I Have a Shenhao System

Chapter 497: Opponent performance

Changzhou City, Eastern Guangdong Province.

The sun in the afternoon was shining a bit poisonously on the earth, roasting everything in the world.

The "Zhongying Building" located in the center of Changzhou is a 95-storey building, which is considered to be one of the most prestigious landmark buildings in Changzhou.

Everyone who lives in Changzhou basically knows the history of Zhongying Group.

The predecessor of Zhongying Group was just a construction engineering company that contracted projects.

Fifteen years ago, the owner of this company, Rong He, used an incomprehensible courage to borrow one billion from the bank and bought a 100,000-mu garbage dump on the outskirts of the city.

On this smelly garbage dump, he spent another three years to build a garden satellite city. In addition, the city government extended the subway and public transportation here, which directly made it a new area and solved the factory state. Nearly half a million people live in problems.

This beautiful investment battle has also directly made Zhongying Group earn a lot of money, and it has become one of the top real estate developers in the factory.

In the following ten years, Ronghe also started the company's expansion career, using various means to merge and acquire hundreds of companies, not only successfully listed in the United States, but also passed the second listing application in Nangang, making Zhongying Group one It has become a major commercial crocodile with a market value of more than four trillion yuan, and has been among the world's top 500 companies.

Now, in a luxurious office on the 95th floor of Zhongying Building, a middle-aged man in his fifties stands in front of the bright floor-to-ceiling windows, overlooking the scenery of the factory.

The sunlight shining on his face still couldn't make his face show a trace of warmth.

He is Ronghe, a generation of business wizards, and the chairman of Zhongying Group.

Behind him, there are still several middle-aged men and women in their forties, all of whom are important figures in the Zhongying Group.

One of the fat men said with a worried look: "Chairman, some major shareholders of the company have begun to sell their shares, and even the stocks on the stock market have been taken away by unknown people in large numbers. The stock price on the Nangang stock market is still falling. I don’t know if our company’s stock price will also fall after the US market opens in the afternoon."

"The investigation did not find out who did it?"

Rong He still asked with his back to these people, and years of business wars kept him calm and steady.

A middle-aged woman said: "I got a little news from Quanta Bank at noon. The person who bought the shares of our group held by their bank seems to be Jiang, and there is no other news."

"Surname Jiang?"

After listening to Rong He, he fell into deep thought.

Suddenly, his eyes lit up, he turned around, and said to the right-hand men in front of him: "I remember Zhong Liang once mentioned to me that the person who maliciously acquired the Ascendas Group was Jiang, if I didn't guess If it's wrong, this person surnamed Jiang will also be him. It seems that he wants to deal with us directly."

A tall and thin man raised his eyebrows and said: "Where does this kid surnamed Jiang have the confidence to come to buy our Zhongying Group? Does he have such a big appetite?"

Rong He Yinyi didn't have a trace of color on his face, and said, "Zhong Liang told me that the backing of this kid is the Yenching Ye family."

"However, no matter who is the backer behind him, since he dares to attack us, then we should do our best to deal with it!"


These people answered with solemnity.


In the evening, Jiang Hao and Qin Xiaolan had enough carnival, and waved to them: "You all go back and prepare. You can go directly to the airport at 8 o'clock tomorrow morning. I will arrange a special plane to take you to Xinghai."

Qin Xiaolan and others were satisfied, and did not insist on staying anymore, and left the Oriental Entertainment City within a short period of time.

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Hao also started calling Wang Ke to arrange a flight tomorrow morning, and also informed Geng Xinxin and Ling Zhan of Xinghai to pick up these people at the airport tomorrow morning.

Finally, he hadn't forgotten to inform Yu Yue.

After making these calls, Jiang Hao bid farewell to Tong Yaya and drove to Qianhao Hotel.

On the way, Jiang Hao received a call from Po Jun.

After connecting, I heard Pojun respectfully said: "The leader, fortunately, Mrs. Dingxiang has been rescued by us, and immediately escorted her on the plane back to China. It is estimated that she will be able to reach Yanjing safely by ten o'clock in the evening.

After Jiang Hao listened, the heart that had been hanging for a few days was completely relieved, and said: "Let her answer the phone."

After a while, Lilac's voice came from the phone, and he said timidly: "Husband, I was wrong, you can punish me when you go back."

Hearing this, Jiang Hao's original anger disappeared, and he said, "It's okay if you are fine. I will take care of you when I come back tonight."

Ding Xiangjiao smiled and said: "Well, you can clean me up as long as you don't get angry with me."

Jiang Hao said softly: "Well, I will forgive you this time. If you dare to have another time, I will just not want you."

Dingxiang smiled and said: "There is no next time, I will never leave you again."

"You give the phone to Pojun."

Jiang Hao laughed and ordered directly.

"The leader."

Soon, Po Jun responded on the phone.

Jiang Hao commanded: "I now give you a new task, which is to buy me some abandoned gold mines and diamond mine graphite mines in some African countries. Tell me how much money you need."

I just got a super excavator and I have to let it work.

Moreover, some of the new technologies obtained by ourselves also require a large amount of graphite raw materials.

"Chief, as long as you give an order, we can directly occupy any country for you. All gold mines, diamond mines, and graphite mines will be yours, and you don't need a penny." Po Jun suggested.

"Stop it."

Jiang Hao quickly corrected this idea of ​​breaking the army and said: "I am a pacifist and do not want to use force against any country."

"Also, when you are on duty in Africa, try not to kill innocent people indiscriminately and use force against civilians, otherwise I will never forgive you lightly."

Breaking the army hurriedly promised: "The leader can rest assured that this kind of ban has long been in place in our army. Once it is discovered that members of the army are killing innocent civilians, they will be engaged by military law."

"That's good. After you send the cloves on the plane, you can go back directly. Call me if you have any problems in the future."

After Jiang Hao confessed another sentence, he hung up the phone.

However, not long after he hung up the phone, he received a call from Liu Huan again.

"Hello Big Brother Liu!"

After connecting, Jiang Hao greeted with a smile.

Liu Huan also smiled on the phone and said, "Brother Jiang, the things you asked us to do last time have been done. Do you have time to come to the Jiangwen Club? We want to treat you to dinner?"

"Well, you guys wait for me a moment, I'll pass right away."

This is a business matter, Jiang Hao did not hesitate, but agreed directly, twisting the steering wheel, and heading towards the Olympic Park.

The scenery outside the window was a bit blurry as he drove fast, like scrap film footage.

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