Yong and the others hurriedly got up and said hello.


Jiang Hao smiled, and then turned to the lobby manager not far away and said: "The eight of them will be my personal bodyguards. You will take them to the hotel’s personnel department to register and pay them based on the annual salary of one million. The money from the hotel goes to buy them some decent sets of clothes, one person buys a BMW X5 car, and arranges food and accommodation and other guarantees."


The lobby manager nodded quickly.

When Dingxiang is not there, he has done many things for Jiang Hao, which is considered a promotion.

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Hao said to Tian Yong: "You go with him first, I have other things, and I will give you some specific tasks when I look back."


Tian Yong and the others responded loudly to Jiang Hao.


Jiang Hao smiled and patted Tian Yong on the shoulder, and led Lola out of the hotel lobby.

Soon after, Jiang Hao took Laura to the parking lot of the hotel and sat in his blue Bugatti Divo.

"This car is so beautiful!"

As soon as she sat up, Laura sighed.

Jiang Hao said, "I will buy you a sports car too?"

Laura shook her head and said, "Don't buy it. Except for the subway, this Yanjing City is unblocked. Whatever car you drive will make people crazy."


Jiang Hao also nodded and started the car.

What Lola is telling is the truth. Yanjing's road conditions are not only congested, but also difficult to park.

Next, under the guidance of Laura, Jiang Hao arrived in an old community on the East Fifth Ring Road in less than ten minutes and parked in the parking lot of the community.

When such a luxury car drove into such a community, it immediately attracted the attention of many people.

"Lola, who is this?"

When the two got out of the car, some morning exercise aunts came over and asked.

Although Laura doesn't like these good aunts, she can't afford to provoke them. Otherwise, she doesn't know what to say when patted her behind her back, so she explained with a smile, "This is the doctor I invited back to treat Jiaojiao."

"Isn't it?"

An obese aunt wearing a big vest shook her head in disbelief and said, "Can a doctor drive such a good car? Isn't it the concubine you were looking for?"

I have to say that this fat aunt's mouth is really poisonous.

Laura's face sank, and she said displeased: "Aunt Qin, what are you talking about?"

The obese aunt continued to laugh and said, "Don't be embarrassed, how can a beautiful and just divorced woman like you be free? Even if you find a concubine, you can be forgiven. We understand."

Jiang Hao frowned, but he did not expect to encounter an old **** as soon as he arrived.

He took a step forward and said displeased to the fat aunt: "You should talk less, beware of sores in your mouth and tongue."

After hearing this, the fat aunt suddenly scolded: "You little tortoise grandson, did your parents die early? No one taught you how to respect the elderly?"


Jiang Hao went up and gave the fat aunt a big slap, slapped the old lady directly, and said with a deep eyelid: "Don't tell me the word'respect'. You don't respect others. Who will respect you? "

"This slap will remind you, and dare to scold me again, I will kill you!"

His parents have always been a taboo for Jiang Hao.

This fat aunt touched Jiang Hao's taboo with little eyes.

If this is a man, Jiang Hao can kill him directly.

Seeing Jiang Hao slapped the fat aunt, everyone around him was stunned. Unexpectedly, Jiang Hao really dared to do it.

"I've killed someone, come on..."

Suddenly, the fat aunt sat on the ground and played a shrew, and began to cry.

"Want to corrupt me?"

Seeing this, Jiang Hao smiled.

Immediately, he took out the phone and called Wei Dayong, saying, "Send a few people to the Cui Gezhuang community on the East Fifth Ring Road. I'll be waiting here."

It is inconvenient for him to continue to be angry about this kind of thing, and there is no time to continue the ink here, so he has to call someone.

"almost there!"

Wei Dayong said on the phone.

Although he is not a gangster, but the little gangsters who play with him are all over Yanjing, and you can find a few little brothers there.

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