I Have A Space For Planting

Chapter 113: , with grace and power

Chapter 113, both grace and power

The next day, Zhang Cheng sent Nannan to school and gave her 10 yuan of pocket money at the same time.

Not much. Compared to some families giving hundreds or thousands to their children, Zhang Cheng's 10 yuan can even be said to be shabby.

But Zhang Cheng still knows the truth of being accustomed to killing a child.

"I, my mother said I can't ask for your money." Nan Nan said.

"Who am I?" Zhang Cheng said.

Zhang Cheng's rhetorical question suddenly made Nan Nan stuck. How did she know who the guy in front of her was? And doesn't this guy even know who he is?

She must have met a fool.

Just when I was thinking about it.

Zhang Cheng sighed a little: "Your father cheated on you when your mother was pregnant with you, and this time he made you pretend to be sick again and tricked your mother around. Do you think he is an asshole?"

Nan Nan was stunned when she heard the words. She still didn't quite understand what cheating meant, but she also knew that it was not good. As for being instigated by her father this time, she pretended to be sick and deceived her mother, especially when she saw that her mother treated her and lived in order to save money. After being so tattered, I still have a deep sense of guilt in my heart.

"So you have to study hard and be filial to your mother in the future, so that you can compensate your mother." Zhang Cheng's words are undoubtedly wrong, but it is undoubtedly enough to fool this little girl.

Then the little girl took the money and got out of the car to go to school in a daze.

Seeing that the little girl no longer bothered about what to ask for money or not, Zhang Cheng smiled in his heart, cut~ I still can't fool you?

Before, whether it was calmly watching Nannan crying for half an hour and ignoring it, or later taking Nannan to Wang Qing's residence to let this little girl know how miserable she was to her mother Wang Qing.

This is Wei.

Later, I bought more than 10,000 dolls for Nannan, including the 10 yuan I gave just now, that is grace.

With both kindness and prestige, this little girl can still become an obstacle between him and Wang Qing?


Turning around, Zhang Cheng returned to Wang Qing's law firm.

The renovation is still in full swing.

A few men and women in suits and leather shoes stood with Wang Qing, discussing something.

Zhang Cheng guessed that it was probably the partner that Wang Qing found?

Zhang Cheng didn't go over, but stood at the door, waiting for them to finish their discussions.

After a while, Wang Qing's discussion with his partners came to an end, and came over on a small high heel.

Wang Qing's height is quite good among women, at 1.7 meters. Now, when he steps on the small high heels, he is a little taller than Zhang Cheng.

"NanNan to school?" Wang Qing said.

Zhang Cheng nodded: "Come with me to Jinluo to see." When he visited Mr. Yang Shuyang yesterday, Zhang Cheng casually asked whether he could cooperate in legal affairs.

Although he didn't know how Zhang Cheng got involved with the law, Mr. Yang generously asked his assistant to give Zhang Cheng a call.

As one of the top leaders in the domestic clothing industry, there are all kinds of thoughts about clothing styles and debt disputes, and there are not too many unexpected legal-related issues.

As for Wang Qing's office, as long as it can undertake a small part of it, it will basically be able to gain a firm foothold.

"Jin Luo?" Wang Qing couldn't help but be surprised.

Although she knew that this little man was not simple, she was a little surprised to have a relationship with a big company like Jin Luo.

After thinking about it, Wang Qing turned to look at Zhu Fei, one of the partners who invited her to the firm.

The partner selected by Wang Qing who specializes in commercial disputes.

"Zhu Fei, come with me." Wang Qing said.

Soon, two cars drove out of Lawyer Street, one after the other, towards the direction of the Jinluo headquarters office building.

Zhu Fei, who was sitting in the back, glanced at Zhang Cheng who was driving, thoughtful.

Soon, I came to Jinluo Building.

This 22-story building is the exclusive office building of Jinluo.

Not pursuing anything unique. Come up with a special appearance, it is an ordinary high-rise building.

Responsible for collecting the financial, personnel and other information of the factories of the group company, providing it to the Jinluo executives in the building to grasp the situation of the entire group, and also responsible for some business cooperation.

Of course, the arrival of Zhang Cheng and the others today would not be able to disturb such a high-level person.

Soon, under the leadership of an assistant from the legal department of Jin Luo, Zhang Cheng and his party came to the legal department of Jin Luo.

To Zhu Fei's surprise, Hu Ge, Jin Luo's legal manager, was waiting.

Maybe waiting for someone else? Zhu Feiyou couldn't believe that this kid could be entertained by Jin Luo's legal manager.

"Mr. Zhang?" But what surprised Zhu Fei was that the other party greeted him with a smile.

Zhang Cheng shook hands with the other party. The man in his forties, wearing black-rimmed glasses, was polite.

"Hello, I'm Zhang Cheng."

"I'm Hu Ge, Jin Luo's legal manager, please." Hu Ge said, welcoming the group into the legal department.

Come to a conference room.

After reviewing the qualifications of lawyers brought by Wang Qing and Zhu Fei, as well as some cases handled in the past.

Hu Ge nodded: "Yes, the abilities of the two meet our Jin Luo's requirements. There are so many cases now. Let's see which ones you want to accept?"

With that said, Hu Ge took a few documents from his hand and handed them to Zhang Cheng.

Wang Qing and Zhu Fei exchanged glances, and they were very surprised. In the past, they wanted to take over some cases from big companies and big groups, and the effort they needed to put in was simple.

And the other party can't see it, they still talk about it.

When did the legal department of a top domestic company like Jinluo become so talkative?

Zhang Cheng took a brief look and saw that there were two infringements and one debt, but he was at a loss as to how to deal with it, so he could only hand over the documents to Wang Qing.

After Wang Qing checked it, he handed over the document to Zhu Fei.

After whispering for a moment, both of them leaned toward a debt dispute.

Then comes the signing of the contract.

When Wang Qing left Jin Luo's office building with the contract and power of attorney stamped with Jin Luo's official seal, he was still in disbelief.

She knew that this little man of hers was quite rich, no matter if he directly sold one million or rented the current office for her.

But that's all understandable.

Now, it was easy to get a commission from Jin Luo.

Let Wang Qing look at Zhang Cheng with surprise.

After all, this is Jin Luo, and once the firm's reputation for accepting commissions from Jin Luo is released~www.readwn.com~, it will be of great help to her.

"Director Wang, let's go back and prepare the materials first." Zhu Fei said.

"Well, this case will be handed over to you." Wang Qing said calmly.

Soon, Zhu Fei left with several of his assistants.

"Fall in love with me?" Zhang Cheng leaned over and smiled.

Wang Qing rolled his eyes, this guy has an extra mouth.

"Thank you." However, Wang Qing thanked him sincerely.

Zhang Cheng looked around and took the opportunity to kiss Wang Qing on the cheek. Since this woman followed him, she didn't pretend to be ugly anymore. Now she was wearing a black cashmere coat, rimless glasses, and light makeup, exuding amazing charm.

Wang Qing looked at the little man helplessly, everything was fine, but he didn't know how to control himself in that matter.

At noon, he returned to Wang Qing's residence and had lunch with Wang Qing's mother and daughter. Zhang Cheng left in the afternoon and did not make trouble with Wang Qing.

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