I Have A Space For Planting

Chapter 121: , borrow money

Chapter 121, Borrowing Money

But after a while, Zhang Cheng frowned slightly at the message on the phone, but didn't say anything.

The young woman Fang Yan, who has experienced this incident, has lost a bit of her innocence, but she is even more attractive, because Fang Yan is enough to give a high rating of 8 points based on Zhang Cheng's own evaluation of women. Almost equal to Wang Qing.

But at this moment, the beautiful woman looked at Zhang Cheng with an embarrassed expression, as if she had something to hide.

Zhang Cheng didn't say anything. After chatting a few words with Mr. Fang, he said goodbye and left.

"I'm going to send Xiao Zhang." Fang Yan said to her father.

The old man Fang nodded when he heard the words, Zhang Cheng, the child repays his gratitude, and a good relationship will be good for his daughter in the future.

Zhang Cheng walked out a few steps and found Fang Yan following.

But Zhang Cheng didn't say much, until he walked out of the street of traditional Chinese medicine and found that Fang Yan was still following.

"You are this?"

Fang Yan hesitated and said, "You, the money from selling ginseng, can I use it first?"

When Mr. Fang talked to Mr. Fang and asked Fang Yan to transfer money to Zhang Cheng, Zhang Cheng only received the message from Fang Yan. Can he transfer the money later, and don't tell Mr. Fang the message.

Zhang Cheng thought for a moment: "So the foreign debts you owe are not only those that the old man knows?"

Fang Yan's body trembled when she heard the words, and then nodded with a face that was about to cry.

Zhang Cheng also had no intention of knowing how Fang Yan, a beautiful woman, was deceived so badly all of a sudden.

"You can use the money first, but when will you return it to me?"

It stands to reason that Fang Yan wanted to do business with Zhang Cheng before, and sell some ginseng from him to make money. Zhang Cheng managed to kill her. After all, everyone was a business, and he still licked his face to talk about love? Not sick.

But Mr. Fang's face, Zhang Cheng had to give.

"Can, can you give me a little more time?" Fang Yan smiled awkwardly.

"I can be forgiving, but you have to give me a specific repayment time, right?" Zhang Cheng frowned. Fang Yan wanted to borrow money when he opened his mouth, but not only did he want to borrow money, he was not even sure when to pay it back, which made him dare to borrow.

"How about five or five years?" Fang Yan asked uncertainly.

Zhang Cheng almost laughed when he heard this.

Is 10,000 yuan five years ago comparable to the current purchasing power of 10,000 yuan?

And looking at Fang Yan's appearance, it is basically certain that what she wants to borrow is not this time. I am afraid that the money from selling ginseng will also be on the mind of this beautiful woman.

In five years, if Zhang Cheng sold about 5 million ginseng to Mr. Fang in one year, that would be 25 million. Will this woman be able to pay it back?

In other words, Fang Yan may not have to use so much. But even with 10 million, it is not so easy for Fang Yan to repay the money.

After all, it's not that Zhang Cheng looked down on this beautiful woman. Without the help of Mr. Fang, she might not be as good as Xiangxiang.

"Forget it, I won't borrow it. I'll give you a few days of grace this time, and give me the money as soon as possible." Zhang Cheng said and wanted to leave.

"Zhang Cheng, you are trying to kill me!" Fang Yan was anxious.

Zhang Cheng frowned when he heard this.

If you don't lend your money to the other party, you will kill her?

Holy crap, this logic is so touching.

This made Zhang Cheng more determined not to lend money to the other party.

But Zhang Cheng wanted to leave, but Fang Yan didn't want Zhang Cheng to leave, so she took the initiative to pull and pull.

"Xiaocheng, Xiaocheng, I beg you." Fang Yan said.

Zhang Cheng looked at the hugged arm and the beautiful woman in front of him who was begging so hard, his lecherous heart jumped out again.

