I Have A Space For Planting

Chapter 267: ,bullion

Chapter 267, Gold Bullion

Without disturbing the work of the two sisters, Zhang Cheng left and came to the supermarket.

After reading some reports and understanding the operation of the supermarket, Zhang Cheng was quite satisfied.

Because now the supermarket's sales have reached about 130,000 a day, and it is still growing.

This doesn't sound like much, but it's just about the same as a 1-day fresh ginseng.

But in fact such sales are already very good.

130,000 a day, nearly 4 million a month, half a small goal after a year.

But how much money did Zhang Cheng invest?

5 million only.

Although Zhang Cheng gave up profit to have such a lively scene, the prices of various vegetable and fruit snacks in the supermarket are relatively low, plus the ten-for-one membership card. The profits are not small, and once there is no such discount, what will happen to the supermarket's business, no one can say that it is not very good.

However, Zhang Chengqian supermarket did not intend to make a lot of money. As long as he can make ends meet, he will continue to do business in the supermarket and continue to expand its scale.

"Old Lei, you did a good job." Zhang Cheng praised Lei Zhun next to him.

Lei Zhun smiled and quickly calmed down. Although this guy is not good at expressing his emotions and anger, and he is not good at flattering others, his ability is really good. When Zhang Cheng offers so many discounts, he can still guarantee that the supermarket will have it. A certain degree of profit is really rare.

"By the way, how are you doing to cultivate talents?" Zhang Cheng asked again.

Lei Zhun hesitated for a moment: "I see that Wang Dong and Sun Yang, two of the shop assistants recruited in the store, have learned things very quickly and plan to train them. In addition, I also contacted my former colleagues, and some old friends have some intentions. Yes, I don't know, when will you be free to meet them, boss?"

Looking for a job, especially for someone who has the ability to find a job, is basically a two-way choice.

Zhang Cheng chose them, and they also chose their own bosses.

Zhang Cheng didn't mind this, nodded and said, "Okay, see when you can arrange it."

The contact during this period also made Lei Zhun know the temper of his own boss. He was easy-going, generous and bold. Although he was suspected of throwing his hands off the boss, in fact, this state was the environment that allowed him to play the most.


After chatting for a while, Zhang Cheng didn't stay in the store much, and was going to go out for a stroll to see what gifts he bought for his women and make up for it.

After all, it was Zhang Cheng who couldn't help but put all the women together to live together.

I went to the jewelry store and picked up some jade accessories and gold bracelets. Finally, after thinking about it, Zhang Cheng simply bought some 500-gram gold bars.

The 5 million that Mr. Yan gave yesterday was spent.

Then Zhang Cheng came to Sister Yang Yu and Yang Xue.

Seeing that Zhang Cheng was carrying a large bag and a small bag, the two sisters hurried over to take it.


Yang Xue saw a few pounds of apples brought by Zhang Cheng at a glance, and immediately took them to wash with a smile.

And Yang Yu opened a box at Zhang Cheng's gesture.

The branch-shaped emerald brooch inside made her admirable, and the other gold bracelets were also pretty, but the gold bars made Yang Yu a little confused.

Gold... gold bars?

"Thank you." Although the appearance of the gold bar made Yang Yu a little confused, after all, is there still a gift for this? But overall, Yang Yu is still satisfied.

"Here comes the apples~" Yang Xue trotted over with a smile, and the fruit bowl she was holding was filled with the apples she had just cleaned.

The apples produced in the Tianchengjie space are not entirely red, but half red and half green. Especially after Zhang Cheng replanted ungrafted apple trees, the taste of these apples is even better.

Zhang Cheng picked it up and started peeling it.

Yang Xue took advantage of these efforts to open the gift Zhang Cheng gave her.

Similar brooches, gold bracelets and gold bars to my sister.

After seeing the gold bars, Yang Xue's reaction was similar to that of her sister, she was a little confused, but it was Yang Xue after all.

