After that, Yi Zhonghai's stern admonition rang out: "Silly Zhu, stop it! Stop fighting! You two should stop fighting all day long, it's really endless?" Look, Yi Zhonghai simply said a few words and lightly characterized the fight between the two people as a joke between the two people. It must be said that he is really a man of good words! Li Chenyu had just returned home, and Lou Xiao'e came to his door. When she saw that Li Chenyu brought so many things, she couldn't help showing a hint of surprise, and asked curiously: "What on earth did you put in here?"

Li Chenyu looked at her with a smile and replied: "These are some dried vegetables, and there are also two pieces of bacon. I will ask my cousin to make you a delicious fried bacon later in the evening, so that you can taste it."

Hearing Li Chenyu's words, Lou Xiao'e's face immediately showed a happy smile, she nodded excitedly, and then said proudly:

"Chenyu, I have good news for you! Today I went to the street office on purpose and told Director Wang that I wanted to go to the street office to help take care of those lonely elderly people and children.

I didn't expect Director Wang to agree immediately, and also praised me for my high ideological awareness and ambition!" After that, Lou Xiao'e's face was filled with happiness and satisfaction. She also found that this job is so important.

Li Chenyu silently watched Lou Xiao'e's happy smile, knowing that she had also suffered troubles and influences due to her own background.

Now that she can get such an opportunity, it is undoubtedly a great comfort and encouragement for her. Besides, Director Wang must be happy! It's great that she doesn't have to be paid for helping!

Although Lou Xiao'e has a high school degree, due to her special status, she can't go to college and find a suitable job opportunity.

Therefore, she stays at home every day and feels very bored. She can only communicate and talk with the deaf old lady to pass the time, and the deaf old lady regards her as a big enemy.

If Lou Xiao'e works in the street office and helps them with their work, then her contact with the deaf old lady will naturally be reduced, so as to avoid being calculated by the deaf old lady.

"Okay! Sister E, as long as you are happy. However, if you encounter any difficult problems or troubles, you must report the situation to the street office in time.

Don't act on your own, and don't swallow your anger, understand?" Li Chenyu warned worriedly.

However, Lou Xiao'e couldn't help but cover her mouth and laughed, saying: "Chenyu, if others don't know, they might think I'm younger than you! Why are you so worried! Well, I'm not a child anymore."

Li Chenyu smiled helplessly, secretly sighing in his heart that Lou Xiao'e was really a big naive. He had to keep an eye on her all the time to prevent anything else from happening.

After Wu Jiu prepared the meal, they sat around the table and started eating the chef's dinner. After Lou Xiao'e was full, she got up and left and returned to the middle courtyard.

Wu Jiu quickly cleaned up the dining table and kitchen, and then returned to the front yard.

Li Chenyu quietly slipped into the space, took a comfortable bath, and then changed into clean and tidy clothes. After everything was ready, he walked out of the space and slowly walked out of the backyard, pushing his bicycle.

It was night, and most people in the yard were eating at home. Except for Yan Bugui's family who were guarding the gate, everyone else stayed quietly in their homes.

Because he lived in the front yard, Yan Bugui was like a physical monitor, looking at the gate from time to time. When he saw Li Chenyu still pushing his bicycle out at this time.

He immediately picked up the basin in his hand, pushed open the door and pretended to splash water. At the same time, he looked at Li Chenyu with a puzzled look and asked, "Hey, Chenyu, you are going out so late? Where are you going?"

Li Chenyu raised the corner of his mouth and responded softly, "Well, there are indeed some things that need to be dealt with."

Yan Bugui's eyes flickered slightly, as if thinking about something, and then he said, "You are really busy. You are still busy at night."

Li Chenyu's face showed a trace of helplessness, and he sighed and said, "Hey, there is no way. The leader needs help at home. No matter how late it is, I have to rush over!"

"Okay, Uncle San, I have to leave quickly. I can't let the leader wait anxiously. We have

Let's talk later!" After saying that, Li Chenyu pushed his bicycle and prepared to go out.

Yan Bugui hurriedly shouted to him: "Li Chenyu, Uncle San will keep the door open for you at night!"

Li Chenyu turned around and smiled at Yan Bugui: "Don't bother Uncle San, I will open the door myself when the time comes."

Then, Li Chenyu fumbled out half a pack of cigarettes from his pocket and threw it to Yan Bugui: "Uncle San, I still have half a pack of cigarettes here, you can take it! I'm leaving first!"

As soon as the voice fell, Li Chenyu quickly got on the bicycle, stepped hard on the pedals, and sped towards the courtyard of Dongzhimen.

Yan Bugui took the cigarette handed over by Li Chenyu, and a bright smile immediately bloomed on his face, his eyes narrowed into a slit: "Oh my, it's still half a pack of Daqianmen! Hehe, it's really good, I went out to splash water and earned half a pack of Daqianmen. "

Then, he happily turned around and went into the house. Seeing Yan Bugui's excited expression, the third aunt knew that he must have encountered something that made him happy again.

"Boss, what good thing has happened to you that makes you so happy?" The third aunt asked in confusion.

Yan Bugui put down the basin, showing a mysterious smile, and replied proudly: "Of course it's a good thing!" Then, he took out the half pack of Daqianmen that Li Chenyu gave him from his pocket and shook it proudly in front of the third aunt and several children.

"See, this is what Li Chenyu just gave me." After saying that, he deliberately picked up one of them and put it in front of his nose to smell it.

Yan Jiecheng looked at the Daqianmen in his father's hand with envy, and couldn't help but said flatteringly: "Dad, just give me one, anyway, you have half a pack! "

Yan Bugui heard what Yan Jiecheng said, but smiled and said: "Jiecheng, this cigarette is two cents a stick, how many do you want?"

Yan Jiecheng was stunned. He never expected that his father would charge money for even a cigarette. He immediately curled his lips and muttered in dissatisfaction:

"This is the cigarette that Li Chenyu just gave you for free. I want one to smoke, but you still want to charge me. You are my real father!"

However, Yan Bugui did not care, and then said to everyone: "You can eat and drink well, but if you don't know how to calculate, you will be poor.

One cent today, two cents tomorrow, three cents the day after tomorrow... If you accumulate it every day, won't it add up to a lot? Otherwise, how can we feed you guys so big, otherwise you guys would have starved to death long ago. "

"Therefore, don't underestimate these small amounts of money. Maybe at some point, they can come in handy and help you! "

Yan Bugui looked at the admiration on his sons' faces and became more and more proud. He continued, "So! The key is that you still have to maintain a good relationship with Li Chen."

Look, just a simple sentence of leaving a door for him is half-covering the front door. This kid is very generous!" After listening to Li Chenyu's words, the whole family nodded and said they had learned their lesson.

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