I Have A Space For Planting

Chapter 325: ,reason

Chapter 325, Reason

Because they were separated for more than a month, Zhao Shengnan let go a little, which made Zhang Cheng very happy.

However, Zhang Cheng still did not forget to entrust Xu Fang and Jinlan to let them watch Zhao Shengnan reduce the amount of training.

This made Zhao Shengnan look resentful, but after thinking about it, he didn't beat this little dwarf or anything. After all, it was her own body, and it was probably reaching its limit, right?

Even if she hadn't met Zhang Cheng, a lascivious dwarf, and used a lot of special effects ginseng for her, I'm afraid she should have bid farewell to the ring by now.

As for the feeling of playing ranked is much more enjoyable than before, Zhao Shengnan doesn't care too much, after all, it's a lot of time apart, right?

The next day, Zhang Cheng came to Sister Yang Yu and Yang Xue.

As the scale of Yuxueyifang became larger, the competition suddenly became fierce.

All kinds of guns and arrows, it is really unimaginable.

Buy some navy, public accounts to slander, maliciously spread rumors, and also imitate Yuxueyifang to support the little anchors. These are even basic operations, and some small actions have not stopped.

And the one who dances the most is the clothes library of the animal country.

Not to mention the management of Yuxueyifang, because of Zhang Cheng's relationship with Mr. Yang, he couldn't do things from Jin Luo's side, so he deliberately imitated some Yuxueyifang clothes with quality problems and brought rhythm online. .

At the same time, there are more and more official inspections of Yuxueyifang, not firefighting, supervision bureaus, and other supervision and spot checks.

Let sister Yang Yu and Yang Xue be too busy to deal with it.

Zhang Cheng was very distressed when he found out.

"Why didn't you find me?" Holding the two sisters, they kissed the left and the right.

Yang Yu sat beside Zhang Cheng, while Yang Xue shrunk in Zhang Cheng's arms.

"It's okay, Brother Cheng."

"It's okay." Zhang Cheng said angrily and distressed.

The situation of poaching is serious. Of course, there is no shortage of convenient things like bribing the ghost, so the two sisters now have a lot of things to confirm in person, which makes them even more busy.

In short, you are looking for trouble when you have nothing to do, and you have to make a big deal if you have something. Anyway, it will make you exhausted and have no time to take care of it.

Knowing this situation, Zhang Cheng's eyes narrowed, even if the relationship with Mr. Hu didn't want to be used, he would use it.

After thinking about it, Zhang Cheng walked out of the office and went to the other side to call Hu Yang.

Hearing what happened on Zhang Cheng's side, Hu Yang did not take it all in, but said he would tell his parents.

But soon got a reply that will do some processing.

This reassured Zhang Cheng a little.

In the afternoon, information appeared on the Internet that Yiku was fined 100,000 yuan due to quality problems.

There are not many fines. For YIQU, whose global sales reached 117.3 billion R last year, it is not painful at all.

But the fine is not the purpose. This fine is more of a warning. If you continue to do things, it will not be a fine.

The clothing library inquired about the background of the country, and after knowing the whole story, it quickly died down.

At night, Yuxueyifang returned to normal, and there were not so many problems.

It may sound like child's play, but it's that simple.

The two sisters couldn't help but smile.

During this period of time, they were targeted and competed maliciously, especially the management of several right-hand men who were poached, which really made the two sisters stretched. Fortunately, things are finally resolved now.

"How is the decoration of the house?" Ignoring these troubles, Zhang Cheng asked other things that would make people happy.

The two sisters smiled lightly when they heard the words: "The decoration is almost done, and it's almost possible to move in after a few months of drying."

Zhang Cheng nodded with satisfaction, as long as his women lived in the apartment building, that would be his time to enjoy, and he would no longer have to run around like this.

Because Yang Yu and Yang Xue were busy with company affairs during this time, sisters Yang Yu and Yang Xue were very tired, so Zhang Cheng didn't bother them, but let them rest after taking care of them.

