I Have A Space For Planting

Chapter 158: , talent

Chapter 158, Talent

Although Mr. Guan had the intention to keep Zhang Cheng for dinner, but seeing Zhang Cheng's determination to leave, it was not easy to keep him.

After leaving the residence of Mr. Guan, Zhang Cheng thought about it and returned to Xiangxiang.

After returning from the Chinese New Year, Xiangxiang quickly threw herself into work.

"The relationship with Mr. Bai will probably not work in the future." Zhang Cheng apologized slightly.

Xiangxiang was stunned when she heard the words, thinking of what happened in the old man Bai's villa a few years ago, when the fourth young lady of the Bai family threatened Zhang Cheng, so she was not surprised.

And don't need it.

It's not that they left the relationship with the old man Bai, and they couldn't make a drama here.


Now that he has decided not to have any dealings with Mr. Bai other than ginseng trading, Zhang Cheng has no regrets.

Just when Xiangxiang's career had just started, she pulled her hips, which made Zhang Cheng somewhat embarrassed.

However, the related problems are not without solutions.

One is to introduce other funds. With the "Rebirth" drama as the foundation, I dare not say that there is a lot of investment, and Zhang Cheng feels that he can still find funds within a million. When the time comes, a few families will get together and work together~

Second, directly find the video platform for cooperation. This option will save Zhang Cheng a lot of trouble, but this option has a lot of trouble. Because video platforms often need traffic.

So if you cooperate with the platform, the other party will definitely ask for the introduction of traffic stars.

After all, although traffic stars don't have much real traffic, they can fake it.

A play, hundreds of millions, billions, or even tens of billions, tens of billions of broadcasts. Just ask if you are afraid.

But Zhang Cheng especially hates these traffic stars.

Therefore, pulling investment has become the only financial problem that Zhang Cheng can solve for the filming of "Zuan Zhuan".

It's not that Zhang Cheng's money is not enough for filming. After all, other than other things, selling two batches of ginseng is enough.

But for issues other than filming, whether it's a review, a sale after the film, or other things beyond expectations, Zhang Cheng needs someone to deal with.

Although Xiangxiang is doing well now and has some appearances, it is obvious that she still can't deal with it now.

And Zhang Cheng didn't want to do these trivial and troublesome personal exchanges and the like in person.

But soon, Zhang Cheng put these annoying things behind him.

He wants to do a career, but it doesn't mean that he will delay his happiness for the sake of his career.

You Qi went to Kuoshantun, and he hadn't played in the rankings for several days.

Therefore, after dinner, Zhang Cheng smiled, hugged Xiangxiang's waist and went back to the bedroom.

One, two, although Zhang Cheng continues, Xiangxiang will definitely stay with him, and there will be no complaints, but Zhang Cheng himself has to know that he is distressed, so he kissed Xiangxiang's forehead to reassure him and rested. Go to the big flat.

A few days after Zhang Cheng went to Korshantun, Qiqi smoked Chen Fei, and the three daughters returned to work in S city one after another. To Zhang Cheng's surprise, Chen Fei even found her cousin.

"Brother Cheng." A pretty girl in her twenties squatted down, held tea, and handed it to Zhang Cheng respectfully.

Zhang Cheng took the tea, looked at Chen Fei, and then looked at the other three girls, his mouth was very tight, and he didn't let him through at all.

However, Zhang Cheng did not refuse.

After all, the fifth row is very happy, right? Isn't the sixth row happy?

Zhang Cheng took a sip of tea, the representative accepted the girl named Huanhuan, and then called Fang Yan. Although the sixth row is happy, the seventh row can also try it. Anyway, his bed is very big.

By the middle of the night, the rankings were over.

Zhang Cheng felt tired after a long absence, but this hearty comfort was really refreshing.

When Zhang Cheng woke up the next day, he couldn't help but recall the feeling of last night.

"Brother Cheng." Huanhuan said a little timidly, obviously not quite used to it.

Looking at the only Huanhuan left at home, Zhang Cheng nodded and washed under the service of the other party.

"Take it and buy some clothes." Zhang Cheng directly transferred 50,000 yuan to Huanhuan, and then left.

All the people here on the Daping floor are good friends, and Zhang Cheng's positioning is very clear.

After leaving, Zhang Cheng thought for a moment and decided to fix the shooting problem of 'Zuan Zhuan' first.

On the one hand, this matter is relatively simple, and on the other hand, Zhang Cheng also has some ideas.

Soon, Zhang Cheng came to the film and television base on the outskirts of S city.

As for Zhang Cheng, who had invited more than 100 female group performers to cheer on his girlfriend who was in a boxing match, the group leaders still remembered it very clearly. After all, this person was really generous.

Looking at the group leaders who warmly welcomed him, Zhang Cheng couldn't help but feel happy.

"I'm not looking for a group performance today."

As Zhang Cheng's voice fell, the group leaders who were very excited just now reduced their enthusiasm.

Zhang Cheng also doesn't care about the reality of these people.

"I have a film in my hand, and I'm going to find someone to shoot it in a joint venture. I need the other party to have some energy in passing the trial. I don't know if any of you know a boss in this area?"

According to what Zhang Cheng knows, the review of film and television dramas is not just sent for review, it's such a simple thing.

The previous rebirth was to take advantage of the Huayi Film and Television controlled by Bai Bai's father during the day, and mixed it with the films they sent for review.

Now without the help of Mr. Bai, of course, Zhang Cheng has to find a way to pass the film on his own.

When the group leaders heard Zhang Cheng's words, they couldn't help looking at each other. They were just organizing some group performers who wanted to become famous, and took on some work that the crew needed people to be the background boards. By the way, draw some to support the family.

How is it possible to come into contact with film and television dramas for review, such a high-end thing?

"How much do you plan to invest in your film?" But at this moment, a thin middle-aged man touched his nose.

When Zhang Cheng heard this, he turned his head to look, and found a face.

It should not be the group leader who has dealt with it before.

But there were men who knew men in the crowd.

"Ding Qun, what are you pretending to be a big-tailed wolf~ You act like a stinky group~" a young man in his twenties mocked.

But middle-aged people don't really care.

Seeing this, Zhang Cheng thought for a moment, then walked over.

After all, looking at the appearance of these group leaders, it is obvious that they don't know any energetic brothers, and maybe they have some concerns that they are unwilling to say, and this one is more or less a conversation.

"Change place?"

The middle-aged man Ding Qun nodded when he heard the words~www.readwn.com~ Seeing that Zhang Cheng actually talked to Ding Qun, the young man who mocked Ding Qun just now was stunned.

Zhang Cheng didn't care about this, and went to a teahouse with the middle-aged man to ask for tea and snacks.

Zhang Cheng and the middle-aged people are in the crowd.

"Introduce myself, my name is Zhang Cheng, and I am currently planning to shoot a TV series. The investment is estimated to be around ten million." Zhang Cheng briefly explained his situation.

Ding Qun nodded when he heard the words: "My name is Ding Qun, and I am currently acting as a group performer in S Film and Television City. I don't know anyone who can guarantee the trial, but I have read the revised script, and there are 70-80% of them. Grasp it can pass the trial.”

Zhang Cheng was stunned when he heard this, if the other party has such ability, he is undoubtedly a talent.

But how could it be so low as to be a group performer?

Are you trying to deceive him?

Zhang Cheng thought for a moment, but planned to give Ding Qun a chance.

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