I Have a Shenhao System

Chapter 498: Lilac back

It didn't take long before Jiang Hao drove the car to the gate of Jiang Wen Club.

The security guard here saw Jiang Hao and quickly opened the door to let him go.

After all, Jiang Wen specifically explained to them not long ago, and Jiang Hao can come and go here at will.

"Hello, Mr. Jiang, Mr. Liu and they are waiting for you in the tea room, please come with me."

When he arrived in the courtyard, as soon as Jiang Hao stopped the car, he met the waitress who had greeted him before and smiled gently at him.

"it is good."

Jiang Hao nodded, followed behind her, and after a few turns, he came to a house.

After knocking on the door a few times, the waitress gently opened the door and sent Jiang Hao in.

In the room, there were several people sitting, besides Liu Huan, Wang Feng, and Yang Kun, there were five well-known singers.

To be precise, they are all male and female singers who are familiar to some netizens.

Seeing Jiang Hao coming, Liu Huan and others quickly got up.

Liu Huan stepped forward and shook hands with Jiang Hao, and smiled: "I haven't seen you in a few days, like three autumns."

Jiang Hao jokingly said with a smile: "Brother Liu, you think I'm abnormal. Who doesn't know that I only like beautiful women."


Hearing Jiang Hao's words, Liu Huan laughed directly.

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Hao shook hands with Wang Feng and Yang Kun.

Liu Huan pointed to those new friends and said to Jiang Hao: "Come on, my brother will introduce you to these new friends."

Jiang Hao shook his head and smiled: "Brother Liu, you don't need to introduce it. My home has been connected to the Internet a long time ago."

After speaking, Jiang Hao also shook hands with these people.

These people are some popular singers at the moment, and they can be regarded as the disciples of the three of them participating in the talent show.

After getting acquainted with these people, Liu Huan said, "Brother, the business you handed over to us has been done, and a few demos of the songs have been recorded. I will show them to you."

With that said, Liu Huan also took out his mobile phone and played some songs.

Jiang Hao listened carefully to these songs while drinking tea with Liu Huan, Wang Feng, and Yang Kun.

Not bad, these songs have a distinct personality when you hear them, and they come in three different styles.

The songs composed by Liu Huan are calm and full of passion.

Wang Feng's songs are passionate and wild, yet delicate and gentle.

The songs composed by Yang Kun are sad and affectionate, and they are not too soft.

After listening to these songs, Jiang Hao also nodded slightly, generally feeling pretty good.

But it was a bit short of the bold, majestic, and unyielding theme melody he had dreamed of in his heart.

It seems that this kind of theme song can only be written by myself.

As for what kind of music Mu Qing and the three of them can compose at Xinghai, they can only wait to listen to it when they return to Xinghai.

After Jiang Hao nodded, he smiled and said, "These songs are all well written, I bought them all."

Liu Huan waved his hand and said, "Brother Jiang is scolding us by saying this. Even if we die of poverty, we can't ask you for this copyright fee, and the three of us have also discussed it. The signature of this composing and composing is your name."

Jiang Hao smiled, shook his head and said: "Three big brothers, I have accepted your kindness, but this is an opportunistic trick. I don't want to do it. It's yours. If you want to create a song, I will do it myself. "

"Brother Jiang also knows how to write lyrics and compose music?" Wang Feng said in surprise.

Jiang Hao smiled: "I understand a little bit, but I haven't written it yet. When I'm not busy, I will find a chance to write a song and try it out. Then the three older brothers will check me.

"No problem, our three brothers must be responsive." Yang Kun smiled and nodded.

Jiang Hao smiled, and then asked Liu Huan: "Brother Liu, you three brought these disciples today, do you want me to nod and let them sing these songs?"

Liu Huan smiled and said, "What do you think of Brother Jiang?"

Jiang Hao nodded: "With their current popularity, they are qualified to sing, so that's it. I will pay you the remuneration according to the market price."

Yang Kun hurriedly said: "Brother Jiang has seen you, and we are all friendly and helpful, not to mention the remuneration."

After listening, Jiang Hao smiled, stood up and said, "All right."

"Let's go, let's eat and talk!"

After checking the time, Liu Huan also gestured and took everyone to the restaurant for dinner.

Before long, Jiang Wen heard that Jiang Hao had come to his club for dinner, and made a special trip to accompany him.

Right now, Jiang Hao is no longer afraid to drink Moutai, and he is enjoying drinking with these people.

Finally, everyone was drunk and he woke up alone.

After nine o'clock, Jiang Hao got up and said goodbye to these people, and drove out of the Jiang Wen club.

After ten minutes, Jiang Hao returned to Qianhao Hotel.

As soon as he returned to the house, he rinsed off the sweat stains on his body and called the hotel staff to come up and wash his dirty clothes.

While waiting for Lilac to return, Jiang Hao suddenly became interested and found paper and pen. After only half an hour, he wrote the theme song of the game, called "Zhengzhan".

After polishing it a little bit, he emailed the song to Quan Ji-soo, Han Wenni, Song Xiaoying, and Liya who were far away in the country, and prepared to let them sing the theme song of the game.

He believes that this song will soon become popular at home and abroad, and the four of them will also take advantage of this opportunity to rank among world-class stars.

Soon, Quan Zhixiu and the others called and chatted with Jiang Hao. The words were full of lovesickness.

Jiang Hao told them that they would come to China again soon, and that they would practice this song during this time.

The four little girls all agreed with excitement.

When it was almost ten o'clock, Dingxiang came back and called and asked: "Husband, are you in the hotel?"

Jiang Hao said: "I'm upstairs, you can come up directly."

It didn't take long for Lilac to come up.

As soon as Jiang Hao saw her, without saying anything, he pressed her and hit her **** twice.

After finishing the fight, Jiang Hao also let go of her, and asked sharply, "Dare you leave without permission next time?"

After being beaten twice, Ding Xiang also rubbed vigorously, painful forbidden nose and pinched eyes, like a child who has done something wrong, shook his head and said: "Don't dare."

Looking at her aggrieved appearance, Jiang Hao asked distressedly: "Are you hurt?"

This time, Ding Xiang was going to assassinate a big drug lord with thousands of people. Even if she was a master of the Profound Realm, she couldn't be afraid of bullets like Jiang Hao, and injuries were inevitable.

Lilac bit his lip, and finally nodded and said: "I have two gunshot wounds on his body, but I took out the bullets. I'm fine now."

After Jiang Hao heard this, he went forward and took off all her clothes. Sure enough, he saw two gunshot wounds on her left shoulder and right leg.

Although he has stopped bleeding and scabs, it still looks a little shocking.

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