I Have a Shenhao System

Chapter 734: Very different

When Jiang Hao woke up again, it was already past nine o'clock in the morning the next day.

After a crazy night last night, only Jin Xiaozhi stayed in his room to accompany him.

After taking a look at Kim Hyo-ji, who was sleeping next to him, Jiang Hao also quietly got up and rinsed, and walked directly out of the room.

After arriving in the living room downstairs, Jiang Hao took out his cell phone and called Peter's cell phone to inform him to come to Villa 8 of Le Pei Jia Hotel.

Today is already Friday. If the equity transfer is not handled today, we can only wait for the next week.

Although there was nothing in the country that he had to go back to handle, but staying outside for a long time made him miss those domestic women a little bit.

Although everyone is chatting on WeChat video chat from time to time, it is still difficult to suppress the longing for them in their hearts.

What's more, the 300 pieces of wood I bought are almost at Xinghai Wharf.

Moreover, the five sea maps sent to him by the system are still in hand, and the salvage ship is still idle.

Just yesterday, Si Nian and Shangguan Jingyu, Dong Yanqiu and Min Danhong also left messages on his WeChat. They agreed to go to Beigang City next Monday to meet Xu Zhilin and talk about the high-tech industrial park.

Even Wang Yuncong sent him a message informing him that he had bought a wood processing plant covering an area of ​​100 acres in the suburbs of Beijing, and even actually went to negotiate with a Chinese football club.

In short, there are a lot of trivial things to scratch your head.

After hanging up the phone, Jiang Hao suddenly received a call from Abdullah.

It seems that Hamby has contacted him last night.

After chatting for a few minutes, the two also met in Cartel.

After putting away the phone again, Jiang Hao went upstairs, walked directly into Lin Feier's room, and lay beside her.

After being awakened by Jiang Hao, Lin Feier also had a happy smile on her face, and she clasped Jiang Hao's neck tightly.

Jiang Hao asked concerned: "Are you hungry?"

Lin Feier shook her head: "I'm not hungry yet."

Jiang Hao said, "I will come back to accompany you later after I have dealt with some things."

Just when Lin Feier was about to talk, her cell phone rang.

She had to let go of Jiang Hao to answer the phone.

As soon as I connected, I heard a roar from the phone: "Lin Feier, why haven't you three come back? Do you want to stay in Xingjiapo and never come back?"

Lin Feier grinned a little bit when she heard it, she bit her scalp and explained: "The three of us were a bit late last night, so we plan to go back to China this afternoon."

The other party continued to growl on the phone: "Asshole, is there any company in your eyes?"

"Don't you know how much work the company has done for your return, and how many media have been hired?"

"You said you won't come back if you don't come back, do you know that this has harmed the company's economic interests?"

"You bastards, just wait to come back and receive the most severe punishment from the company!"

At this time, Jiang Hao, who was lying nearby, said these words clearly.

Suddenly, he was angry.

Nima's, this hapless guy still wants to beat his own woman, this is simply looking for death.

He didn't care how they treated Lin Feier in the past, but in the future they absolutely cannot.

He snatched Lin Feier’s phone directly, and shouted into the microphone: "For the benefit of Nima, I warn you this bastard, if you dare to whine to Lin Feier, scream and drink. , I will let your broken company go bankrupt directly."

At this moment, Jiang Hao really knew that Han Guo actors and singers really did not have any status in his performing arts company. Compared with Hua Xia, they were completely different, one world at a time.

An agent would dare to yell at them like this, let alone the other senior executives in the company.

"Who is your favorite? How can you be with Lin Feier?"

When the other party heard Jiang Hao's voice, he was a little bit perplexed, and hurriedly asked loudly.

Jiang Hao sneered: "Listen, I'm your father, and I'm very upset now, father. You'd better put your attitude to me honestly, otherwise I will just crush you and let you speak softly in the future. Whisper."

At this moment, Lin Feier next to her was a little humorous, and she didn't dare to laugh out loud.

She could imagine how Pu Shenglong on the phone would be angry with Jiang Hao's words.

Since their debut at the age of eighteen, the nine of them have been treated by this brutal agent, and they are almost tortured crazy.

Now, someone finally gave them this bad breath.

On the other side of the phone, that Pu Shengsheng had been furious with anger by Jiang Hao’s words, and shouted at the phone: "Asshole, you are so mad at me. Who are you? Let Lin Feier answer the phone, otherwise I will report to the company and fire her!"

"Your mother doesn't have time to listen to your nonsense right now, get out."

After Jiang Hao finished speaking, he turned off Lin Feier's phone.

At this time, Lin Feier said: "You are so angry with Pu Yisheng. When we return, he will definitely be scolded to death."

Jiang Hao snorted and said, "If he dares to scold you, just tell me, I will let him disappear in Han Guo's entertainment circle in the future, don't want to eat this bowl of rice anymore."

Upon hearing this, Lin Feier said with a happy face: "You are really overbearing."

Jiang Hao laughed and said, "For you, I am willing to offend the people of the world."

Upon hearing these heart-warming words, Lin Feier also had a happy smile on her face, stretched out her hand to hook Jiang Hao's neck, and stared at Jiang Hao with big talking eyes.

Seeing Lin Feier's delicate and lovely appearance, Jiang Hao also lowered his head and kissed her.

At this moment, the door of the room was suddenly pushed open, and Li Shunzhu ran in carelessly, and said worriedly: "No, just now Pu Shengsheng called me and asked about the man with you. Who is it, I said I don’t know, what should I do now?"

Upon hearing this, Jiang Hao snorted and said: "If you know it, you know, can he stop you from falling in love?"

Lin Feier nodded and said: "Our contract terms do say that you can't fall in love casually during the signing period. If you fall in love, you must report it to the company, and the company will consider and consider whether you can continue to fall in love."

Han Guo's showbiz is notorious for the harsh contract conditions.

For their artists, secretly dating in this matter will also be punished by the company.

After all, this will affect the mood of fans.

When fans are upset, the company's interests will suffer.

Therefore, even their love will be written into the company's contract, and once a certain regulation is violated, they will be punished.

Upon hearing this, Jiang Hao curled his lips directly.

He can be regarded as serving this weird country and really pity these women.

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