I Have A Space For Planting

Chapter 146: , get what you want

Chapter 146, get what you want

As usual, 500,000 yuan was transferred to Wang Qing.

"New Year's red envelope." Zhang Cheng said with a smile.

Wang Qing wanted to say something, but when he heard footsteps not far away, he quickly broke free from Zhang Cheng's arms, and then gave Zhang Cheng a roll of eyes.

This little man didn't even look at the place, he wanted to move his hands and feet every day.

"Director Wang..." The person came to report to Wang Qing.

Wang Qing pondered for a moment and gave a solution.

Simply neat.

The visitor recorded Wang Qing's solution, and then quickly left to get busy. After all, the sooner things are done, the sooner they can go home for the New Year holiday.

"I have something to do in the afternoon. I'll find you at night." Zhang Cheng hugged Wang Qing and kissed him, then turned and ran.

Watching Zhang Cheng run away, Wang Qing couldn't help laughing, this little man really is.

After checking the makeup, and there was nothing unusual, Wang Qing continued to work.

After Zhang Cheng left, he found a Sichuan restaurant.

I ordered fish-flavored shredded pork, Mao Xuewang, a fried vegetable, and a few bowls of rice.

For Zhang Cheng, who has eaten a lot of good things during this period, the taste can only be said to be not bad.

It's okay to make do occasionally.

After ticking half a tick in his heart, Zhang Cheng wiped his mouth and checked out and left.

Drive to Fang Yan's residence.

This is the message Fang Yan sent to Zhang Cheng through a small letter.

After dialing Fang Yan's number, Fang Yan quickly came downstairs.

A pink down jacket gave the middle-aged young woman a bit of youthful vibe.

This kind of temperament of maturity and youth is also the reason why Zhang Cheng is so excited.

"Please, please~" Fang Yan stammered.

Following Fang Yan upstairs, Zhang Cheng looked at the residence in front of him.

The layout is very good, and the interior area looks like more than 100 square meters.

Obviously, before Fang Yan did something, Mr. Fang Tan Fang was quite profitable running the old pharmacy.

It's a good place for my daughter.

But unfortunately, Fang Yan, a woman who is only clever, has no great ability, but still wants to make a lot of money.

She had to keep an eye on her father, Fang Tan, for the purchase of ginseng from Zhang Cheng to make up for the debts she still owed and did not let her father know.

"Where's the money?" Zhang Cheng looked at Fang Yan and asked.

Fang Yan hesitated several times, and then sat on Zhang Cheng's lap.

"Xiaocheng, you, I really don't have any money. You can use my body to pay for it. Sister, this is all I have now."

Although Zhang Cheng didn't know how much Fang Yan owed, it seemed that he really had no money.

And Fang Yan said so, he was polite and undressed directly.

After everything was over, Zhang Cheng was quite satisfied.

After all, although Fang Yan is not young, she is still a fan.

Fang Yan looked confused. She was no longer a child, but it was the first time she felt such a ranking.

After Zhang Cheng kissed Fang Yan again, he was going to wash up, lest there would be any smell at Wang Qing's place at night.

Zhang Cheng came out of the shower, Fang Yan leaned on the head of the bed.

"This, is this all right?"

Zhang Cheng got dressed and sat next to Fang Yan, looking at the woman thoughtfully.

This woman is stupid and greedy, he won't be around anyway, but being a good friend is undoubtedly a good choice.

After all, Fang Yan's temperament that combines maturity and youth is still very top.

"Do you think it's possible?" Zhang Cheng said slightly sarcastically.

Fang Yan frowned: "Then, what else do you want?"

"Five thousand at a time." Zhang Cheng said.

Fang Yan refuted something, but in the end she didn't say anything, as long as Zhang Cheng didn't urge her to pay back the money. As for 50,000 at a time, then 50,000 at a time is fine.

At this moment, Fang Yan regretted very much, how could she have lost her mind and borrowed so much money stupidly to buy the batch of medicinal materials. If she hadn't bought that batch of medicinal herbs, she wouldn't be so contemptuous of herself now.

