I Have A Space For Planting

Chapter 156: , character

Chapter 156, character

One thing to say, Zhang Cheng admires He Damao and He Village Chief.

Although this character is full of philistines and small calculations, the fact that he dares to risk his own going to prison to benefit his poor hometown is enough to make Zhang Cheng look at it differently.

This is also the reason why Zhang Cheng directly accepted the 60,000 contract fee for the barren mountain.

For him, 60,000 is just a matter of buying some clothes for his women and good friends, but in the hands of the other party, he can do a lot of things.

Even after more than a dozen people in the backer village were entangled and planned to cut down the original trees in the barren mountain forest farm, Zhang Cheng was still willing to help this person, and there was also a relationship between this person and the corresponding handling.

Just like this year, after getting Zhang Cheng's money to buy land, the village head He gave the villagers in Kuoshantun each person's hair. But if they went to make trouble, not only did they cut their quota by half, but the two leading The goods are not available in the whole family.

Although the money is not much, one person will also share about 400 yuan of coal, but these goods have also suffered from the complaints of the family. After all, no one family has a few people. Parents, wives and children, all together it is a few thousand dollars.

And such a situation will also make people think about whether it is worth it when they want to make trouble in the future.

It is precisely because of such a disposition that even if Zhang Cheng does not have the courage to help the world, he is willing to give some benefits to the backer. After all, the living environment of the people in the backer is still a bit difficult.

Soon, the contract documents in duplicate were drafted by Yu Wei.

Fingerprint and sign.

The village chief smiled very happily.

Because of this document, it means that they can earn some income every year in the future. They can send some coal to the villagers for the winter, and they can also help the poor households in the village to repair their houses. The old people in the village gave some subsidies for rice noodles with meat, oil and rice.

"I told Hu Maodan a few words. If they can get your understanding from Boss Zhang, they will only distribute coal or something next year." Village Chief He said after hesitation.

After all, although these things are not good things, they belong to a village after all, and they cannot be killed with a single stick.

Zhang Cheng doesn't care about this. Does he need to pay attention to these troublesome things? unnecessary.

Feel free to hand over the matter to Wu Qinghao and Yu Wei.

"Teach them a lesson, don't come to the forest farm and fish pond to make trouble in the future."

Wu Qinghao nodded when he heard the words. He has a way to clean up these things that are not even rogues.

Village Chief He, who was on the side, smacked his lips when he heard the words, but he couldn't say anything.

Zhang Cheng did not expect that after he handed over the fish pond in the forest farm to Wu Qinghao, the other party arranged it so well.

Even though aquaculture has certain risks, the profits may not be as considerable as calculated, but it is obvious that with the breeding of blackfish, the wages of workers in the fish ponds in the forest farm do not need Zhang Cheng to pay extra.

Even after a year, you can still get 1.8 million.

Not bad, really good.

This made Zhang Cheng feel happy when he left after spending a few days in Kuoshantun.

After all, it was one thing that he didn't care much about this industry before, but Zhang Cheng was also very happy to see that the fish ponds in the forest farm were in good condition.

To be honest, after being aroused by Zhao Shengnan's firmness in his career, half a month has passed.

Zhang Cheng's original ambitions have also worn down a lot. Because Zhang Cheng is not a guy with a firm will. Of course, it must be excluded in front of the women he likes. If it is in front of the beautiful women he likes, that guy, Zhang Chengneng is more tenacious than Yu Gong.

But how to say that.

Zhang Cheng didn't stop in the middle, but continued to do things and start his career. First, he didn't want to be compared by Zhao Shengnan's silly woman. On the other hand, when talking with sisters Yang Yu and Yang Xue, the two sisters looked happy. , Zhang Cheng thought for a while, and finally decided to continue.

After all, what's the point of him hanging out every day.

Back to S City.

Zhang Chengzheng is planning to send 60 years of good ginseng to Mr. Guan Daqiang.

During the day, Mr. Bai's phone call came. After knowing that Zhang Cheng was back, he asked Zhang Cheng to meet him.

Before the Chinese New Year, Zhang Chengxun came up with a script and wanted to find Mr. Bai to show his fingers, but Mr. Bai went to B city to visit his parents and parents-in-law, and let his fourth daughter Bai Miaomiao manage the S city. affairs.

Unexpectedly, this Bai Miaomiao was not very big and his ambition was not small.

She even planned to exclusively master the ginseng supply on Zhang Cheng's side, and then build her era step by step!

Then there is no such thing. The fourth Miss Bai family, who drank at least ten and eight catties of Panga wine to come up with such a 'magnificent' future, was directly suppressed by the old man Bai who knew about it in City B. .

Putting down the phone, Zhang Cheng thought for a while, and then he took a taxi to Mr. Bai's side.

After getting out of the car, Zhang Cheng was very surprised that Mr. Bai was waiting at the gate of the villa area.

It is not in front of the gate of Old Master Bai's own villa, but the entrance of this villa area.

Beside him stood Bai Miaomiao with a dissatisfied expression.

"Uncle Bai, who are you?"

"Xiaocheng, I'm really sorry, I didn't discipline the child well." Mr. Bai said apologetically.

Mr. Bai's apology was subtle and restrained, and there was nothing to pretend to be sincere and heavy.

But Zhang Cheng could feel the sincerity in it, because as this person, appearing here is enough to explain everything.

"You're serious, I don't care."

The old man Bai was a little relieved when he heard the words. The fourth daughter's actions sounded like they wanted Zhang Cheng's ginseng distribution rights with a tough attitude.

But this is precisely what will make people most disgusting, after all, this is undoubtedly the use of power to oppress people.

As for Zhang Cheng, who sells ginseng, he will be offended if he offends him. He just doesn't want to eat this kind of ginseng with good effects in the future.

Why did Mr. Bai apologize so aggressively.

And even if you can't buy ginseng from Zhang Cheng, Mr. Bai may not really be able to eat it.

But Mr. Bai still greeted him in person, and took the initiative to apologize to Zhang Cheng.

The character of the older generation of businessmen~www.readwn.com~ is looming.

And this kind of conduct is also something that is missing for many people today.

After all, there are too many people today who dare to do anything for money, not to mention the bottom line.

Bai Miaomiao's face was ugly when she saw her father bowing his head to apologize to Zhang Cheng, but he finally bowed and said, "I'm sorry, I offended you in the past."

"Sister Bai, you are serious, small things." Zhang Cheng said lightly. This man's brain is obviously not very good, how can he care?

Besides, he doesn't have the ability to compete with this guy.



Or do something?

With the old man Bai, it won't work well.

However, the calmer Zhang Cheng's side, the more annoyed Bai Miaomiao became. After her previous conversation with Zhang Cheng, she was kept at home by her father and was not allowed to go out.

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