Chapter 147, Injured

Come to Wang Qing here.

Nan Nan is not on vacation yet.

She won't have a holiday until the 28th, and she will start school on the fifth or sixth day of junior high, which is worse than many factory dogs.

But this girl didn't complain, because the other classmates around her were just like her, or even more bitter.

There may be many inexplicable people who are clamoring to reduce the burden on their children, but there are also many parents who are letting their children, or even forcing them to study hard.

Because of their hard work now, they can have a better future.

Otherwise, like Zhang Cheng did before, go to the factory to screw the screws?

Zhang Cheng doesn't know what others think, but he thinks Wang Qing is more reliable than those who talk about giving children a happy childhood.

After all, the joy of childhood often has to pay the price in adulthood.

Zhang Cheng glanced at Nannan who was doing his homework, and after thinking about it, he used the ginseng he had kept in Wang Qing's place, grabbed the root and gave Nannan a glass of water.

"Thank you uncle." Nan Nan politely thanked her, then took a sip of water and continued her homework.

Soon, Wang Qing made dinner.

"Have a meal."

Nan Nan got up to wash her hands, ready to eat.

Well-behaved, Zhang Cheng also wanted a daughter.

"Those ginseng, you can also make tea for Nannan, drink it if you need it, don't save it." Zhang Cheng picked up the steamed buns and ate the vinegar-sweet buns dish made by Wang Qing.

These home-cooked dishes made Zhang Cheng very satisfied.

Wang Qing glanced at Zhang Cheng when he heard the words, then nodded lightly.

Nan Nan quickly finished her homework and went back to her room.

Zhang Cheng smiled and just wanted to make a move.

"I'm going to take a bath." Wang Qing ran away.

This made Zhang Cheng a little helpless, so he could only go to the bedroom and turn on the TV to pass the boredom.

Several of his femininities are different.

Xiangxiang used to be submissive, but now she has the style of a strong woman. After all, managing a crew and making various decisions every day, this temperament can't be cultivated.

Zhao Shengnan is heroic and valiant, which is accumulated by her years of physical exercise. The only downside is that I like to get my hands dirty. Boxing. However, Zhang Cheng has also realized the benefits of such slapstick recently. Maybe he has some perverted hobby?

You can't think deeply about this.

The sisters Yang Yu and Yang Xue, the older sister is gentle and the younger sister is lively, not to mention the bonus of twin attributes, standing there can make this old man Zhang Cheng excited.

Wang Qing is capable outside, but he is very young when qualifying. This very different performance makes Zhang Cheng even more addicted.

But Zhang Cheng didn't mean to be satisfied with this.

Because what he is thinking about now is how to let his women live together, so that he can save the time of going back and forth. If they can live in harmony with each other, it will naturally be more perfect.

As for Kiki's good friends? They have not lived well in the large flat.

"You, you go take a shower too." Wang said shyly after taking a shower and walking into the bedroom in his pajamas.

Although she has accepted that Zhang Cheng is right, the current way of getting along still makes her a little embarrassed.

Zhang Cheng didn't force it, he kissed Wang Qing and went to take a bath, but what he didn't expect was that when he came back from the bath, Wang Qing pretended to be asleep.

Oh hoo? Sleeping Beauty?

"Qingqing?" Zhang Cheng tentatively whispered.

But how could Wang Qing, who was pretending to be asleep, pay attention to him.

"Are you asleep?" Zhang Cheng said to himself, then lay down beside Wang Qing gently, as if he was afraid of disturbing Wang Qing.

This made Wang Qing, who was pretending to be asleep, slightly relieved.

But just when Wang Qing was relaxing, he suddenly felt a hand touch him.

This made Wang Qing nervous.

But after a while, the thief's hand continued to move, and Wang Qing relaxed again.

Ying, should you just want to sleep together?

Zhang Cheng looked at Wang Qing under his own teasing, sometimes he was nervous and sometimes relieved, and then Wang Qing, who was nervous again, couldn't help laughing.

Then, until the end of the ranking, Wang Qing did not "wake up".

Zhang Cheng didn't expect Wang Qing to be so tolerant and stick to Wang Qing's ear.

"Are you still pretending to sleep?"

But Wang Qing broke the defense under Zhang Che's words, and threw his head into Zhang Cheng's arms, while beating Zhang Cheng's chest. This guy is so nasty.

The next day, Wang Qing gave Zhang Cheng a blank eye and went to work.

Zhang Cheng was in charge of sending Nannan to school.

"What gift do you want for the New Year?"

Nan Nan heard the words, thought for a moment and then shook her head: "Thank you uncle, I have everything."

"Well, don't blame your mother for being ruthless, and let you keep learning. In today's big companies and good companies, recruitment starts directly from 985 and 211. Those schools that are just a little off can't even get into the threshold..." Zhang Cheng nagging write.

In fact, Nannan didn't quite understand what Zhang Cheng said, but her mother told her to study hard, and the parents of other students around her were also telling her classmates to study hard.

So it's not wrong to study hard.

So Nan Nan nodded obediently.

Seeing this, Zhang Cheng smiled lightly, and after giving ten yuan pocket money as usual, he watched Nannan walk into the campus.

It's not that he is stingy and doesn't want to give more, but Wang Qing specially explained that he can usually give a small amount of pocket money, but if she needs to buy something, she needs to apply for it.

One thing to say, Wang Qing, a beautiful lawyer, can continue to get along with Zhang Cheng. In addition to helping Zhang Cheng before opening, and helping her get back the custody of her daughter, there are also factors that Zhang Cheng can help educate her daughter.

If Zhang Cheng becomes an obstacle to Wang Qing's education of his daughter, do you think this beautiful lawyer will kick Zhang Cheng with one kick.

After sending her daughter to school, Zhang Cheng smacked his lips. If he wants to see her beautiful lawyer mother again, I am afraid that he will have to wait until the end of the year. After all, it will be Chinese New Year in a few days.

Zhang Cheng, who was a little reluctant to give up, turned the car and hurried to the boxing training camp in the suburbs.

The Chinese New Year is coming, and the training camp will be closed for a while.

This is undoubtedly good news for Zhang Cheng.

After all, it's New Year's Eve, Zhao Shengnan, that silly woman, can't keep her head down during training, right?

Then Zhang Cheng was dumbfounded and learned that Zhao Shengnan was injured.

Zhang Cheng's face turned gloomy in an instant, and he came to the hospital of the training camp.

Zhao Shengnan was lying on the hospital bed with his left arm fixed. Seeing Zhang Cheng coming in, his face showed embarrassment.

"What's going on?" Zhang Cheng said.

"No, it's nothing." Zhao Shengnan stumbled, she wouldn't tell Zhang Cheng anyway, she learned that the training camp had lowered her rating and planned to persuade her to quit after the year, but she wanted to increase training The amount of training, let yourself get a little more growth, so that you can stay in training camp to continue training, and then did not grasp the training intensity, which led to fractures.

Xu Fang and Jinlan were standing aside, embarrassed to death.

They were busy with things related to the gym today and couldn't take care of them.

After asking the doctor about Zhao Shengnan's injury, and knowing that it was not serious, Zhang Cheng breathed a sigh of relief.

However, with the closure of the training camp, the hospital will also stop, so Zhang Cheng and the others need to find another hospital or something to recuperate and observe.

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