I Have A Space For Planting

Chapter 122: , clothing industry

Chapter 122, Apparel Industry

Since they got favor from Mr. Yang Shuyang and started cooperation, sisters Yang Yu and Yang Xue have been even more busy.

They need to determine the future store address, and they need to recruit qualified fashion designers. In addition, they need to contact Jin Luo.

And this is only a more important thing, and other scattered trivial matters are more limitless.

"These are Sister Liang, Sister He, and Sister Mi. They were colleagues we knew when we were running the online store. Now we have invited them over to run the business together." Yang Yu introduced Zhang Cheng to the helpers the sisters found. .

After all, it doesn't matter to open an online store before, it's just a small workshop. But now that it is about to develop, it would be stupid not to ask people to make suggestions for you, or even expand your territory.

Although doing this will definitely increase the cost significantly, and even more benefits will be distributed in the future, but this is the way things are in the world, and people gather when wealth is scattered.

However, it is also possible to have the result of empty people and money.

And this is a problem that all entrepreneurs have to face.

But for the two sisters, this problem is not so serious, because even if the two sisters fail to start their own business, Zhang Cheng will guarantee their living standards and let them continue to live a good life.

So although it may sound uncomfortable, the two sisters followed Zhang Cheng, basically it was like reincarnation, with a good father who had money and resources and was willing to support them.

Zhang Cheng greeted several helpers invited by Yang Yu and Yang Xue.

And these few also looked at Zhang Cheng.

This young man looks unremarkable. He wears clothes and shoes that add up to a thousand dollars at most. It is because of the winter that he wears a down jacket. The price is higher than normal clothes.

When they meet on the road, they don't look at them at all.

But this is the one who supported the two sisters and became their boss.

"Mr. Zhang." He quickly greeted respectfully.

Zhang Cheng looked at the older sisters in front of him and nodded.

There is no painting cake or anything. Apart from supporting Yang Yu and Yang Xue behind his back, he does not intend to intervene in the business of the two sisters.

After all, Zhang Cheng doesn't know much about the clothing industry. The possibility of a problem with a blind command is much higher than the possibility of being effective.

So in front of these employees, it is enough to show support for the two sisters. For everything else, Zhang Cheng doesn't need to worry about it.

Today, it is actually more important to the clothing brands run by sisters Yang Yu and Yang Xue.

Because today they have to determine their own brand and the target consumers they face.

Just like a luxury product, it is aimed at the rich or those who have a need for face. As long as it looks beautiful, handsome and stylish, or simply prints a big logo, people will know at a glance that it costs thousands of dollars. Tens of thousands, even hundreds of thousands, millions, or even tens of millions.

Then that's enough.

Because rich people, or people who love face, their pursuit of buying some items is this. Use these items to add lustre to yourself, or to make them look at others with admiration or admiration.

As for the price? quality? Sorry, in the face of these demands, we have to give way.

But in the same way, it is not easy to make the value of your own brand, that is, to be recognized.

It takes a long time to use a variety of routines to connect the brand with some celebrities and allusions.

It is for this reason that luxury has another name.

IQ tax.

Obviously, sisters Yang Yu and Yang Xue do not have the ability to make people pay taxes to their new brand.

So they decided to target ordinary people as consumers.

Taking quality, taking into account both comfort and a certain degree of version, as the business purpose.

As for such a requirement, it seems that it is not so low compared to the luxury business side, which is to force one's own brand and make people recognize the brand value. But Jinluo, who has one of the best garment factories in the country, is not a problem as an OEM, and as long as the two sisters don't come up with some amazing operations, then basically only the sales are very good. Well, in general, these three cases.

As for losses? This possibility is not impossible, but the probability is not high.

This is also the reason why the two sisters, Yang Yu and Yang Xue, can easily recruit these three capable online shop owners.

After all, seeing the big ship passing by, how could it not take a ride.

"I think we need to face mid-end customers, with both comfort and shape, and we can give up a little in terms of quality." But compared with the brand purpose of the two sisters, the three eldest sisters have different views.

Because life is getting better these days, quality really isn't as important as it used to be when living conditions were poor.

It can even be said that even if the quality of the clothes is not good, there are not many people who really wear the clothes to the extent of damage.

Basically one or two seasons is almost the same. Will buy a new one next year and third year.

This is also the experience of the three eldest sisters who have been operating online stores for many years.

Zhang Cheng listened to the discussion between the two sisters, Yang Yu and Yang Xue, and the three eldest sisters.

However, the sisters Yang Yu and Yang Xue did not intend to compromise.

Although reducing the cost of quality will increase their profits, it will also damage their brand image to a certain extent. After all, people don't care much about quality, but it doesn't mean that customers don't have an opinion on the brand of clothes when they are damaged.

With Zhang Cheng's support, the two sisters didn't want to just run an ordinary clothing brand.

National brand is their pursuit.

So in this regard, it is impossible for them to give in.

The three invited eldest sisters could only give up their own ideas when they saw that the two sisters were so persistent.

After that, the location of the physical store is discussed.

Although the physical stores are getting more and more hips under the siege of online stores in recent years, a clothing brand must have a physical store.

Even if it will result in a high cost, it is a relatively simple and low-cost way to brush the presence of people when they are shopping.

After all, when people are shopping, they see the physical store of the corresponding brand in a good section of the street, so whether they go in for a stroll, or go back and see the corresponding clothing brand on the Internet, they may have the idea of ​​purchasing.

And brick-and-mortar stores don’t necessarily lose money.

"How about in Sanqing Market?"

Sanqing Market is a relatively large clothing market in S City. Although it cannot be said to have everything, it is one of the best places for ordinary people to choose clothes in the past.

That is to say, under the running of online stores in recent years, the Sanqing market has gradually become less prosperous, but there are still three pounds of nails in the rotten boat, and there is still some traffic.

And this choice has also appeared in the previous options of the two sisters, so it was soon decided to open a store in Sanqing Market.

However, the address of another store has some differences.

Yang Yu and Yang Xue are going to open in the city center~www.readwn.com~ Even if they have to pay hundreds of thousands of rent a month for this, they still want to stand up for their own clothing brand. The store will be the head office of the two sisters' clothing brands.

The three eldest sisters are more inclined to bloom on multiple lines, and will use the cost of opening a store in the bustling section of the city center to open a few more stores in other relatively similar areas.

It cannot be said that the ideas of the three of them are wrong. After all, they have accumulated rich experience in operating online stores and clothing industry for many years, and their opinions are of course worthy of attention.

But when Yang Yu and Yang Xue had already made a decision, they could only give up.

Looking at the discussion in front of him, Zhang Cheng couldn't help but be glad that he had no idea of ​​struggle.

It's just a clothing brand that has just started, and it has such and such inexhaustible trivial matters.

Fortunately, the two sisters had previous experience in running online stores, or insisted on their own opinions, or followed the advice of the three eldest sisters, and they always dealt with things.

Then, as if in the blink of an eye, it was almost 7 o'clock in the evening.

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