I Have A Space For Planting

Chapter 130: ,live streaming

Chapter 130, live

After a good night's sleep after the fifth row of joy, Zhang Cheng flew up.

It's more comfortable than when he was fighting pesticides, and he had a ten-game winning streak.

Humming an out-of-tune ditty, after washing up, Zhang Cheng returned to Xiangxiang.

To Zhang Cheng's surprise, Xiangxiang was at home.

"What? The film has already been sold?" Zhang Cheng said.

Xiangxiang nodded and smiled happily: "Well, 4.72 million." After all, the old man Bai has already nodded, so the other party will not be harsh, and he will quickly give a price.

Zhang Cheng calculated in his heart, and after deducting the cost of shooting, in less than two months, he made a million or so.

Tsk tsk, this film and television drama is really a lucrative industry.

No wonder those traffic are so popular.

After all, 200 million investment and 190 million top streaming movies can be sold at a sky-high price on major video websites if they change hands.

make big profits,

It's no wonder that no one is serious about making movies and TV dramas.

But Zhang Cheng didn't want to change anything. He used to think so, and now he does.

After all, with his small arms and calves, it was only because a few old men wanted to buy ginseng from him that he could get along well.

Otherwise, what would Zhang Cheng be worth?

Going to change clothes first, Zhang Cheng returned to Xiangxiang and sat down again.

"Do you have any plans?"

"I listen to you, Brother Cheng." Xiangxiang smiled.

After giving Xiangxiang a brain break, Zhang Cheng thought for a moment.

"Continue to receive scripts from S Film and Television. Although it is not easy for students to write good books, it is more or less a way. In addition, we must also accept scripts from the society, but this will cost more money."

"A similar script may cost hundreds of thousands, and a good script may even cost millions."

"You have to be mentally prepared."

"But don't worry, if we think a script is really good, we can go to Mr. Bai to invest together."

Although such an approach seems to be a bit inauthentic, like the old man in the daytime, but the old man has been through the ups and downs of the business for decades. If he does not make profits, how can he be influenced by him, and he will blindly invest with a lot of money.

Think more.

Therefore, Zhang Cheng's approach even has the meaning of relying on the script that Mr. Bai found for Xiangxiang to check.

After all, if the filming is continued, it can no longer be a short series of 6 or 7 episodes. At least it must be a series of about 20 episodes, which may cost tens of millions of funds.

Even Zhang Cheng would feel a little distressed once the film could not be sold and all the losses would be lost.

Listening to Zhang Cheng's help in making an idea, Xiangxiang even took out a note to record.

This greatly satisfied Zhang Cheng's vanity.

Just as the two were discussing how to continue the operation of the crew, Xiangxiang's cell phone rang.

After a while, Xiangxiang looked at Zhang Cheng: "It's Xiaoxiao. She said they were going on winter vacation and wanted to invite us to have a dinner together."

Zhang Cheng was stunned when he heard the words, is it almost time for the Chinese New Year?

Immediately nodded: "Okay." This stupid girl who was still studying in a normal school was very attractive to Zhang Cheng because she borrowed the dance classroom that Zhang Cheng rented for Xiangxiang because of her poverty. So far, the only beautiful girl who has kept Zhang Cheng from giving birth to a good heart.

After all, the innocence of this stupid girl made Zhang Cheng a little bit unbearable to start, so he simply regarded her as a younger sister.

River fishing as always.

Sun Xiaoxiao, Yin Meng, Qian Xueyan, Hu Li, He Yan.

None of the five girls' films fell, and they all came.

It looks like a big eater.

Zhang Cheng hurriedly covered his mobile phone.

"You, what are you doing?"

"Hey, this is a treat for Sister Xiangxiang, who are you pretending to be stingy to show that~" Sun Xiaoxiao ruthlessly dismantled Zhang Cheng's pretence.

"Tsk~ What's the matter, your sister Xiangxiang's money is not mine?" Zhang Cheng dissatisfied when he saw that he didn't scare the little girl.

Hearing this, Xiangxiang couldn't help but pat Zhang Cheng funny, knowing that it was just a joke, if she didn't, she might think that Zhang Cheng disliked a few girls.

This makes Xiangxiang willing.

After all, these girls have almost become friends with her.

I ordered food here, and soon Yang Wei came too.

Xiangxiang obviously did not forget this best friend.

"This is my best friend Weiwei." Xiangxiang introduced Yang Wei to several girl films, and also introduced several little girls to Yang Wei.

After saying hello to Xiangxiang, Yang Wei looked at Zhang Cheng with a complicated expression.

During this time, Zhang Cheng would give her gifts from time to time, sometimes 1000 angels, sometimes 300 banknote guns, 99 hot pot or something.

Lin Lin always gave her a lot of money, but unfortunately, her live broadcast still did not improve.

As for big brother?

Not even one.

Because the current beauty is too serious, whether it is their live broadcast or the short video, the big brothers have already been deceived and learned.

Unless you have met in reality, you will basically not give gifts arrogantly.

After all, tens of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands, are swiped out, and when they come out, they look uglier than the pigs he brewed. This is really a very emotional thing.

And one thing to say, Yang Wei's appearance did not make the big brothers heart-warming.

"Thank you Brother Cheng."

"Sit, sit quickly and see what else we don't order, don't miss any delicious food." Zhang Cheng didn't care. After all, it could be thousands, tens of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands, and it was like that in his hands now. Only the level of pocket money.

Although Yang Wei and Sun Xiaoxiao had never met before, but chatting with Xiangxiang through Xiaoxin, she still knew so many little girls, and several little girls naturally knew Yang Wei.

So the women chatted quickly.

"Sister Weiwei, which platform are you broadcasting on?"

"Sister Weiwei, how is the live broadcast?" Anyway, a few little girls are curious about what's going on in the live broadcast business. After all, what does the live broadcast say? It's quite lively.

Yang Wei smiled bitterly when she heard the words: "You all have a bright future, don't worry about these messy things, I was too poor in my studies before, otherwise I can find a good job, where can I compare with live broadcasts."

If you want to subdivide the business of live broadcasting, it can be roughly divided into the early stage, the middle stage, the later stage, and the current shrinking period.

In the early stage, the live broadcast was not very popular, that is, those game anchors could retain a certain number of users, followed by some singing anchors.

In the mid-term ~www.readwn.com~ the popularity of live broadcasts has increased, capital has entered the market, and some big anchors have been exposed to tens of millions of signing fees, which shocked people's attention. Make the live broadcast more and more popular.

In the later stage, some big brothers were attracted and arrogantly brushed money, so that the live broadcasters during this period took a hard bite, as if they were sitting on the air vent and were about to take off.

The shrinking period, but the money of the big brother is not in vain. As the freshness of the live broadcast recedes, if you want the big brother to spend a lot of money, you must show "sincerity".

However, there are more big brothers, but they no longer pay attention to the live broadcast. After all, when the freshness of the live broadcast fades, it is quite boring to watch the live broadcast.

Especially with the emergence of a competitor like short video.

It also made the big brothers divert a lot. After all, just swipe to see interesting jokes, or make yourself prettier than a star through beauty, intensive repair, etc., a young lady, twisting her waist and pouting her butt, isn't it more fragrant than watching a live broadcast?

After all, short videos are basically in the stage of 'wonderful' and 'climax'. Unlike live broadcasts, it may take a long time before some more eye-catching operations will appear.

This further exacerbated the decline of live broadcasting.

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