I Have A Space For Planting

Chapter 131: , her 1 everything

Chapter 131, everything about her

Sun Xiaoxiao did not expect that Yang Wei, the anchor, would have such a low evaluation of the live broadcast.

Fortunately, all kinds of pork slices, beef slices, mutton slices, fish slices, chicken thighs and chicken wings, bullfrog, meatballs and shrimp slips, yellow throat, hairy belly, mountain mushrooms, and green vegetables were served one after another.

The crowd was eagerly preparing to eat.

"Sister Xiangxiang, you don't know. I haven't eaten well for a long time because I bought the ticket home." Sun Xiaoxiao gulps down the sliced ​​meat cooked in the bright red hot pot, while mumbling.

Xiangxiang was happy when she heard the words, picked up a tissue and wiped off the red oil from Sun Xiaoxiao's mouth.

"Your parents didn't give you the toll?"

"Yes, but I bought lipstick." Sun Xiaoxiao said embarrassedly.

"Smelly beautiful." Xiangxiang couldn't help but feel happy.

Sun Xiaoxiao smiled and ate meat with a big mouth, quite heroic.

And just when the crowd was eating and drinking, a well-dressed woman happened to pass by, and then looked here with a look of surprise.


Hearing the voice, Sun Xiaoxiao turned her head to look, frowned when she saw the woman, and then glanced at Hu Li.

This woman is the senior sister in their school and also Hu Li's fellow villager. It is said that they live quite close.

So when I found out by chance that Sister Xiangxiang was filming a film and television drama, I was moved and wanted to find a relationship to try.

After all, it should be said that the woman is still quite beautiful. The fashionable dress makes her look 7 points+. Along the way, it also attracted the attention of many people.

But Sun Xiaoxiao has never let go. After all, Sister Xiangxiang and Brother Cheng are really good to her, and Sun Xiaoxiao can still feel that they treat her as a younger sister.

So how can it be so troublesome for Sister Xiangxiang. Especially the woman who came here, there is really a problem with the reputation in school.

Now this woman is actually chasing after her, apparently someone tipped off.

And Hu Li, who was looked at by Sun Xiaoxiao, looked guilty and a little restless.

But when they met outside, Sun Xiaoxiao had to say hello to the woman.

"Hello, Sister."

Xiang Yan smiled lightly when she heard the words: "I came here alone, I don't know if it is convenient for you to add a pair of chopsticks?"

Said, Xiang Yan looked at Xiangxiang, and then at Zhang Cheng.

Although Sun Xiaoxiao was unhappy, she didn't want to make things stiff, but it wasn't her treat after all, so she could only look at Xiangxiang.

Although Xiangxiang didn't know what happened, she just added a pair of chopsticks and one more person.

What can this be, so he nodded with a smile: "If you don't dislike it, please sit down."

"Thank you, my name is Xiang Yan, I'm currently studying at a normal school, and I'm a junior." Xiang Yan sat down gracefully.

Zhang Cheng glanced at Xiang Yan, then withdrew his gaze.

Although this woman is very beautiful, much prettier than Xiangxiang, but there is nothing that attracts him. Especially if it is the senior sister of Sun Xiaoxiao and the other little girls, then it is still another family.

After all, Zhang Cheng also has such a trace of conscience.

And when Zhang Cheng was burying his head to eat, he heard something unexpectedly.

"I'm listening to the little novel. Sister Xiangxiang, are you managing the crew?" After chatting for a while, Xiang Yan finally couldn't hold back, revealing her purpose of chasing after her cheeky.

Obviously want to get a chance to act from Xiangxiang.

Because she is already a junior, she has to do various internships. But Xiang Yan didn't want to be a teacher at all.

As for why you went to Normal University in the first place? I can only say that I was stupid when I was young.

Hearing this, Xiangxiang stopped her chopsticks and looked at Sun Xiaoxiao, who was drowning her head while eating, and understood Xiang Yan's situation to some extent.

He smiled softly and said, "Don't listen to Xiao Xiao's nonsense, it's just a small crew, and work has stopped now."

Obviously, after supervising the short drama "Rebirth", Xiangxiang has made great progress. It is no longer the state of ignorance and ignorance that it used to be.

This made Zhang Cheng nodded with satisfaction, yes, it was a bit interesting.

After all, this is what it is. If there is no such level, even if Zhang Cheng insists on helping Xiangxiang to be a producer, she will not be able to manage a crew well.

Xiang Yan was a little disappointed when she heard the words, although she still didn't want to give up, but after the other party clearly expressed her intention to refuse, what's the point of entanglement, she turned to look at Zhang Cheng beside Xiangxiang, her eyes lit up.

She never believed that women could be successful, even if she was a woman herself.

Because in Xiang Yan's view, for women to be successful, there must be family or other additional factors.

And she felt that the man in ordinary clothes beside Xiangxiang was probably the key to Xiangxiang's success.

As for wearing ordinary clothes? Judging a person just by what they wear these days, but it will be a joke. Xiang Yan has suffered losses in this regard.

And not to brag, Xiang Yan is still a little confident about her beauty.

At least in this group of people, Sun Xiaoxiao can be compared with her.

So she has no chance to face Xiangxiang, so in front of this man? As long as she is willing, there must be no gain, right?

Will it offend Xiangxiang or something for doing so?

Xiang Yan glanced at Xiangxiang coldly, she might not be able to pry this brother Cheng away from Xiangxiang.

So what is not to be offended.

who cares?

Zhang Cheng didn't expect this kind of **** to happen when he came out to have dinner with the little girls like Sun Xiaoxiao.

As for whether to compete with Xiang Yan or not?

At first glance, this woman is a thing. Although she is very beautiful, Zhang Cheng has no intention of getting started.

What's more, Xiangxiang has clearly expressed disgust, and it is even more impossible for Zhang Cheng to have anything to do with this woman.

After all, Xiangxiang's careful service here also made Zhang Cheng enjoy it very much.

I can't always see anything more beautiful, regardless of Xiangxiang's feelings.

Although Zhang Cheng is scum, he is not scum all the way to the end. Still affectionate. As long as Zhang Cheng decides to accept the woman, he will definitely be careful, loving and pampering.

To make up for their lack of marriage guarantees.

Therefore, no matter how much Xiang Yan teased, Zhang Cheng was not moved.

And this kind of performance also made Xiangxiang's eyes frown and Qiushui couldn't help moving.

"Wow la la~" Suddenly ~www.readwn.com~ Sun Xiaoxiao couldn't stand it any longer and threw the bowl directly.

"Xiang Yan, accept your coquettish behavior, I haven't seen a man in my life." This sentence is still a bit too sturdy for Sun Xiaoxiao. Can't say anything like that.

But it's a pity that Xiang Yan didn't care about it at all, and even said that she was a little proud.

Is she naughty?

Of course, she's horny, even though she's only twenty-one years old, she's already seen countless men.

It also gained a lot of benefits.

At least she earned her own tuition and daily expenses for school.

Otherwise, with the bad environment in her family, I am afraid that she is married now and has no idea how many children she will have.

Xiang Yan didn't want that, she wanted a better, better and better living environment.

As for the price to pay for it?

Is everything about her enough?

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