I Have A Space For Planting

Chapter 190: ,standard

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Chapter 190, Standard

In disgust, he threw the two girls on the bed in a rest room upstairs.

Zhang Cheng explained a few words to the female **** worker in the bar next to him, and he was optimistic about these two drunk cats at night.

Just went back to her small courtyard with Zhou Yun.

After Zhang Cheng left for a moment, Zeng Li opened her eyes.

"Boss!" The waiter hurriedly stepped forward.

"Pour me a glass of water." Although Zeng Li drank a lot, she wasn't drunk. As for why she pretended to be drunk, she obviously didn't have the confidence to drink Zhang Cheng, so she simply surrendered early.

Thinking of this, Zeng Li turned to look at He Lili next to her, this silly girl kept drinking and fighting.

Where can I fight that stinky boy who belongs to the sewer.

Thinking of this, Zeng Li's mind couldn't help but flash Zhang Cheng's smug smile.

This made Zeng Li startled, and hurriedly shook her head, throwing this terrifying thought out of her mind.

How could she rob Yunyun for a man, and that kid is obviously not good.

Zhang Cheng did not find that Zeng Li was pretending to be drunk, and returned to her small courtyard with Aunt Mei.

After taking a shower, you will feel boundless spring.

During the intermission, Aunt Mei's cheeks were rosy and she pulled Zhang Cheng's chest.

"Do you like Zeng Li?"

Zhang Cheng was shocked when he heard the words, and even Xiao Zhang Cheng, who had moved again, softened.

"Yun, Sister Yun, I promise I have no interest in that woman, Zeng Li! I swear to God!"

Zhang Cheng thought that Aunt Mei was jealous.

Zhou Yun looked up at Zhang Cheng, picked up what he could say, and said something about her and Zeng Li's hard work and sharing weal and woe.

Zhang Cheng was stunned when he heard the words, thoughtful.

"Then let's be nice to Sister Li in the future."

Zhou Yun looked at Zhang Cheng who didn't let go, just like Zeng Li knew her very well and saw that she had a real love for Zhang Cheng, she also knew Zeng Li.

Zeng Li was a little more curious about Zhang Cheng because of her genuine relationship with Zhang Cheng.

And this kind of curiosity is quite fatal to women, especially mature women like Zeng Li.

After all, although Zhang Cheng is not handsome, the confidence in his temperament is hard to ignore.

Maybe this has something to do with Zhang Cheng's own environment? Zhou Yun wasn't quite sure why her younger brother Zhang was so confident, but he could also understand the attraction of this confidence to women.

Just like Zhang Cheng was attracted by her temperament. Zeng Li, who was already a little curious about Zhang Cheng, was hard not to be attracted.

And Zhou Yun obviously didn't want to see Zeng Li restrain her feelings for Zhang Cheng because of her relationship. After all, Zeng Li had helped her a lot before.

And Zhang Cheng is obviously a very rich kid, and those who can work hard.

As for the reason why he is emotional about Zhang Xiaodi?

Either Zhang Xiaodi was very good in qualifying, or she was tired and wanted to find a place to rest, or for some other reason, Zhou Yun didn't plan to go into it.

After all, if you like it, you like it, and Zhang Xiaodi is very interesting to her, and she can also help Zhang Xiaodi, that's enough.

From Zhou Yun's point of view, the landslides and fissures that you love from life to death are far from the firm and secure relationship that comes with such a relationship.

Because no matter whether it is love or liking, it will deteriorate. Only by interweaving and integrating each other layer by layer is the best choice for managing a relationship between men and women.

Zhang Cheng frowned slightly when he looked at Aunt Mei, who obviously did not intend to give up easily.

One thing to say, although Zeng Li is one year older than Aunt Mei, she looks much younger than Aunt Mei, at most thirty-five or thirty-six.

In particular, the makeup look of a pair of flaming red lips shows the delicate and mature femininity incisively and vividly.

But there is Aunt Mei, and Zhang Cheng has already played with many women, so Zhang Cheng is very sure that he has no idea of ​​​​starting with the other party.

But Aunt Mei is saying that now...

"No matter what, if it's Sister Yun, where did you misunderstand?" Zhang Cheng immediately turned over with a smile, and was familiar with Lujian and Qiji.

Feeling the joy that made him tremble, Zhou Yun sighed, and simply stopped thinking about it and devote himself to enjoying the moment.

A few days passed in the blink of an eye.

The large and small wolfberry merchants in Ning County gathered in a banquet hall of a good-sized hotel in the county.

Although Zhou Yun who convened the crowd had not arrived yet, everyone in the audience had already gathered in twos and threes and started a lively discussion.

"What do you think Zhou Yunfa is crazy about?"

"She is not crazy. I heard that a company has been established, and it is said that many farmers have signed agreements with her."


At ten o'clock, Zhou Yun took the lead, with Zhang Cheng and several managers of Gan Ping's company, and filed out from behind.

"Hello everyone, I'm Zhou Yun..."

It wasn't Zhang Cheng who spoke. After all, no one here knew him, so he couldn't hold back the scene.

And as Zhou Yun finished telling her plan, the goji berry merchants in the audience suddenly broke out.

"What are you? Dare to set standards for wolfberry?"

The powerful big wolfberry merchant was angry and said nothing.

"Miss Zhou, you're done! Just take care of yourself! With such a long hand, do you still want to reach into my bed?" Some wolfberry merchants said wretchedly.

However, there are still many wolfberry merchants, who did not follow the noise and watched calmly.

Because what Zhou Yun announced just now ~www.readwn.com~ is exactly what they have always adhered to, so naturally it doesn't matter.

Zhang Cheng walked behind Zhou Yun and looked at the two men who uttered vicious words, wondering if they would beat Aunt Mei to vent their anger.

And just now, Aunt Mei had explained to him in detail.

A series of standards for the cultivation and drying of wolfberry in Ningxian County have been formulated. Although several kinds of pesticides can increase production, they have more residual pesticides and are not allowed to be used. Sulphur fumigation, which can greatly improve the quality of dried wolfberry products, is also prohibited.

Anyway, the general idea is to standardize the wolfberry market in Ningxian County and improve the quality of wolfberry.

And this naturally made the interests of some unscrupulous wolfberry merchants suffer losses.

After all, they usually rely on wolfberry with high pesticide residues and sulfur-fumigated wolfberry to earn much more than ordinary wolfberry merchants.

Soon, the meeting broke up in discord.

However, there are also many wolfberry merchants who have stayed.

"Mr. Zhou is very bold and generous." A large wolfberry merchant who Zhang Cheng had visited before, after looking at Zhang Cheng, said with a smile on his face.

Zhou Yun chuckled and leaned back: "Mr. Wu is very polite."

Mr. Wu, the big wolfberry merchant, hesitated for a moment: "I don't know the situation on my side. Is Mr. Zhou interested in taking over?"

President Wu actually planned to give up his business.

Zhou Yun smiled when he heard the words: "How about 12 million?" He even gave the price without hesitation.

And this price also made the wolfberry merchants who stayed on the sidelines show surprise in the eyes.

Everyone is looking for a living in Ning County, and they look up and see each other. Therefore, it is probably clear that Boss Wu, the wolfberry who signed the underwriting contract, is about 6,000 mu.

And for the purchase price of one mu, did Zhou Yun actually give a high price of 2,000?

This is a figure that can be earned in one to two years, right?

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