I Have A Space For Planting

Chapter 266: , human affection

Chapter 266, human feelings

"Who is this?" Mr. Yan looked at Zeng Li with a smile.

"Hello, I'm Zeng Li." Zeng Li said quickly. The person in front of her is not an ordinary person. Even if she is usually wild, she does not dare to be slighted.

"Hello, I'm Yan Xu. Sit, everyone." Mr. Yan greeted him like an ordinary old man entertaining the younger generation.

After being seated, Zhang Cheng took out the 20 days of good ginseng.

"Master, thank you for your help, I honor you with this good ginseng." Zhang Cheng smiled and handed the ginseng in the wooden box to Master Yan.

Yan Xu took the box, opened it and looked at it, and unexpectedly found that it was the good ginseng from last year, similar to the two good ginseng that improved his young son's physical condition. And his youngest son contracted those things when he went abroad to study, and his body was in a mess. Mr. Yan found a lot of famous doctors but was unable to recover. Unexpectedly, after using two such good ginseng, it will be greatly improved, at least like a person.

"This... I'll accept it boldly." Mr. Yan said with a slight smile.

He spent nearly two small goals to help Zhang Cheng build an apartment building. Although Zhang Cheng had to pay back the money, the human feelings inside were not small.

And the reason why Mr. Yan used so much to help is one for the excellent old red sandalwood leaf, and also for Zhang Cheng's favor, and also to befriend this young man who can get good ginseng. .

Do it all.

Now this good ginseng is one of the rewards. This also made Mr. Yan very satisfied.

Zhang Cheng took out another sealed bag from his pocket, which was some tea leaves.

The tea trees planted in the Tianchengjie space have evolved mild anti-cancer effects after a period of time, and have evolved into mild effects again a while ago.

And just when Zhang Cheng felt that the tea trees would progress all the way, continue to evolve into spiritual trees, and have a great anti-cancer effect, but there was no movement at all during this time.

Although the tea trees are still growing, and the tallest one has grown to a height of more than 15 meters, the effect is still light, and it does not erase the light affixes like ginseng, and has a long-term anti-cancer effect.

Zhang Cheng was inevitably disappointed by this, but he was not discouraged.

After all, it will grow slowly, maybe after a long time, it will become the spiritual tree level~

Seeing the tea Zhang Cheng brought, Mr. Yan was even more happy.

He has two hobbies, one tea and one red sandalwood. And the tea leaves Zhang Cheng took out were all the best.

Quickly called the tea master to make tea.

But this time it wasn't Tang Yi who came here.

After drinking a cup of tea and chatting for a while, Zhang Cheng took his two aunts to leave.

And just when Zhang Cheng sent the two aunties back to the hotel, he found that there was a transfer of 5 million yuan. After checking it, it turned out that Mr. Yan had transferred it.

"Father, what are you doing?" Zhang Cheng hurriedly called back.

"Xiao Cheng, if you sell me ginseng, I will accept it, the old man. If you don't give me the money, then what kind of person will I be." Mr. Yan laughed.

Zhang Cheng smiled helplessly when he heard the words, and after thinking about it, he didn't say anything, because such a good ginseng, other than him, there is really no place to buy it.

"Thank you for being old, then I'll accept it."

"Well, that's right." Mr. Yan said with a satisfied smile.

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Cheng smacked his lips. He sold ginseng to several old men, and the price was not low.

And several old men not only did not have any thoughts, but also helped him a lot. Undoubtedly, it saved Zhang Cheng a lot of trouble. This is also the reason why Zhang Cheng is very respectful to several old men.

After getting good tea, I thought of sending it to a few people for the first time. In return for the deep friendship of these few.

Take the two aunties back to the hotel.

Zhang Cheng left after kissing the two aunts.

Watching Zhang Cheng leave, Zeng Li turned to look at Zhou Yun: "Yunyun, there are so many women in this kid, we really just accept it?"

Although Zeng Li can accept that Zhang Cheng has other women, she is somewhat unacceptable in this state of living together, but she is stopped by Zhou Yun.

Zhou Yun glanced at Zeng Li, began to remove makeup, and prepared to wash and rest.

"Yunyun~" Zeng Li did not obey.

Zhou Yun sighed: "What if we don't accept this enemy?"

Zeng Li was stunned when she heard the words, thinking of her unique experience in ranking with Zhang Cheng, she could only sigh.

Even if she leaves this time, as long as Zhang Cheng goes to Ning County again, Zeng Li doesn't think she can refuse Zhang Cheng's request for love. It's better to show obedience and gain some goodwill from Brother Zhang.

After all, Zeng Li also knew that without Zhou Yun's affection, although she looked pretty good, she wouldn't be able to catch Zhang Cheng's eyes.

After Zhang Cheng left, he returned to Xiangxiang's side.

"Brother Cheng." Xiangxiang smiled when she saw Zhang Cheng coming back.

Zhang Cheng reached out and touched Xiangxiang's little face, and went to change into a suit.

Then he grabbed Xiangxiang's slender waist and sat down on the large sofa in the living room.

"Xiangxiang... I'm sorry." Zhang Cheng said somewhat apologetically.

Xiangxiang was stunned when she heard the words, although she had accepted that Zhang Cheng had so many women, but with this apology, her actions were worth it.

"Yeah." Xiangxiang smiled lightly.

Seeing Xiangxiang accepting herself so easily, Zhang Cheng kissed Xiangxiang contentedly.

This woman gave him confidence when he first got up, and now gives him support. Zhang Cheng was quite satisfied.

After eating, Zhang Cheng made up for Xiangxiang well. Until she slept in a sweat dripping with sweat.

The next day, Zhang Cheng came to Yang Yu and Yang Xue.

"Thank you." Zhang Cheng looked at his sister and then at his sister again, and said sincerely.

If the two sisters hadn't pulled Zhao Shengnan away, yesterday's scene really made him not know how to clean up.

Yang Yu is a little helpless. She naturally has no opinion on Zhang Cheng's so many women, but can she leave? She was reluctant, and so was her sister.

So I finally decided to stay and help Zhang Cheng to persuade Sister Sheng.

In fact, the decision to stay is only in terms of money, and the sisters undoubtedly made money, because not to mention the 2 million given by Zhang Cheng for the decoration. With a large flat floor of thousands of square meters, the value of such two houses is almost a small goal.

What kind of woman would be indifferent to such temptation?

uh... it seems like there were three yesterday...

Yang Yu felt that compared to them, he was a bit of a philistine who worshipped money, and he couldn't help frowning slightly.

Yang Xue doesn't have as many ideas as her sister. During this period of time, UU reading www. uukanshu.com made her fall in love with Zhang Cheng. Although there are so many women against Zhang Cheng, it is not difficult to decide whether to leave or stay.

Because she will definitely be in pain after leaving, so naturally she wants to stay.

"Brother Cheng, you must not leave me and my sister in the future."

Zhang Cheng embraced Yang Xue's slender waist and kissed her gently.

"Well." Zhang Cheng didn't say anything to grow old, but simply responded to the love expressed by Yang Xue.

But the seriousness in her eyes made Yang Xue feel that she was burned, and her pretty face turned slightly red.

Yang Yu sighed in her heart when she saw that Zhang Cheng was close to her sister. If there were not so many material conditions, she and her sister would definitely not have followed this man together, and now she accepts the absurdity of this man more, and it was this man from the beginning. Giving too much.

Not only was there so much that she couldn't refuse, this man was even willing to give their sisters two properties when they chose to leave.

Yang Yu felt that from then on, he was already a little bug caught in this man's love net.

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