I Have A Space For Planting

Chapter 188: , the way of business

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Chapter 188, The Way of Business

"Uncle, are you not angry?" Yang Lu followed Zhang Cheng and asked curiously.

Zhang Cheng didn't turn his head to deal with this inexplicably entangled little girl.

What is there to be angry about?

Of course, if Zhang Cheng was still **** in the past, he was charged 400 yuan, and he was destined to be angry, but he would definitely not be so happy when he paid the money at that time, and he had to ask what the situation was first.

If it is a black shop, we are not false.

The word poverty makes people courageous.

But now, it's only 400 yuan. In Zhang Cheng's place, what's the difference between 4 cents and 4 cents.

He waved his hand, indicating where the little girl loves to go.

Zhang Cheng is going to find his beautiful aunt.

But Yang Lu obviously didn't plan to leave just like that.

Still following Zhang Cheng to ask questions, chatting like a little sparrow.

After thinking about it for a while, Zhang Cheng asked the girl to take out his mobile phone and handed her ten dollars.

"Okay, buy some candy, don't follow me."

Seeing this, Yang Lu stomped her feet fiercely, turned her head and ran away, stopped halfway and shouted, "Uncle Smelly!" Then, for fear that Zhang Cheng would chase after her and beat her, she turned her head and ran away again.

Zhang Cheng couldn't help but smile and walked to Aunt Mei's residence.

His location was only a few hundred meters away from Aunt Mei's residence, so he couldn't reach him and take a taxi.

When Zhang Cheng came to Zhou Yun's small courtyard.

This beautiful aunt is still having breakfast.

Zhang Cheng was also welcome and started directly.

"Why do you eat so late?"

Zhou Yun looked at Zhang Cheng. It didn't look like he had just woken up, but he smelled of smoke. Where were you fooling around?

But Zhou Yun didn't say much, and told Sister Wang, the nanny, to find a suit for Zhang Cheng.

Zhang Cheng heard the words, sniffed his clothes, went to dinner in the morning, and walked this section again. The wind blows and it doesn't smell anymore, huh?

"I arrived after 4 in the morning. I was afraid of disturbing you, so I played in the Internet cafe for a while."

Zhou Yun couldn't help but look sideways when he heard the words, is this man a child?

Such a big person, still go to the Internet cafe? The key is not to play, but to spend time.

"Just come directly in the future."

Zhang Cheng smiled.

After eating some breakfast with Zhou Yun, Zhang Cheng went to wash and put on the clothes bought by the nanny sister.

Down jackets, thermal underwear, shoes, etc.

Not to mention, although the eldest sister did not ask Zhang Cheng's size, etc., the things she bought fit quite well.

"Hehe, Mr. Zhang, you and my son's height and shoe size are similar." The nanny said with a smile.

Zhang Cheng Wenyan blinked, he felt that he had been taken advantage of, but he didn't seem to have.

Zhou Yun pursed his lips and smiled.

The nanny sister realized that there was ambiguity in her words, and was very embarrassed.

"Mr. Zhang, I'm sorry, I can't speak."

Zhang Cheng didn't care, after all, what's the problem with his son's height?

No problem.

"It's alright, ma'am, you're busy."

The nanny left.

Zhang Cheng came to Zhou Yun's side and held him in his arms. With the stubble that just grew from her chin, she rubbed Aunt Mei's neck.

In revenge she just laughed at herself. Valley

Zhou Yun quickly blocked Zhang Cheng's mischief with his hands.

"I apologize, okay?"

Zhang Cheng stopped contentedly, and then sat down on the sofa with Aunt Mei.

Zhou Yun is no longer young, especially the wrinkles at the corners of his eyes, which can no longer be covered.

But she herself didn't care.

Zhang Cheng naturally wouldn't care about this flaw. After all, what attracted him to Aunt Mei was not her appearance, but her confident aura and the nostalgia she gave him after the combination.

Zhou Yun ignored Zhang Cheng's restlessness, and told Zhang Cheng about her actions after returning to Ning County.

When Zhang Cheng heard Aunt Mei's report, he became more concerned.

Although he didn't quite understand what Aunt Mei made up for what he was missing, Zhang Cheng was satisfied with the feeling of being made up, but the reason why Zhang Cheng first fell in love with Aunt Mei was not only that he hoped that Zhou Yun would help him run his business, At the same time, I want to learn management knowledge and ability from the other party.

Now that there is a place to learn, Zhang Cheng will not miss it.

"So you plan to convene the wolfberry merchants to discuss in a few days?"

It is said to be a negotiation, but according to Aunt Mei, it is more like a showdown.

Zhou Yun nodded: "With your support, I can completely let go of my hands and feet, and I don't need to worry so much." Aunt Mei said lightly.

The aura of the Zhizhu in his hand made Zhang Cheng's heart move.

After Zhou Yun noticed it, he glanced at Zhang Cheng in disgust.

This little bastard.

It's okay without this look, Zhang Cheng can hold back, but after a glance at Aunt Mei's disgusting look, Zhang Cheng can't hold it anymore.

Carrying Zhou Yun directly into the bedroom.

After half a month of qualifying, Zhang Cheng hugged Aunt Mei contentedly and continued to listen to her about the various problems that occurred in the wolfberry trade.

Zhou Yun also knew the mind of this little pervert. He almost broke it apart and smashed it to pieces. He told and taught his business experience over the years.

Let Zhang Cheng have a better understanding of the way of business.

In fact, in Zhou Yun's view, doing business is nothing more than the two aspects of 'organization' and 'planning'.

Organize and form qualified teams.

Plan, find promising projects, and use the team to get the project done.

Whether it is the wolfberry trade, UU reading www.uukanshu.com or any other project can be applied.

Zhang Cheng was greatly touched when he heard Zhou Yun's remarks.

He kissed Aunt Mei fiercely again as a reward.

He used to be a screwdriver. Without the guidance of Aunt Mei, I am afraid that he is still confused about how to operate.

"Okay, get up, let's go to the company to take a look." Zhou Yun hurriedly stopped Zhang Cheng when he found that the boy was about to move again.

Knowing the outline of doing business, then how to deal with specific things, there is still more to learn. Even these ordinary and subtle places are more important than the general direction and can determine success or failure.

Although Zhang Cheng wished he couldn't get out of bed with Aunt Mei every day, but he also knew that this was not realistic at all, so he had no choice but to get up after kissing Aunt Mei again.

Following Aunt Mei's arrival, it was confirmed to be established. With Zhou Yun's preparation, a large-scale Ganping wolfberry trading company has already been established.

"This is President Zhang of the company." Zhou Yun introduced Zhang Chengdao to the employees.

Zhang Cheng bowed his head humbly and greeted the employees.

"Hello everyone, I'm Zhang Cheng. I can't guarantee the future of our company, but I dare to say that I will definitely not treat you badly. Please do your best to help me and President Zhou to manage Gan Ping."

Zhang Cheng's speech was brief and somewhat inappropriate.

After all, what can't guarantee the company's prospects, what will certainly not be treated badly.

Defeat first, then draw cakes.

It's not a good speech by any means.

However, Zhou Yun didn't say much about this, and when she went to S City, she could notice that her younger brother Zhang had amazing energy.

Even a big man like General Guan can chat and laugh with him.

Therefore, whether this trading company dealing with wolfberry can do a good job will really not have much impact on him.

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