I Have A Space For Planting

Chapter 112: , good grades

Chapter 112, good grades

After doing this, Zhang Cheng heard the door being pushed open from the outside.

When he turned his head to look, he found that it was Wang Qing's daughter, Nannan, who had returned.

Should be back for lunch?

Seeing Zhang Cheng, Nannan couldn't help but be stunned.

One thing to say, she was a little afraid of Zhang Cheng.

Although children may not know the specific meaning of the words "observing words and expressions," they can instinctively judge who has a higher status in the family.

Just like her mother Wang Qing got along with Zhang Cheng.

Although Zhang Cheng is quite licking, Wang Qing still respects Zhang Cheng in the end.

This was clearly noticed by Nan Nan. Even if she may not understand what is going on and why, she can also know that her mother should not be able to support her.

So she can only be cautious.

If it is said that Zhang Cheng and Wang Qing get along with each other, they are completely kneeling and licking.

Look how good this girl is. The custody made Zhang Cheng dizzy.

Zhang Cheng blinked: "You're back? What do you want for lunch?"

"I-I'm fine." Nan Nan said.

Now that he met Nannan, Zhang Cheng didn't say that he wanted to leave, and ordered some takeaways to come back.

After a while, Wang Qing came back and frowned when he saw Zhang Cheng at home.

Does this guy think about that at noon?

It was impossible, her daughter was still at home.

Seeing Wang Qing's guarded look, Zhang Cheng immediately showed a helpless look on his face. In the eyes of the other party, he was a starving ghost.

Although it is true that he is right, being treated this way still makes Zhang Cheng somewhat sad.

"I soaked some ginseng wine, and you can taste it when I've finished soaking it." Zhang Cheng showed Wang Qing the wine he soaked.

Seeing this, Wang Qing knew that Zhang Cheng's original intention was not necessarily what to do, but it should have happened occasionally?

"I ordered takeout, just wait a moment." Zhang Cheng said quickly when he saw Wang Qing was going to cook.

When Wang Qing heard the words, he simply stopped the preparations for cooking. After all, Zhang Cheng, a big dog, would not eat for nothing.

Soon, takeout will be delivered.

Sure enough, Wang Qing was not disappointed. Steak, fried shrimp, mushroom and cordyceps chicken soup and other dishes are all delicious.

After lunch, Nan Nan did some homework and left for school at 1:30.

Zhang Cheng held back Wang Qing who wanted to and quickly left, and went to the office to supervise the decoration.

"I miss you."

Wang Qing's head was so big, how could this man just think about these things?

But if I can't satisfy this little man, I can't get out of here today.

"Hurry up." Wang Qing said quickly.

Then in the blink of an eye, it's almost 3 o'clock.

This made Wang Qing cast a blank glance at Zhang Cheng. He originally wanted to take a shower and then go to the office, but in the end he didn't have the energy to move, so he could only stay at home.

Zhang Cheng smiled and watched TV with Wang Qing in his arms.

Wang Qing leaned lazily in Zhang Cheng's arms, eating the oranges that Zhang Cheng handed over.

The afternoon time passed leisurely.

Nan Nan came back from school.

Wang Qing hurriedly sat up and went to take his daughter's schoolbag.

Then while my daughter does her homework, she goes to prepare dinner.

Uncle Zhang Cheng sat there like that, as for letting him help Nan Nan with her homework?

Just forgive him.

But fortunately, the study is not bad, and Zhang Cheng doesn't need to worry about homework.

But after a while, Wang Qing was gone, and there were no good programs on TV, so Zhang Cheng simply came to Nannan to check her homework.

Although the guidance is not enough, Zhang Cheng can still compare the answers and so on. At the same time, Zhang Cheng also saw several test papers that Nannan did, and the results were actually quite good.

This made Zhang Cheng scratch his chin.

Although many schools now use approximate evaluations such as abc to express their grades, the elementary schools in Nannan still use grades.

93 points in Chinese, 98 points in mathematics, as for English, it has been excluded from the main subjects in China, so this score is very good?

Even if these exam papers are only phased, exams for a certain period of study, but with such grades, presumably in the final exam, the grades of 囡囡 will not be too bad.

"The grades are good, what do you want?" Zhang Cheng said.

Nan Nan looked up at Zhang Cheng: "No, nothing."

"In that case, if you can get 90 points or more in both Chinese and mathematics this year, then I'll give you a big red envelope." Zhang Cheng said like a child of wealth.

Hearing Zhang Cheng's words, Nannan's eyes lit up. Although she is young, she already knows the benefits of money.

"What red envelopes?" Wang Qing brought out the cooked food and just listened to the end of the sentence.

Zhang Cheng smiled and blinked at Nannan, signaling her to keep it a secret.

Nan Nan kept her head down and continued her homework.

Zhang Cheng didn't bother Nan Nan again and went to help Wang Qing cook.

"Don't give Nannan money indiscriminately." Wang Qing said while cooking.

Scrambled eggs, stewed eggplant, stewed tofu, fried bean sprouts with green peppers, the four dishes prepared by Wang Qing are very homely. On the side of the pot is cooking eight treasures porridge.

The staple food is to buy thick cakes.

Seeing that Wang Qing didn't need any help from him, Zhang Cheng simply leaned on the door frame and looked at the scene in front of him with unprecedented peace of mind.

Wang Qing was surprised by the quietness of the little man Zhang Cheng, turned his head to see Zhang Cheng's expression, couldn't help being surprised, and then calmly retracted his gaze.

It stands to reason that she should not be emotional. But when I saw Zhang Cheng's An Le look just now, I still felt that my heart was hot.

When she was young, she longed for love, but she encountered such a rubbish.

Later, I immersed myself in work, not only anesthetizing myself, but also closing my heart after I was completely disappointed in love.

Now that I'm getting older, I already thought that I don't need love anymore~www.readwn.com~ But what I didn't expect was that I was tempted again.

Seeing Wang Qing's appearance as if he had been stung, Zhang Cheng smiled when he was surprised.

Is this to discover his virtues? in love with him?

When Wang Qing heard Zhang Cheng's laughter, he didn't know that his own thoughts were seen through by the little man Zhang Cheng, and he threw Zhang Cheng a blank eye.

Continue to cook.

After dinner, Nan Nan watched TV for a while, then washed and went to bed.

Zhang Cheng chatted with Wang Qing about trivial matters, most of which was said by Wang Qing himself, and Zhang Cheng listened.

There is Wang Qing's own past, as well as the affairs of his daughter Nannan, and the affairs of the office.

Zhang Cheng listened quietly, experiencing the heart-to-heart communication at this moment.

This is Zhang Cheng's unprecedented experience.

But it's a bit of a mystery. In fact, I told my wife to my husband that today's cucumbers are 3 yuan and 5 yuan, green vegetables are 4 yuan and 3 yuan, and sweet potatoes are 2 yuan. There is no difference.

What matters is the mood.

Therefore, it is rare that Zhang Cheng did not do anything.

Wang Qing was very satisfied with this. After all, thinking about it every day made her feel annoyed.

Talking so close to each other can heal Wang Qing's broken heart, who has experienced a failed marriage.

However, after speaking, Zhang Cheng still showed his true colors and carried Wang Qing to the bedroom with a smile.

Since his strength has increased greatly, he especially likes to hold his women. The feeling of holding fragile porcelain and taking care of him can make his big man psychologically satisfied.

Then Wang Qing sank into Zhang Cheng's caring tenderness.

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