Zhang Cheng didn't care what Fang Yan was thinking, got up and left.

Looking at the time, it was already more than 4 o'clock, and it took more than two hours in Fang Yan's place unknowingly.

However, it was a wish.

Just as Zhang Cheng was on his way to Wang Qing's place, the phone rang.

"Mr. Zhang, all the small-leaf red sandalwood bracelets you consigned for sale have been sold out, with a total income of 94,600." It was Ren Jia, the beautiful woman who was irritable and hilarious, to report her sales of the small-leaf red sandalwood bracelets.

At the same time, I also wanted to remind Zhang Cheng, if there are still beads, can I send some more.

Zhang Cheng naturally couldn't hear Ren Jia's subtext, so he simply processed some more in the Tianchengjie space, and then drove to Antique Street.

When you get to the antique street, give the beads to Ren Jia this time.

After Ren Jia gave Zhang Cheng the money, he began to carefully check the quality of each bead.

Looking at the 85,140 that had just been added to Xiaoxin's wallet, Zhang Cheng calculated in his heart that the beauty Ren Jia had already taken away the minimum 10% of what he promised.

But after doing some calculations, Zhang Cheng transferred another 4,730 yuan to Ren Jia.

After all, Ren Jia himself took the lowest 10%, so he can't just count it.

Still want to chase after this woman.

Hearing the reminder sound of Xiaoxin's payment, Ren Jia unexpectedly picked up the phone and looked at it, and then unexpectedly looked at Zhang Cheng.

"I'm very satisfied with the price you sold, I'll give you 15 points." Zhang Cheng said.

One thing to say, after receiving the more than 80,000 yuan, Zhang Cheng immediately wanted to stop the sale of Xiaoye Red Sandalwood bracelets.

After all, this is too little, and the trouble of running around.

Although Ren Jia sold out everything in a few days, it is uncertain whether the business will be good or bad in the future.

But it was Ren Jia who did this business, and the other party was still a little difficult, so Zhang Cheng would definitely not stop.

Ren Jia was silent for a while: "Thank you."

Then he continued to look down at the beads that Zhang Cheng brought this time.

"8 beads, 49..." After Ren Jia finished identifying the beads, he reported the number to Zhang Cheng while taking a video with his mobile phone.

Zhang Cheng nodded, the number of beads of each specification was different. It was also his intention.

"Do you have a boyfriend?"

After Ren Jia reported the number of beads, she suddenly heard Zhang Cheng's question, and almost couldn't turn her head around, then frowned and looked at Zhang Cheng.

This man can ask her for a small letter when he is entangled with his ex-girlfriend, which shows how unreliable it is.

But after thinking about it, Ren Jia still shook his head.


Zhang Cheng smiled: "What do you think of me?"

Ren Jia glanced at Zhang Cheng, looked back, and didn't say anything more.

Zhang Cheng ate a soft nail~www.readwn.com~ was somewhat embarrassing, but he didn't plan to give up just like that. After all, Ren Jia was such a beautiful woman with an elegant temperament.

A small face that is suitable for anger and happiness, full of collagen.

Don't say that Zhang Cheng is an old man, even if Zhang Cheng is not an old man, he should be moved.

After chatting awkwardly for a while, Zhang Cheng left with some reluctance. Today, Fang Yan has eaten meat, so Zhang Cheng is not so anxious.

Take it slow.

He lowered his head and pieced together the small-leaf red sandalwood beads that Zhang Cheng sent this time. Ren Jia, who would look better when paired with those in a bracelet, could sell for a higher price. After realizing that Zhang Cheng had left, he could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

She didn't dare to offend Zhang Cheng, after all, Ren Jianeng noticed that Zhang Cheng was careless about the sale of the Xiaoye Red Sandalwood bracelet.

But she can't miss this business now.

So just be careful.

I hope this man will lose interest in her after a few uninteresting discussions with her in the future. Of course, it would be even better if they could continue to do business with her for the Xiaoye Zitan bracelets.

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