I Have a Shenhao System

Chapter 735: Swollen and rolled

Just when Jiang Hao was feeling a little bit emotional, Jin Xiaozhi also ran in and reported to Lin Feier with a flustered expression that Park Shengsheng just called to ask who Jiang Hao was.

Seeing the nervousness on their faces, Jiang Hao laughed disapprovingly and said: "Just put your heart in your stomach, this whole life of Pu will soon get out of you."

"In this world, no one dares to prevent you from falling in love with me."

"If anyone dares to stop, I will definitely let him not even find the north, and can only hit the south wall."

After speaking, Jiang Hao directly took out his mobile phone and dialed out in the eyes of the three of them puzzled.

"Master Jiang, are you back?"

As soon as the phone was connected, I heard Wang Yuncong's excited voice, thinking that Jiang Hao had returned to China.

During this period of time, he was very busy in Yanjing, looking for wood processing plants everywhere in accordance with Jiang Hao's requirements, and also talked about a Chinese football club.

Although he had told Jiang Hao about these things through WeChat, he hadn't waited for Jiang Hao's clear answer.

"No, I'm still in Xingjiapo."

After Jiang Hao responded, he settled down and said: "I will leave you to do one thing now, that is, let your Han Guo friend Jin Wenzhe kick the Han Guo GG girl group's agent Park Shengsheng out of the showbiz. It's better to hit his swollen mouth before letting him roll."

"In the future, this **** is not allowed to enter the showbiz to beg for food, otherwise I will let the company go bankrupt and disappear whoever takes him in."

After Wang Yuncong heard this, he asked with some doubts in his voice: "Master Jiang, how did the agent of the GG girl group provoke you? Could it be..."

Jiang Hao knew what he wanted to ask, and directly admitted: "Don't be so, Lin Feier, Li Shunzhu, and Jin Xiaozhi were indeed with me last night."

"Just now, their agent yelled at the three of them on the phone, and they scolded me in a special way. I must let this **** know how miserable it would be to offend me."

When Wang Yuncong heard this, he laughed directly on the other end of the phone and said: "Okay, I'll call and inform Jin Wenzhe to swell his mouth and kick him out of the entertainment circle!"

Jiang Hao continued: "Besides, you will tell Jin Wenzhe again, when I arrive in the Kingdom of Han, I will thank him very much. Being my friend, if you have wine and meat, the enemies around you will perish.

"Understood." Wang Yuncong answered, and asked again: "Jiang Ye, when can you come back?"

"Not sure yet." Jiang Hao answered.

Wang Yuncong said again: "The last time I asked you about the football team on WeChat, did you mean it? I'm still waiting for my reply over there!"

After thinking for a while, Jiang Hao responded directly: "I will allocate 10 billion to you in a while and go and buy it. Then change the name of this football team to Beigang Glory, and you will be the general manager of this football club in the future. , This year we must surpass."

When Wang Yuncong heard this, his voice excitedly said: "Oh, I promise to complete the task."

Jiang Hao continued: "In addition, next Monday, Sinian and Shangguan Jingyu will represent me in Beigang to discuss the development and construction of a high-tech industrial park with the new mayor Xu Zhilin. Then you will go with them and talk to Xu Zhilin. A piece of land is needed to build a high-standard football base and professional football field."

Since he wants to play football, he must play the highest level, otherwise he would rather not play this game.


Wang Yuncong quickly responded again.

"Well, I have something else here, so I won't continue talking nonsense with you."

After Jiang Hao gave the explanation, he put down the phone directly, and then instructed the system to transfer 10 billion soft sister coins to Wang Yuncong.

Then, he said to Lin Feier and the others: "It's done, this Park won't have to mess with the entertainment circle after his life."

After the three girls listened, they all looked at Jiang Hao blankly.

Soon, Kim Hyo-chi hugged Jiang Hao's neck and said with a seductive smile: "Ouba, you are our patron saint, I already love you to death."

Jiang Hao Xiemei smiled and said, "I'll let you love you when you die!"

Jin Xiaozhi pouted: "Bad Oppa, you know you are bullying me."

Jiang Hao smiled and said, "Who calls you the most delicate and lovely!"

Upon hearing this explanation, Kim Hyo-chi was finally happy again.

"Come on, giving you these medicines will restore you directly to 25 years old..."

Jiang Hao took out nine Huanyan Pills and gave them to them, and also explained the usage and effects of the medicine.

If these three can return to their 25-year-old appearance, they will definitely be more beautiful and enchanting.

All three girls were shocked when it heard that it was this kind of medicine.

Whoever listens to this kind of thing will have such a reaction.

After recovering, the three of them took a pill without hesitation.

Five minutes later, there was a change in their bodies, and they all ran into the bathroom.

Just when the three girls were going to clean, the lawyer Peter came.

He did not dare to enter the house directly, but stood in the courtyard of the villa and called Jiang Hao to inform him.

After Jiang Hao received the notice, he went downstairs first.

After arriving in the villa yard, Jiang Hao gave his passport and ID to Peter, and said: "Now go to the fifth floor of the Sentosa Casino to find their boss Lin Canghai, and I will let him handle it. Here is the agreement on the transfer of 30% of the shares of Genting Group to me, and this villa will also be recorded in my name."

When this Peter heard that Jiang Hao had acquired 30% of the shares of Genting Group, he almost knelt down to Jiang Hao on the spot.

This boss is really not an ordinary Niubi, it is simply Niubi Klass.

He contracted both the two major casinos in Xingjiapo.

This is all a big deal for Rijindoujin.

Coupled with Star Airlines, Stars and Lions Properties, Xingjiapo Metro, Xingyun Finance, Star Energy, and Starlight Jewelry, Jiang Hao has accumulated a lot of wealth in Xingjiapo.

This is really incredible.

After a daze, Peter hurriedly said to Jiang Hao: "Understood, I will go and look for him now."

Jiang Hao waved his hand: "Go, call me directly if you have anything to do."


Peter nodded, turned and left.

When Peter left, Jiang Hao went back to the house and picked up the internal phone to inform the front desk of the hotel, instructing them to prepare a Chinese lunch for four people, and deliver it directly to the viewing balcony on the third floor at 11:30. .

After finishing these things, Jiang Hao went upstairs again.

It's still early, you can have some dessert before meal.

Otherwise, as soon as these three girls leave in the afternoon, I don't know when they will see them again.

As soon as he came back, he saw that the three little girls had washed away the cuticles and stains that appeared on their bodies, and they were even more beautiful and younger than they were yesterday.

After that, Jiang Hao was also content to start eating...

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