Although he has been worried about the problem of Mr. Fang, Zhang Cheng doesn't really want to hit Fang Yan, but this is all delivered to the door. Wouldn't he be sorry for himself if he didn't take a bite of the beautiful woman who looked like a ripe red apple in front of him.

However, it is necessary to pay attention to the routine.

Thinking of this, Zhang Cheng looked to the left and right. After all, it was not a secluded and quiet place, and there were people coming and going on the road. Seeing the situation here, several people looked over.

Seeing this, Fang Yan quickly let go, and did not hug Zhang Cheng's arm again. After all, she also wants a face.

"Sister Fang, I also need money recently. A girlfriend of mine is going to shoot a film and television drama, a girlfriend is going to run a clothing brand, another girlfriend is running a law firm, and a few good friends have a lot of expenses. ." Zhang Cheng casually exposed his emotional problems.

Fang Yan was stunned when she heard the words, this, this, this? ? ?

"Xiao Cheng, it's not good for you to be like this." Fang Yan asked Zhang Cheng for help, but Fang Yan didn't scold the scumbag in her mouth.

Zhang Cheng smiled when he heard the words: "It's okay, after all, I basically prepare about 20 million funds for each girlfriend, let them toss their careers, and I didn't treat them badly with my good friends."

Speaking of which, Zhang Chengtu has said that, I think you can hold it back?

Sure enough, Fang Yan couldn't help swallowing after hearing Zhang Cheng's words.

Twenty million?

real or fake?

Although some beauties in the traffic of short video platforms, there are many who have made huge profits, tens of millions, hundreds of millions, but they are only special cases.

After all, there are so many beauties who post short videos on the platform every day, but only a few are really famous and make big money.

This thing doesn't mean that if he publishes a short video, he will become popular, nor does he mean that he will become popular if he looks beautiful.

With the blessing of beauty and retouching, a woman, not even a woman, can become a beauty. Even pigs will do.

This is also the reason why the word "beautiful" has become the name of women from fifteen to sixteen to forty to fifty.

After all, as long as a series of makeup and beauty retouching operations are performed, who is not a beauty.

"Then, Xiao Cheng, do you think your sister Yan can be your girlfriend?" Fang Yan, a beautiful woman, said that, she is quite clever, but she is very well protected by her father, Mr. Fang. It's a bit too much to say she doesn't know the world, but there's nothing wrong with saying she's stupid.

After I said it, I realized how could I do this.

When Zhang Cheng, an old bastard, heard this, he knew that he should be stable this time.

But you have to use a little fire.

After all, at this time, the more stable it is. It's almost like the fish has swum to the entrance of the set trap. If you are in a hurry, you will startle the fish and turn around and run away.

"Sister Fang, you're joking~www.readwn.com~ Zhang Cheng said lightly, as if Fang Yan didn't care at all.

Seeing this, Fang Yan had a bitter look on her face. After all, she thought she was pretty.

Even if she said that just now, it was a little frivolous, but Fang Yan felt that Zhang Cheng should also look surprised, crying and shouting to get rid of his girlfriend, good friends, etc., and then come after her. Going a step further, she will give all her money to her to solve her biggest problem at the moment.

But Zhang Cheng didn't care at all, and even took her words as a joke.

"Sister Fang, I have something to do in the afternoon. As for the money, you can use it for a few days, but please return it to me as soon as possible." Zhang Cheng glanced at the time on his phone, turned and left.

It is true that Fang Yan, this beautiful woman, makes Zhang Cheng a little greedy, but Zhang Cheng is not the past.

No matter Xiangxiang, Zhao Shengnan, Yang Yu, Yang Xue, Wang Qing, five women, or Qiqi Lulu, Yanyan, and Chen Fei's four good friends. All made Zhang Cheng's appetite. It also trained Zhang Cheng's concentration. Unless there are special women who have touched Zhang Cheng's sensitive points, like Fang Yan, it doesn't matter if they eat well or not.

How to love.

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