I Have A Space For Planting

Chapter 157: , my time

Chapter 157, My Times

"Xiao Cheng, don't leave at noon, how about having lunch with my old man?" said the old man Bai.

Zhang Cheng smiled lightly: "Uncle Bai, you are too polite, but I have something to do in the afternoon, so I won't bother you."

In his politeness, Zhang Cheng showed a bit of alienation.

He accepted the apology from the old man Bai, but in the same way, he would basically not have anything to do with him in the future. Of course, ginseng should still be sold. But there will definitely not be options other than 1-day ginseng and 10-day ginseng.

As for doing this, it sounds a bit ungrateful. After all, Mr. Bai helped Zhang Cheng a lot before, because this matter is related to this person, and it really shouldn't be anything.

How to say.

He also continued to sell 1-day and 10-day ginseng to Mr. Bai, that is, Zhang Chengzai paid back his favor.

"You!" Bai Miaomiao is not a fool after all, and understands the subtext behind Zhang Cheng's refusal to invite.

The old man Bai's eyes showed a complicated look.

He could sense before that Zhang Cheng, a young man, was soft and strong.

The soft point is that Zhang Cheng is easy-going and seems to have almost no temper. Gang is that once he makes a decision, even if he loses himself, he will not change it easily.

"Okay, next time I have a chance." The old man Bai glanced at his daughter, told her to restrain himself, and then chuckled lightly.

"Then I won't bother you." Zhang Cheng respectfully said.

This old man Bai's character deserves Zhang Cheng's respect, but unfortunately the other party has a stupid daughter.

After the other party made the practice of overwhelming others, if Zhang Cheng still smiled and continued to communicate with Mr. Bai.

What will it be like?

Moreover, Zhang Cheng had a conflict with the other party's daughter. Even if he had a good relationship with the old man, he was still an outsider after all.

Simply make a decision early, lest there will be any problems in the future.


Zhang Cheng left Mr. Bai's side and went to Mr. Guan Daqiang.

Zhang Cheng promised to sell him a 60-year, 20-day good ginseng a few years ago.


After Zhang Cheng left, Bai Bai sighed during the day and turned back to his house.

Sitting at the dining table, looking at the food on the table, Mr. Bai sighed again.

How to say that, this person's relationship with Zhang Cheng is quite a bit of a forgetful friendship.

After all, Zhang Cheng was able to shoot a 'Rebirth' seriously, which made Mr. Bai value it, because in the current environment, it is rare to see people who shoot TV series attentively.

Moreover, this short drama is currently playing on the video platform controlled by Mr. Bai, and it is worthy of the purchase price.

What's more, seeing that Zhang Cheng will shoot more film and television dramas in the follow-up, the old man Bai thought about it, he may not be able to operate it, so that the current exaggerated film and television circle, at least the TV series, will undergo some changes.

After all, hundreds of millions, billions, tens of billions of views, do you believe it?

Anyway, Mr. Bai didn't believe it.

But what he didn't expect was that, before his idea could be realized, the fourth daughter started to do things and wanted to control the sales channels of ginseng on Zhang Cheng's side. The key was to try to force Zhang Cheng to agree to her.

How can there be such a stupid idiot?

In the daytime, the old man Bai was still thinking, the fourth daughter among the children is very smart and can inherit his career. Now it seems that he is simply wrong.

"Dad..." Bai Miaomiao wanted to say something, but she shut up angrily in her father's eyes.

"Do you think that Zhang Cheng's ginseng with good effects can be compared with a powerful army or even nuclear weapons?" After all, it was his own daughter, and Mr. Bai felt that he still had to save it. Don't keep being stupid.

Bai Miaomiao was stunned when she heard the words, what's the comparison? Can ginseng be compared with the military and nuclear weapons? Dad's brain won't go wrong, right?

"Then what do you think, given your army and nuclear weapons, can you do what you want?" Mr. Bai continued calmly.

When Bai Miaomiao heard the question from her father, she began to think.

Probably still can't do it?

Could it be that if others do not agree to cooperate with her, she can still threaten them and attack them with the army? Bomb with nuclear weapons?

After all, such an approach does not say whether there will be any problems, and custody will make oneself an enemy of the world.

So even if there is an army and nuclear weapons, she can't achieve her idea of ​​building a business empire, an era that belongs to herself.

Seeing that the fourth daughter, who has always been smart, was really thinking about his own problems, the old man Bai sighed again, what did he do wrong?

How can there be such a daughter!

Do you still think about such a question?

Certainly not.

But after all, it is her own daughter, and she still has to be taught.

"So what the army and nuclear weapons can't do, how can you expect to do it with ginseng, which is only effective?" Old Man Bai said helplessly.

"This, this is different!" Bai Miaomiao still wanted to refute, after all, in her opinion, using Zhang Cheng's ginseng with good effects to win over some high-ranking, wealthy and powerful people who are more concerned about their physical condition, and then use the This power fulfills the dream of building an era that belongs to her.

It's possible, okay?

"Let's not talk about whether you can do it or not, but some people are for profit, let alone friends and relatives, even parents, partners and children. Do you think you can win over these people?" said the old man Bai.

"I can win over those who can win." Bai Miaomiao said stubbornly.

"Then how do you know that there is no such person among the people you attracted?" Old Man Bai said lightly.

Bai Miaomiao was stunned when she heard the words, and fell silent.

Now it seems that this girl, Miao Miao, is naive and stupid, and she doesn't know why she talks about "building my era" so unrealistically.

The old man Bai sighed helplessly and went back to his room to rest.


Guan Daqiang's residence is a large flat.

There are not many household appliances, and the overall arrangement is classical Chinese style.

On the left hand side are two ancient shelves with some porcelain treasures, and on the right side wall are several paintings and calligraphy, which Zhang Cheng can't understand, after all, he has never been influenced in this area.

Just one comment, it looks pretty good.

When seeing the expectant old Master Guan, Zhang Cheng didn't sell him, and directly took out the 60-year-old good ginseng he brought back from the "backing mountain village".

Seeing this 20-year-old ginseng, Mr. Guan's eyes lit up.

He was in such a hurry to send money to Zhang Cheng. Isn't that what UU reading www.uukanshu.com did.

And at this moment, a forty-something matured woman walked into the living room. Seeing what Guan Daqiang was doing, she couldn't help but feel helpless.

"Mei Mei." When Mr. Guan saw this, he made a pleasant smile, and at a glance, he knew that he was licking the dog.

Seeing the ginseng placed on the tea table, the mature woman guessed Zhang Cheng's identity after a little thought, which made her face a little more smiling.

After all, several of their sisters have drank this ginseng-infused wine, and their health has indeed improved.

"You are Xiao Cheng, right? I always hear Lao Guan mention you, welcome." The **** said.

"Hello, Auntie." Zhang Cheng stood up and bowed.

"Sit down, you're welcome. You can continue talking with Lao Guan." After the mature woman finished speaking, she nodded and left the living room.

Seeing this, Zhang Cheng didn't bother anymore, and said goodbye quickly.

"Uncle Guan, just get rid of 5 million of the money I owe you."

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