The two of them were very angry.

Therefore, Zhang Jie and the others present cast hostile eyes at Yi Zhonghai and Sha Zhu without hesitation.

Yi Zhonghai and Sha Zhu had never expected that Ding Qiunan would refute them so fiercely. For a moment, they were speechless and didn't know how to respond.

What they didn't expect was that everyone in the infirmary seemed to stand on Li Chenyu's side and were full of hostility towards him and Sha Zhu.

But the two of them didn't think about it. You have slandered the doctors in the infirmary. Can they still be nice to you? It's really stupid.

Yi Zhonghai glared at Li Chenyu angrily, but he was helpless in the face of the testimony of everyone in the infirmary. The plan to discredit Li Chenyu had failed. In desperation, he had to find someone else to help him and send Sha Zhu to the hospital for further examination.

However, when Sha Zhu was sent to the hospital, an embarrassing scene occurred. Both doctors and nurses avoided him as if he was carrying a plague.

Although Sha Zhu had taken a bath and changed into clean clothes, he had been in the pit for too long, and the smell of feces on his body had already been deeply marinated, which was not easy to wash off.

Wherever Sha Zhu walked, a strange "vacuum zone" was formed. Even other patients in the hospital couldn't help cursing him when they saw him, and then hid away with disgust on their faces.

A pregnant woman passing by almost gave birth prematurely because of the stench from Sha Zhu because she walked slowly! Her face was as pale as paper and her body was shaky. If it weren't for the family members beside her who quickly supported her, she would probably faint on the ground.

At this time, Sha Zhu was still twisting his body and making unclear sounds, as if he was suffering great pain.

Yi Zhonghai stood aside, anxious but helpless. He could only hold back his disgusting tears and shouted to the doctor: "Doctor, where is the doctor? Come and have a look! There seems to be worms in his stomach..."

However, the other doctors in the hospital seemed to be intimidated by the stench on Sha Zhu, and no one was willing to get close.

In desperation, an old doctor had to step forward. You can't just leave the patient aside!

He put on two layers of masks. Although his breathing was a little difficult, he didn't have to be affected by the stench. Only then did he dare to approach Sha Zhu to check on him.

The old doctor put on two thick masks. Although breathing became a little difficult, at least in this way, he didn't have to bear the disgusting stench directly.

He approached Sha Zhu cautiously and lifted his clothes. Even so, a hint of feces and urine entered his nose. Although it was not as strong as before, it still made him feel uncomfortable.

The old doctor carefully pressed Sha Zhu's still swollen belly with his hand, "What's wrong with him?" He frowned and turned to ask Yi Zhonghai.

His eyes revealed a trace of doubt and worry, and he was obviously very puzzled by the situation in front of him.

Just as Sha Zhu was about to answer, he vomited yellow-green dirty things with maggots in his mouth. The disgusting old doctor wanted to slap himself twice. Let you ask too much questions?

Just as Sha Zhu was about to answer, suddenly, a strong feeling of nausea came over him. He opened his mouth involuntarily and vomited a pile of yellow-green filth.

What's disgusting is that there is a wriggling maggot in the vomit.

Seeing this, the old doctor felt like vomiting and almost wanted to slap himself twice. He secretly regretted asking such a question.

Now, facing such a disgusting scene, he just wanted to get away as soon as possible, but it did not delay the old doctor's rapid retreat.

Yi Zhonghai's face also changed drastically. He hurriedly moved his feet and took a few steps back until he felt safer. Then he calmed down and responded to the old doctor's question with confidence:

"He just accidentally fell into the toilet. He had vomited a lot in the factory before, but now he is still vomiting!"

The other doctors present also showed strange expressions when they heard Yi Zhonghai's description. They wanted to laugh but didn't dare to laugh out loud. They could only hold it back, making the expressions on their faces a little distorted.

After listening to Yi Zhonghai's words, the old doctor endured the feeling of nausea and walked carefully into Shazhu. He checked him again and confirmed that it was as Yi Zhonghai said. He was slightly relieved. It seems

It's nothing serious.

After Sha Zhu vomited, he felt that his physical condition had improved slightly, but he was still full of fear and anxiety. He asked anxiously:

"Doctor, what should I do? I clearly feel that there are maggots in my stomach that are constantly wriggling. Do you think those maggots can really eat my intestines?"

Sha Zhu asked the doctor for help with a horrified face.

"Oh, don't talk nonsense!" The old doctor endured the stench and patiently comforted Sha Zhu: "Comrade patient, please rest assured, the situation you said will never happen.

Take a step back, even if there are worms that really get into your stomach, they can't survive and will be eliminated soon, so you don't have to panic about it."

"But, doctor, I can clearly feel that there are worms moving in my stomach! Please, doctor, please help me check it again!" Sha Zhu shouted worriedly.

"Comrade patient, I have just done a detailed examination for you. You are fine. You just drank that... too much. You will be back to normal as long as you vomit a few more times." The old doctor answered firmly.

At this moment, Sha Zhu was almost desperate. He had expected to come to the hospital to cure his illness, but he didn't expect that even the doctor couldn't find out his real illness and tried to fool him.

In an instant, an idea flashed through his mind, as if he had thought of a life-saving straw, so he raised his voice and asked: "Then doctor, can you prescribe me more, either anthelmintic or insecticide?"

The old doctor shook his head seriously and rejected Sha Zhu's request without hesitation.

Seeing that this hateful old man actually rejected his request, Sha Zhu quickly turned his eyes to Yi Zhonghai and said in a pitiful and pitiful tone:

"Uncle Yi, please help me too, go and ask the doctor! Ask him to prescribe some insecticide for me, I... I really have worms in my stomach..."

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