The more he cried, the more he cried.

When Yi Zhonghai heard what Sha Zhu said, his body trembled violently, and he turned his head involuntarily and looked back at Sha Zhu.

When he saw the pile of dirty things that Sha Zhu vomited, his stomach suddenly began to churn, and a strong feeling of nausea surged into his heart.

He held the wall with his hands hard, trying to support his body to avoid vomiting like him. After all, he had tried his best to restrain the discomfort in his heart just now, but now he was nauseous and finally couldn't stand it anymore.

With a sound of "vomit", Yi Zhonghai also vomited, not only vomiting out all the food he had eaten in the morning.

After a while, Yi Zhonghai had emptied all the food in his stomach, but he was still vomiting acid from his mouth.

Sha Zhu was sent to the infirmary by Ma Hua because Yi Zhonghai himself was also in great pain at this time.

Seeing Sha Zhu in this situation, Ding Qiunan could only pinch her nose and stand two meters away from them, then shook her head helplessly and said:

"Comrade He Yuzhu, I'm sorry! I really have no choice, otherwise I'll ask someone to find Doctor Li, how about it?"

Yi Zhonghai was stunned for a moment when he heard Ding Qiunan's words, and then he immediately understood who the Doctor Li she was talking about was. A gleam of light flashed in his eyes, but he still turned his head to look at Sha Zhu.

"I... okay!" As long as he could save him, Sha Zhu didn't care about anything else at this moment, and just went for it.

The young nurse Liu He ran to the purchasing department to call Li Chenyu. She didn't want to smell the stench in the infirmary, she couldn't even breathe.

After she found Li Chenyu, she immediately told him the reason for going to the infirmary first.

When Li Chenyu walked to the door of the infirmary, he naturally put on a mask and then stepped into the infirmary with confidence.

Liu He was stunned when she saw Li Chenyu like this. Why didn't she think of it? She quickly ran to the place where the medicine was placed, took out several masks, and asked everyone in their infirmary to wear them.

As soon as Ding Qiunan saw Li Chenyu appear, she immediately stepped forward shyly and said: "Chen... Doctor Li, please take a look at Comrade He Yuzhu, he..."

Li Chenyu nodded to Ding Qiunan, indicating that he was clear about the situation, and then his eyes fell on Sha Zhu and asked: "Sha Zhu, what's the matter with you!"

Sha Zhu glared at Li Chenyu angrily, knowing that he was asking, and saw that he was doing this on purpose, and then turned his head away directly, not wanting to pay attention to Li Chenyu.

Seeing this, Yi Zhonghai had to explain: "There are feces and worms in his stomach, Li Chenyu, do you have any good ideas?"

Li Chenyu smiled and replied: "The feces may contain toxic substances, as well as a large number of bacteria, viruses and other microorganisms. If you eat feces by mistake, it may cause intestinal infection or even poisoning.

First of all, infection usually manifests itself as diarrhea, abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting. Bacteria and viruses will multiply and spread to other parts of the intestines, causing inflammation and infection. Common symptoms of poisoning include headache, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea...

Besides, this is just a small infirmary after all, so I suggest that it is better to send Sha Zhu to the hospital."

However, Sha Zhu was stunned after listening to Li Chenyu's words. He didn't understand a word. He couldn't help but snorted coldly, and his face showed full of contempt and disdain, saying:

"Li Chenyu, I don't know what you are talking about. Just tell me whether you can cure my disease! Why You have to talk about a bunch of things I don't understand, and you want me to go to the hospital.

In my opinion, you are just a person who knows nothing. You think you can become a doctor after learning a few days. You are talking nonsense. I don't dare to let you treat me!"

Yi Zhonghai didn't understand what Li Chenyu said, but it didn't prevent him from agreeing with Sha Zhu's words. His eyes flashed with an indescribable smile, and he nodded repeatedly, echoing with great sorrow:

"Yes, Li Chenyu, we all live in the same yard, how can you What about this? You are not good enough to treat the disease, but you pretend to know it.

Also, you are so stupid to go to the hospital. I think the last time you saved someone was just a blind cat catching a dead mouse. I must have a good talk with Director Yang.

People like you who lie all the time are not worthy of staying in the factory, let alone staying in the infirmary. I will tell everyone that you will never delay the treatment of the workers in the factory again. "

Yi Zhonghai said

I felt so happy at the time. It would be great if I could drive Li Chenyu out of the steel mill. No matter what the truth was!

Li Chenyu thought to himself: Looking at Sha Zhu's current state, I don't want to treat him at all!

Yi Zhonghai did this obviously to deliberately make things difficult for himself by using Sha Zhu's matter, so as to accuse himself of a false crime and thus ruin his reputation.

Before Li Chenyu even had time to respond to them, Ding Qiunan couldn't stand it anymore. How could she allow these two people to slander Li Chenyu like this?

So, she immediately scolded the two people, "What qualifications do you have to blame Dr. Li? Dr. Li has clearly explained that He Yuzhu ate too much feces and what consequences would result.

You don't understand, so you talk nonsense here. Be careful, I will go to Director Yang to judge now. I don't believe that you can make up nonsense about Dr. Li.

Besides, the medical room lacks the corresponding treatment equipment. What do you want him to do? Do you really expect him to turn out an instrument immediately?"

Li Chenyu listened to Ding Qiunan's criticism of Yi Zhonghai and Sha Zhu for her, and his mask couldn't help but fall into a funny expression. Ding Qiunan was not usually sharp-tongued, but this time she was brave enough to criticize him for him. It seems that he has to reward her.

After Ding Qiunan finished speaking, she couldn't help but turn her head to look at Li Chenyu, afraid that she would see her like this and make him misunderstand why she was so fierce, but she saw Li Chenyu looking at her with a bright smile.

She knew that Li Chenyu was very happy that she stood up for him and confronted him. In an instant, her heart was put back, and she couldn't help but put on a shy expression on her face.

Turning her head and looking at Yi Zhonghai and Sha Zhu, she was angry again. At this time, the other people in the infirmary looked at Yi Zhonghai and Sha Zhu with dissatisfaction, and cast dissatisfied looks at the two.

You have to know that Li Chenyu is a member of their infirmary, representing their entire infirmary. These two people blatantly slandered Dr. Li, which is equivalent to bullying their entire infirmary, right?

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