I Have A Space For Planting

Chapter 179: , emotional

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The first seventy-ninth chapter, emotional

After suffering a bit, Zhang Cheng became a little quieter, but Zhang Cheng immediately noticed the jealousy in He Lili's eyes.


In addition to Zhang Cheng's surprise, he realized that He Lili was probably the same as Qiqi. So her plans for Zhou Yun are the same as her own?

No wonder so annoyed.

However, Zhang Cheng didn't feel that his own woman was coveted by other women.

Of course, if another man looked at it, Zhang Cheng kept the other's head off.

But Zhang Cheng frowned immediately, feeling that things were not simple.

After all, in many novels, things like boys and girls are very common.

So Zhang Cheng picked up his phone and typed a few words, and let Zhou Yun take a look.

Looking at Zhang Cheng's cell phone, Zhou Yun looked disgusted, what the **** was this little pervert thinking? Even if Li Li is more oppressive and tall, she can't doubt that she is a man.

And she and Lili rubbed their backs more than once. Pretty sure it's a woman.

Seeing that his suspicions were denied by Zhou Yun, Zhang Cheng looked back at He Lili, considering whether it was necessary for him to confirm it himself.

She was playing with pesticides on her mobile phone, and it stuck every now and then, and then the cool Zeng Li sighed and put down the mobile phone.

Then found the situation around him.

This kid seems to be dissatisfied with He Lili?

This is very interesting, doing things ah doing things.

After fiddling with her hair, Zeng Li patted Zhang Cheng.

Zhang Cheng turned his head and looked at Zeng Li puzzled, what does this one want?

Zeng Li winked and motioned Zhang Cheng to follow her.

Zhang Cheng looked at Zeng Li, who got up and walked to the connection of the carriage without waiting for his consent.

"I'll take a look." After saying a word to Zhou Yun, he followed.

Although he knew that Zeng Li didn't know what to do, Zhou Yun didn't care.

How to love.

When they came to the connection of the carriages, Zeng Li looked at Zhang Cheng.

"Did you like He Lili?"

Zhang Cheng frowned slightly when he heard this. Did he see He Lili?

Although this He Lili, like Zhao Shengnan, both practiced fighting, even if one is Bajiquan and the other is boxing, but the truth is not bad, they are all good at fighting.

However, there are huge differences between the two women.

That is, although Zhao Shengnan is very powerful and capable of fighting, the average three or five adult men are not even close, and his personality is also a bit savage.

And He Lili can't say for sure. If you can't figure out a woman's skin, it's a man when you cut it.

Seeing Zhang Cheng's strange expression, Zeng Li knew that it was not what she said.

That is to see He Lili's admiration for Yunyun?

"Would you like to hug left and right?" Zeng Li said suddenly with a smile.

Zhang Cheng frowned, he still needs to think?

Although He Lili's appearance is 7 points, she is very beautiful, but her height of 1.75 meters still makes her lose a lot of points in front of many men. After all, not many men would like a girlfriend taller than themselves.

Especially when this woman puts on high heels again, tsk tsk~ Fu Gang is hard to shake. Valley

Zhang Cheng didn't care about this. After all, his height is only ordinary, only 1.7 meters, but any taller beauties are almost as tall as him. So he was used to it.

Is it because the other party is taller than you, why not?

I can't.

And this kind of beauty who is taller than her height is also unique when ranking.

But even if Zhang Cheng is very lustful, and he doesn't care that the woman is taller than him, he has never thought about overthrowing He Lili.

After all, he didn't just take off when he was hungry.

Since Wang Qing, Zhang Cheng has greatly reduced the speed of accepting women. Although he has never broken up with good friends, the serious women who want to maintain the relationship for a long time are now only Ren Jia and Zhou. Cloud two.

To put it simply, Zhang Cheng is a picky eater.

Zeng Li was a little surprised to see this. Seeing Zhang Cheng's tired appearance in Zhou Yun's place, she thought that this kid was flirtatious, but she didn't expect to be a little determined.

Is it because He Lili's height put pressure on him and made this kid not like it?

"A tall woman has the advantages of being a tall woman." Zeng Li raised her brows, her refined face showing a greasy look like a middle-aged wretched man.

Zhang Cheng frowned, what's going on around Yunyun, why is it all this mess?

A He Lili is worried that she is a boy or a girl, and this Zeng Li is not a good thing.

Zhang Cheng knew this for a long time. After all, if he could give his best friend to him who met for the first time, this Zeng Li could be regarded as a hoax. But in the end, he got the benefit, so he didn't feel embarrassed to set Zeng Li's evaluation too low.

But I didn't expect that this woman really couldn't take it lightly.

"Haha." Ignoring Zeng Li, Zhang Cheng simply returned to Zhou Yun's side, hugged Zhou Yun's small waist, and at the same time considered how to keep his Yunyun away from these two pit bulls.

And after Zhang Cheng left, Zeng Li's eyes flashed with thoughtfulness.

At that time, she just saw Zhou Yun's depression after being fired, and also knew that Zhang Cheng, a young man, was not simple, and had a hard relationship with Guan's side, so when Zhang Cheng found a bar, she gave Zhou Yun away.

After all, in Zeng Li's thoughts ~www.readwn.com~ playing in the rankings can not only refresh Xiao Yunyun, but also cheer him up, and even have a good relationship with Zhang Cheng.

Three birds with one stone, three birds with one stone.

As for whether there will be any problem with such a casual attitude... Zeng Li can't help but be speechless, she is in her 40s, and Xiao Yunyun is in her 40s. She has no husband and no boyfriend. When she finds the right one, she should go on it. There are so many of this and that.

And the current situation is similar to what Zeng Li expected.

Zhou Yun was really cool and cheered up, and Zhang Cheng even invited Zhou Yun to help.

Obviously perfect.

But the only unexpected place is that her little Yunyun seems to be tempted!

It stands to reason that at such an age, it’s easy to get together and break up after a ranking, and even if it doesn’t break up, it’s a good idea to meet up occasionally in the future, what’s the point?

But it happened so unexpectedly.

If you are emotional, you are emotional. Even if Xiao Yunyun didn't notice it, Zeng Li was confident that she would not be wrong.

This is hard to do.

After all, if Xiao Yunyun is trapped by love in the future, what will she do? Would you like to stay with me?

So it's not enough to break up Zhang Cheng and Xiao Yunyun, but at least it can't let Xiao Yunyun get too deep, and it's hard to get out in the future.

After all, the age gap between the two is here, and now Xiao Yunyun still has some looks, but in three years and two years, Xiao Yunyun will become more and more old.

Don't say anything about a man's long-term love. In Zeng Li's opinion, men are visual animals. When they see beautiful women, they are moved. This is nature.

And what kind of feelings does a young guy have for an old woman? Especially the wrinkled Nana with sagging skin and sagging skin, can it still be interesting?

Don't make fun of it, okay?

But in a hurry, Zeng Li didn't do anything else.

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