I Have A Space For Planting

Chapter 180: ,solve

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Chapter 180, Solved

After coming to S City and arranging Zeng Li and He Lili, Zhang Cheng scratched his head awkwardly.

Then, under the pretext of urinating, he urgently asked Mr. Guan for help, and it was considered that he had borrowed a place to live.

After all, he and Zhou Yun are like this. They came to S City, but let Zhou Yun stay in the hotel?

Have you thought about it in the future?

Fortunately, Mr. Guan was strong enough and quickly helped Zhang Cheng find a place to live.

A set of large flat, 400 square meters.

It's smaller than the set Zhang Cheng used to house his good friends, but it's also quite luxurious.

However, after Zhou Yun moved into this large flat floor, he simply looked at it and knew that this was not where Zhang Cheng usually lived.

Zhou Yun didn't say anything about it.

Her relationship with Zhang Cheng is destined to be dark.

Not to mention other things, just because Zhang Cheng can have a pretty good relationship with the Guan family, his family will not be so simple.

Then his family will let an old woman become his daughter-in-law?

It's not like this is a joke, right?

So Zhou Yun didn't ask any more questions at all.

Just do the things in Ning County well.

But what is the depression in your heart?

Zhou Yun was able to deceive herself before, but now she has to admit that she is emotional.

After Zhang Cheng took a shower, he saw Zhou Yun standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, staring at S City in the dark.

He walked over and took him into his arms, and then noticed Zhou Yun's dripping emotions.

"What's up?"

Zhou Yun laughed at himself in his heart, how old he is, and what kind of love he still thinks about, it's not ashamed to lose.


Zhang Cheng asked Zhou Yun to face him, and after looking at it for a while, he couldn't see what happened.

After all, as a small shrimp like him, he still wanted to see the emotions of Zhou Yun, who had experienced ups and downs in Shanghai, which was simply a dream.

But after a little thought, I also understood that it was nothing more than the future of the two of them.

So Zhang Cheng thought about it and said, "I can't give you any guarantee, but if the two of us really talk about it, then Gan Ping's side is yours."

Zhou Yun was stunned for a moment, surprised by the generosity of this little pervert.

Although Gan Ping is not yet on a large scale, it seems that he is a grass-roots team, but if this little pervert can honor half of the support he has said to her.

Then Zhou Yun is confident that he will integrate the wolfberry market in Ningxian within two years.

After all, many times doing business, especially a small-scale business, depends on the background. Without a background, even if a person has the ability, the achievement will not be great.

Zhou Yun had a deep understanding of this.

And for Zhou Yun, Zhang Cheng's guarantee was incomparable to any sweet words and vows.

Sighing, Zhou Yun closed his eyes and said softly, "Hold me~"

Zhang Cheng smiled, naturally he wouldn't just hug Zhou Yun.

Aunt Mei is already emotional. Although I don't know what makes this beautiful aunt Zhou Yun like it, but since it's all like this, then Zhang Cheng will naturally not not enjoy it.

I made an appointment with some old men.

Zhang Cheng took Zhou Yun to the agreed tea house.

Mr. Yan Xuyan, Mr. Yang Shuyang, Mr. Guan Daqiang, Mr. Guan, and Mr. Bai Bai. They are the four most powerful people among Zhang Cheng's current contacts.

Although Zhang Cheng has decided to distance himself from Mr. Bai, he still has to invite this kind of thing that everyone knows, so as not to make it too obvious and make everyone's face look bad.

"Today, the boy invited all the uncles to come here because I want to ask you to do me a favor..." Zhang Cheng briefly explained what he wanted to do in the wolfberry business.

"This is my girlfriend Zhou Yun, and she will manage the business of wolfberry in Ning County in the future." Zhang Cheng said again.

Zhou Yun got up and nodded his head: "Hello everyone, my name is Zhou Yun, I used to be the president of Tianmen Group, and now I am in charge of the deputy manager of Ganping Goji Fruit Trading Company..." Compared with Zhang Cheng's casualness, Zhou Yun was more cautious. Some, not cautious, the identities of these people are really scary.

Then, regarding the acquisition, quality control, warehousing, sales, and handling of various problems of wolfberry, Zhou Yun briefly explained some of the key points and more important parts to several old men.

It is also good to let several old men know that Zhang Cheng is not fooling around.

Grandpa Guan frowned slightly when he heard the words.

In his opinion, the wolfberry business has nothing to do with it.

But since Zhang Cheng took a fancy to him and set up a situation, it would be unreasonable not to help.

"Okay, I'll say hello to the official. But you should also pay attention to not letting the interests of ordinary wolfberry farmers suffer." Mr. Guan warned that although he made a lot of money, he was still very much for ordinary people. Some empathy. After all, the old man had suffered too.

"Yes." Zhang Cheng replied solemnly.

For the wolfberry business, after discussing with Zhou Yun, the profit will remain at around 5 points, which is 5%.

In the agricultural product trade in Ning County, in addition to self-planting, you still need to pay taxes when buying and selling. Unlike in S City, even the profit from agricultural product trade is not taxed.

Fortunately, after paying this tax, there is a policy that subsequent taxes and fees such as dividends to shareholders can be exempted. It's still pretty good. Of course, this policy is limited to the wolfberry trade.

"I can solve some of the funding problems for you." The old man Bai chuckled.

Because of his daughter's recklessness, the little friendship he had with Zhang Cheng, the younger generation, faded away. However, Zhang Cheng did not cut off his contacts, so the help should still be helped.

Mr. Guan glanced at the old brother, and he had heard about it. Miao Miao's girl usually seems to be a very shrewd person~www.readwn.com~ How can she come up with such a bizarre idea, it is quite surprising. of.

Soon, the various help that Zhang Cheng needed was agreed by several old men to help solve it. After all, for Zhang Cheng, it would take a lot of hard work, and he might not even be able to do it.

Naturally, Zhang Cheng didn't say anything about it. It will definitely pay off in subsequent exchanges.

And with the understanding of several old men to Zhang Cheng, they are not worried about this kid crossing the river and demolishing the bridge at all.

After solving Zhang Cheng's trivial matters, Mr. Yan took a sip from the teacup, and then frowned.

"Tea has become more and more tasteless in recent years."

After hearing the words, Mr. Guan took a sip, but he didn't notice any difference.

"Aren't they all the same?"

"Cow chews peony." After Mr. Yan sneered, he took another sip helplessly.

Zhang Cheng asked a few questions, and then he knew that the old men were drinking Maojian now, but unfortunately, the old master of fried tea was gone.

In recent years, even if the teahouse has changed its methods to find various substitutes, it is not as good as the old master in the past.

Zhang Cheng heard the words thoughtfully.

Half of his Tianchengjie space is planted with spirit grass-level ginseng, which cannot be moved. The other half used to grow 1-day ginseng and 10-day ginseng for sale. However, after the accumulation of a lot, Zhang Cheng changed to grow wolfberry and black wolfberry.

This is also the source of Zhang Chenghui's desire to do wolfberry trade.

But after so long, no matter whether it is wolfberry or black wolfberry, let alone become a spiritual item, the fart point changes and special things have not happened.

Zhang Cheng has the heart to shovel them out.

But it has been planted for so long, and if you persist, what if?

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