I Have a Shenhao System

Chapter 480: No distinction

Within a few minutes, a boulevard drove into the community, and three young men with grim expressions jumped out of the car.

One of them, wearing a black vest and a big gold chain, walked up to Jiang Hao respectfully and said: "Jiang Ye, we are Brother Yong's younger brother, what do you command?"

Jiang Hao pressed his chin towards the fat lady, and said, "This old lady's mouth is too stinky, you can clean him up for me."

The man in the black vest who took the lead said: "Don't worry, Lord Jiang, I will make her mouth clean in the future."

Jiang Hao nodded, and said: "Don't make a living, just teach her how to behave in the future."


The man in the vest nodded and said to the two accomplices behind him: "Get back in the car and wash her teeth and mouth."

After listening, the two accomplices stepped forward and grabbed the fat aunt's arm and pulled her up.

"I won't go, don't catch me, I won't dare anymore!"

At this moment, the fat aunt knew that she had provoke someone who shouldn't be offended, and she was so frightened that she almost peeed her pants.


Seeing the fat aunt not leaving, a boy slapped her two big slaps and said in a vicious voice: "Don't shame you, don't you believe me how much money will I give you?"

Forced by her lust, the fat aunt had to follow them into the car sobbing and sobbing.

"Let's go!"

Jiang Hao said to Laura, he couldn't care about the rest.

Laura nodded and walked towards a building with Jiang Hao.

On the way, Laura asked: "Those people won't kill Aunt Qin, right?"

Jiang Hao smiled, shook his head and said, "No, but it will make her remember a little bit, and I will bite people everywhere like a mad dog all day long."

Laura nodded and said: "This woman's mouth is too poisonous, especially to outsiders like us, she is even more contemptuous of her heart. She is ridiculed every day. It's really annoying."

Jiang Hao nodded and smiled.

There are people who are geographically discriminatory in all parts of the country, and I don’t know what they think in their hearts, as if they really grabbed their jobs.

A few minutes later, the two walked into a building and went up to the fourth floor. Laura took out a set of keys from her bag and opened the door of 402, and walked in with Jiang Hao.

This is a small house with two bedrooms and one living room. The area of ​​the house is very small, about 60 square meters. The decoration is simple and simple. At first glance, it is a rented house, but it is clean and tidy.

If you can rent a house like this in Yanjing, you will need five or six thousand rent a month.

Soon, two couples who could be in their fifties, who seemed to be honest at first glance, came over and looked at Jiang Hao blankly.

And on the sofa in the living room, there was a young girl with disheveled hair and whispering nonsense. Her face was blocked by her long hair and she couldn't see her face clearly.

After Laura put on a pair of slippers, she said to the couple: "Dad, Mom, his name is Jiang Hao, he is here to treat Jiaojiao!"

"Good uncle, good aunt."

Jiang Hao also smiled politely.


The two men also greeted with smiles.

"You wear these pairs!"

Soon, Laura also found Jiang Hao a pair of large slippers.

Jiang Hao changed his slippers and walked into the room.

Bringing Jiang Hao to the sofa, Laura pointed to the nonsense girl and said, "This is my sister Luo Jiaojiao. Now she is getting sicker and worse, she almost doesn't know anyone."

Hearing that, Jiang Hao sat directly beside Lola's sister.

"Ah, badass, don't touch me."

When Luo Jiaojiao saw Jiang Hao next to him, she gave a scream, shaking her whole body in fright, and stepped back.

At this time, Jiang Hao could clearly see Luo Jiaojiao's appearance, she looked a lot like Laura, but she was more beautiful in terms of appearance, but her eyes were dull and her expression pale.

"Don't be afraid, sister is here!"

Laura quickly stepped forward and hugged Luo Jiaojiao, who was emotional, and said in her ear: "He is not a badass, he is a doctor, and he is here to treat you."

"No, he is the villain, I don't want to see him, let him go!"

Luo Jiaojiao continued to yell, and she was also shivering in Laura's arms.

At this time, Laura’s mother’s eyes were red and said, “This is because the **** Zhou Damin was scared. It's heavy."

Jiang Hao nodded and said to Laura: "Hold her, I need to give a pulse."

Laura nodded, using both hands for a little bit of strength, hugged Luo Jiaojiao's body, so that Jiang Hao could go to the pulse smoothly.

After a while, Jiang Hao released his hand, understood the condition of his illness, nodded and said: "Send her to the house, I can cure this disease."

"it is good."

Lola replied with joy, and even coaxed Lola into a room.

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Hao also stood up and walked in.

After seeing Laura's parents also coming in, Jiang Hao smiled and said: "You two elders don't come in, and wait outside with peace of mind. I will give you a healthy daughter!"

As he said, he closed the door with a smile.

It is not appropriate for them to see the following things.

Jiang Hao took out the silver needle box and said to Laura: "Take off her clothes, then comfort her to lie down."

Laura did not object, closed the curtains, and began to help Luo Jiaojiao take off her pajamas, and finally coaxed her to lie down honestly.


Jiang Hao's first needle was put on the Baihui acupoint on Luo Jiaojiao's head.

After a while, Luo Jiaojiao's eyelids became heavy and she gradually fell asleep.

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Hao took the needles again, each needle with his essence, energy, spirit, mind, thoughts, and wisdom distributed on Luo Jiaojiao's head and body.

Seeing Jiang Hao finished the needle, Laura smiled at him: "I said, why don't you let my parents follow in? It turns out that you still need this to cure the disease."

Jiang Hao shrugged and said, "Of course, the fewer people see this scene, the better."

Laura nodded slightly, then looked at Jiang Hao with a smile and asked, "What do you think of my sister?"

Jiang Hao carefully looked at Luo Jiaojiao, who was sleeping quietly. It was indeed beautiful. If he fully recovered, he would definitely get 95 points. He nodded and said, "You two sisters are both beautiful."

Laura said with a smile: "Why don't you take her also?"

Hearing this, Jiang Hao smiled: "When your sister gets better, knowing that your sister wants to sell her, will you hate you?"

"Hate me for what?"

Laura chuckled and said, "You know, a handsome and rich man like you is hard to find with a lantern. She should be grateful to me."

"What's more, I am just such a younger sister, and I never want her to follow in the footsteps of my unfortunate marriage."

"Only a man who loves, cares, and spoils us like you knows how to make us happy."

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