This girl hurriedly put the gold bar in her mouth and bit it, and after taking it out, a shallow tooth mark appeared on the gold bar.

Seeing her sister's actions, Yang Yu couldn't help laughing and crying.

Zhang Cheng smiled lightly: "Is it delicious?"

Yang Xue gave Zhang Cheng a white look, took Zhang Cheng's peeled apple, and took a bite: "I'm not a fool, gold must not be eaten~"

He looked at his sister, then looked at his sister again, but he didn't mean to be angry with him, which made Zhang Cheng very happy, then smiled meanly, and picked up the two sisters and went back to the bedroom.

After appeasing the two sisters, Zhang Cheng came to Zhao Shengnan the next day.

"Brother Cheng." Xu Fangjinlan looked at Zhang Cheng this time with a complicated look. They didn't expect this man to have so many women, but it also made them completely unimaginable. 500 square meters of large flat floor.

This is S city!

The value of such a house is tens of millions, right?

"Come, eat pears." The eyes of the two women let Zhang Cheng know that Zhao Shengnan had told his sisters about the matter, which made Zhang Cheng somewhat embarrassed, and quickly took out the pears he brought and shared them with the two women.

After the two women took the pears, they just nodded, and it was inevitable that they were somewhat unfamiliar.

Zhang Cheng sighed, but did not force anything, and came to the second floor of the gym.

Seeing the figure with the sandbag, Zhang Cheng quietly stood aside.

Probably sensing that Zhang Cheng was coming, Zhao Shengnan's movements were more fierce and fierce, hitting the sandbag with a bang, as if he thought the sandbag was Zhang Cheng.

After Zhang Cheng noticed it, he simply put on protective gear and dragged Zhao Shengnan to the ring.

"What!" Zhao Sheng shouted masculously.

"Hit me and see if you can feel better." Zhang Cheng said.

Zhao Shengnan frowned when he heard the words, looked at the protective gear on Zhang Cheng's body, and dashed forward without letting go.

There was a lot of banging.

Finally, after Xianghan stopped breathing heavily, Zhao Shengnan felt a lot more comfortable physically and mentally.

However, he looked at Zhang Cheng suspiciously.

Because when he was beaten just now, the man's steps, blocks, etc., were obviously a bit tricky.

"Have you practiced boxing?"

Zhang Cheng heard the words and shook his head: "No, I just practiced some kung fu." With that, Zhang Cheng played two tricks.

Zhao Shengnan wrinkled his nose and jumped off the ring to wash the pears.

After allocating one to Zhang Cheng, Zhao Shengnan just started eating without peeling it.

After thinking about it, Zhang Cheng pulled Zhao Shengnan to the office and kissed him fiercely.

With the fat beating just now, Zhao Shengnan also forgave Zhang Cheng in his heart~www.readwn.com~, so he didn't resist and responded enthusiastically.

After a long time, his lips were divided, Zhang Cheng smiled slyly, hugged Zhao Shengnan and found a place to sit down.

Zhao Shengnan rolled his eyes at Zhang Cheng and wiped the saliva from his lips. She doesn't mind being in Zhang Cheng's arms. To be honest, this feeling of being pampered makes her very fond of.

"Sorry." Zhang Cheng apologized a little distressedly. His actions undoubtedly hurt Zhao Shengnan and his women.

Zhao Shengnan rolled his eyes at Zhang Cheng, but said nothing.

Zhang Cheng looked at Zhao Shengnan's charming little appearance and kissed him again. He likes this woman very much, not only because of Zhao Shengnan's beauty and long legs, but more importantly, he has learned to persevere from this woman, and he is also inspired by this woman's unyielding enthusiasm for her career.

She's a good woman who made him reborn.

"In a few days, I want to go to a competition." Zhao Shengnan said.

Although there is little hope of becoming a professional boxer, it does not mean that Zhao Shengnan has given up boxing. After all, there are still amateur competitions.

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