I Have A Space For Planting

Chapter 189: , honestly

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Chapter 189, the truth

Zhang Cheng didn't talk nonsense. After a brief speech, he didn't disturb the work of the employees.

Come to the office reserved for him with Aunt Mei.

The office is not big, about 20 square meters, with desks, bookshelves, and a map of the country and a map of Ning County on the vacant west wall.

Very simple arrangement.

After entering the office, Zhang Cheng locked the door with his backhand, then carried Aunt Mei to his desk and sat down.

Zhou Yun couldn't help but feel helpless when he saw this kid's entanglement.

Fortunately, Zhang Cheng just let Aunt Mei sit on his lap, sniffing the fragrance of the shower gel on Aunt Mei's body, and with the help of Aunt Mei, he checked the work arrangements made by Gan Ping Company during these times.

Nothing superfluous was done.

And all kinds of reports, all kinds of work reports, all kinds of documents in front of you.

Without Zhou Yun's help, how could Zhang Cheng, the guy who screwed the screws before, understand it.

Fortunately, with Zhou Yun's detailed and thorough hands-on explanation, Zhang Cheng wouldn't even be confused about what kind of work the company was doing.

Before I knew it, it was 5:00 pm.

Zhang Cheng kissed Zhou Yun and left the office with Aunt Mei.

As for how the outside employees guessed him and Zhou Yun, they liked to guess.

He didn't marry, and Zhou Yun didn't marry either.

And this appearance made He Lili, who had just returned from outside, grit her teeth with hatred.

Why is this **** here again!

"Lili, go and call your sister Li, let's go to dinner." Zhou Yun smiled softly, she had always been disgusted with Zhang Cheng, Lili, and found it a little funny.

"Yes, Sister Yun." It was right that He Lili annoyed Zhang Cheng, but Zhou Yun obeyed her words very well, and walked aside to call Zeng Li.

In the private room of a hotel with a not very fancy front.

Zhang Cheng sat next to Zhou Yun, peeled the oranges and fed them to Aunt Mei himself.

I talked to him all afternoon, and I had to reward this man no matter what.

And this also caused Zeng Li to walk in like a gust of wind with disgust on her face.

"Are you tricking the dog to come in and kill?"

Seeing Sister Zeng coming, He Lili came in from outside.

Seeing Zhang Cheng being intimate with Sister Yun, her heart was twisted like a knife.

Zhang Cheng ignored the two single dogs and still wanted to feed the peeled sugar orange to his Aunt Mei.

But in front of outsiders, Zhou Yun was embarrassed to be so intimate with Zhang Cheng.

Fortunately, the food came soon.

Hand-caught lamb, stewed catfish, stewed chicken, stir-fried lamb, and a few vegetarian dishes.

It looks very appetizing.

And don't look at the appearance of the door, but the taste is really not said.

Even Zhang Cheng, who has eaten a lot of good things recently, is also called a good place.

After dinner, the group came to Zeng Li's bar without going far in the cold weather.

Zeng Li suggested playing the truth.

"Why isn't there a big adventure?" Zhang Cheng sat next to Zhou Yun and asked.

Zeng Li took out the playing cards, Wang Xiaowang and the other two loose cards, and then bit her lip lightly, making a charming expression.

"If my sister goes on a big adventure, are you willing?"

"What's wrong with this?" Zhang Cheng said indifferently.

Zeng Li looked at this person who did not pity Xiangxiyu at all, and gritted her teeth with hatred, determined to give Zhang Cheng a good look.

Then Zhang Cheng got the king.

Zeng Li showed her little king.

Zhang Cheng looked at the king in his hand and felt that something was wrong.

Not to mention the changed rules, the question from the winner of the draw to the king of the draw.

There are clearly four people, why did he win the king, but Zeng Li won the little king?


"Oh hoo? Let me ask, brother Zhang, how many women do you have now?" Zeng Li smiled and asked the question that made Zhang Cheng's head as big as a bucket.

Zhang Cheng heard the words and looked at Zeng Li, who was smiling beautifully, this girl is not a good person.

Looking at Zhou Yun hesitantly, if there is only Aunt Mei, it would be troublesome to expose it later, but if the truth is told, will Aunt Mei turn her back on him?

"Only Yunyun!" But let's go ahead first.

Don't say that Zeng Li doesn't believe it, even He Lili doesn't believe it.

"Cut~ this is the truth! You have to tell the truth!" Zeng Li reluctantly said.

Zhang Cheng rolled his eyes, did he tell the truth?

Of course, if it's an innocuous question, then of course you can tell the truth. But if this question is answered truthfully, Aunt Mei may be very angry.

Seeing this, Zeng Li was helpless, and her eyes turned to think of other ways.

Isn't it just embarrassing people, she is too familiar with this.

And just before the second card draw, Zhang Cheng raised his hand and turned off the lights on the deck side of several of them.

Only with the help of lights from other directions.

This made Zeng Li stunned. Did this kid see through her trick?

Zhang Cheng turned off the light and looked around in darkness, at least he couldn't see the subtle patterns on the back of the card, and then nodded with satisfaction.

What can be regarded as a mark is obviously not too obvious, and in a dim environment, the subtle marks that can make people see the card surface are basically unlikely to play a role.

"Draw a card!"

Hearing that, Zeng Li and He Lili looked at each other. Even if they couldn't cheat, their two-on-one side had an obvious advantage, so they didn't refuse to play.

Draw cards again, Zhang Cheng is the king again, but Xiao Wang is replaced by He Lili~www.readwn.com~ and this time it is more or less a matter of luck.

The girl looked proud: "How many girlfriends have you dated?"

Good guy, these two are targeting themselves, right?

"One! It's Yunyun!" Zhang Cheng said again the nonsense that he didn't believe.

This made He Lili angry, but it couldn't expose Zhang Cheng's nonsense.

Fortunately, seeing that Sister Li was holding a Zhizhu, He Lili restrained her anger and continued the game.

Zhang Cheng had good luck this time, he got Xiao Wang, while the big Wang was drawn by Zeng Li.

Ignoring the other party's pretentious and pitiful appearance.

"I don't have anything to ask. Sister Li, you can have a drink!" Zhang Cheng said, filling the glass in front of Zeng Li with beer to make up more than half a glass.

A look of cheap you.

How many times has he been in love with this woman, how many boyfriends he has dated, or he has no interest in bust, hips, etc., so he simply pours her.

Seeing this, Zeng Li couldn't help but feel angry, but after looking at the half glass of beer in front of her, she didn't care too much, she raised her hand and drank it in one breath.

Just a hero in a female middle school?

Zhang Cheng was thoughtful.

Game continues.

Zeng Li won the little king, Zhang Cheng won the king, and Zeng Li, the woman, kept asking something embarrassing to Zhang Cheng.

After Zhang Cheng drew the little king, he appointed Zeng Li and He Lili, who had drawn the king, to drink.

After a few times, He Lili was drunk, especially Zhang Cheng, who was obviously not answering the questions honestly, so he also gave Zhang Cheng a drink.

Seeing this, Zeng Li was thoughtful. After all, although this kid can drink, it is better to ask questions when he is drunk than to be slippery now, right?

Simply join the action of drinking.

It's a pity that in the end Zeng Li and He Lili were both drunk and confused, and Zhang Cheng's face wasn't even red yet.

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