When you come to Japan for a long time, of course you have to cherish and care for your own woman, and you can't ignore the two women just for your own happiness.

The next day, after sending the two daughters to work, Zhang Cheng came to Wang Qing.

With the international cooperation, the entrustment in the office has gradually increased.

Wang Qing has already planned to rent other nearby office buildings to expand the office's workplace.

This is a good thing, and Zhang Cheng naturally supports it.

However, when Zhang Cheng was about to transfer money, he was stopped by Wang Qing.

"I have enough money here." Wang Qing chuckled lightly.

As a lawyer in the past, although he has some abilities, he has some deficiencies in business. Wang Qing's income is inevitably not ideal. Now he has a firm, and he has retired from the front line. With Zhang Cheng's support, the situation is much better. .

In less than half a year, after paying wages, rent, etc., the remaining income is enough for the firm to continue to expand.

Zhang Cheng was happy when he heard the words, but still transferred a sum of money to Wang Qing.

"Just take it for you, it's better to be generous than nervous."

When Wang Qing heard the words, he gave the little man a charming glance, and Zhang Cheng was dazzled and confused for a while.

"By the way, the decoration is almost over now. When you move in in the future, what are your plans?" Seeing this, Wang Qing was afraid that this little man with high fighting spirit couldn't help it, so he hurriedly brought something she noticed before. Speak out, ask Zhang Cheng's opinion, and divert Zhang Cheng's attention.

Zhang Cheng heard the words and understood Wang Qing's intention. After concentrating on thinking for a while, he also understood that it was time to recruit some nanny, cleaning and other staff. After all, the house can't be that big, let his women clean it by himself.

Forget about a small house, a set is 500 square meters.

This is not something that one person can be busy with at all, not to mention that even if he can do it, Zhang Cheng will feel distressed.

"What advice do you have?" Zhang Cheng didn't express anything directly, but instead asked Wang Qingdao. After all, the beautiful lawyer sister would ask this, so she should have some thoughts.

"There are two options now, one is to cooperate with some housekeeping companies and let them dispatch labor services, and the other is to recruit employees ourselves." Wang Qing said lightly.

It's not that she just wants to enjoy it, but it's such a big house, she can't take care of it anyway, so make plans early, lest it will be troublesome to be in a hurry when you can really move in.

"Then let's recruit ourselves?" Compared with the labor dispatch of housekeeping companies, Zhang Cheng prefers to recruit nanny and cleaning by himself.

On the one hand, pay more wages, sign some confidentiality agreements, so as not to go out and talk nonsense, and also conduct certain background checks, so you can rest assured.

In short, it is more appropriate to recruit by yourself than to leave it to a housekeeping company to save worry and hassle, although you must invest more energy in the initial stage.

Wang Qing nodded when he heard the words, then looked at Zhang Cheng.

Zhang Cheng was stunned for a moment, then pointed to his nose~www.readwn.com~ Do you want me to do this? "

Wang Qing smiled brightly: "Well, then I'll trouble you~"

Seeing the naughty appearance of the beautiful lawyer sister, Zhang Cheng smiled helplessly and could only agree.

But in the evening, under the new technology, the beautiful lawyer sister also experienced a life-or-death experience, which was very beautiful.

The clouds cleared and the rain rested. Zhang Cheng touched Wang Qing's flat belly and frowned a little. He didn't take any protective measures, nor did Wang Qing here, so why has there been no movement?

After thinking about it, Zhang Cheng sensed it with his sense power, and then his face was full of irony and laughter.

Because the result of his induction is that his body is too strong, and the woman is a little weak in comparison.

After all, after eating ginseng of the spirit grass level, Zhang Cheng's physical fitness is called dragon and tiger, and it can be seen from the fact that more than twenty women have not squeezed him dry.

Only after the woman's body is replenished can she conceive an offspring.

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