I Have A Space For Planting

Chapter 326: ,Recruitment

Chapter 326, Recruitment

This really made Zhang Cheng laugh and cry.

After all, he never imagined that all his hard work would be useless.

After thinking about it, Zhang Cheng was going to add an extra piece of spirit grass-grade ginseng to the ginseng wine he made for his women.

It used to be ten pounds of wine, two 10-day ginseng, and one spirit grass-grade ginseng whisker. Now adding one more piece, there shouldn't be any obvious changes, right?

Zhang Cheng is not sure, but in order to have a child sooner, he can't take care of so much.

Moreover, with the previous special effects of ginseng as the base, even if the effect of the ginseng wine made in this way is a little better, it can be fooled by the effect of this ginseng.

As for whether he can fool the past, Zhang Cheng himself believed it anyway~

Thoughtfully, Zhang Cheng saw what Wang Qing was going to do when he got up.

The perfect waist-hip curve suddenly made Zhang Cheng stand up.

"I'm going to the toilet~" Wang Qing said quickly when he found that Zhang Cheng was entangled again.

Zhang Cheng licked his face and smiled: "Together~"

Wang Qing could only roll his eyes back at Zhang Cheng's obsession, but he was still happy in his heart. A woman is the one who pleases herself. When a lover is obsessed with her body, few women will feel unhappy.

The next day, Zhang Cheng went to the Sanjiu shop to buy more than a dozen cans of Sanjiu, which made the boss happy again.

This person is really a drunkard. He buys so much every time, and he can add two pig ears at night. He is happy.

After soaking the ginseng wine in Xiangxiang's residence, Zhang Cheng came to Ren Jia's side.

He helped Grandpa Ren take a bath, and accompanied him to the nearby elderly activity center to watch others play chess, sing opera, etc.

When Ren Jia came back, his eyes were full of tenderness. Although Brother Cheng was very romantic, he was able to help her take care of her grandfather so well that Ren Jia had no regrets about her original choice.

As long as this man doesn't dislike him, he will be his for the rest of his life.

Grandpa Ren was getting older, and he was also repeatedly hit. Even with Zhang Cheng's special effects of ginseng and good luck red sandalwood that nourished and nourished him, he still couldn't fully recover his sobriety and was still confused. Fortunately, he was able to Dressing, undressing, eating, etc.

Not incapacitated.

After qualifying, Zhang Cheng asked Ren Jia what requirements she had for babysitters.

Ren Jialue hesitated: "Sister Qin and her sister-in-law are fine."

Zhang Cheng couldn't help but laugh: "It's the nanny. Sister Qin and Sister Qin take care of grandpa."

"Ah?" Ren Jia didn't understand, why did he still hire a nanny?

"The house, the house is about to be renovated." Zhang Cheng said with a chuckle.

Ren Jia's eyes lit up, and after thinking about it, she nodded: "Brother Cheng, you just call the shots."

Zhang Cheng nodded after thinking about it, and then hugged Ren Jia in his arms: "Go to sleep."

After consulting his women, Zhang Cheng came to the talent market again.

After all, babysitting is nothing more than cleaning and cooking. Basically, as long as you are a big sister, you can do it. The difference is that the cleaning is clean or not, and the cooking is delicious.

But for these, women do not have too high requirements, Zhang Cheng decided to hire more than 20 nannies after consideration. He will be responsible for cooking the food that is delicious, and cleaning the house if it is clean. Guaranteed 8 days a month If you have a rest, you should pay all the social security you should have, and talk about the salary and benefits, but it will not be less than 10,000. In addition to the red envelopes for the New Year and festivals, as long as you work hard every year, you should be able to get about 150,000.

After all, this is not the first time to come to the talent market to recruit, so Zhang Cheng is quite familiar.

Put his requirements, treatment, etc. on the electronic screen of the recruitment office he temporarily rented, and soon a big sister came to apply for the job.

Zhang Cheng, who was too young, didn't want it, and Zhang Cheng who was old didn't dare to accept it. After all, something really happened, right?

However, 23 nannies were soon received.

Zhang Cheng looked at these preparatory nanny, and used his sense of power to probe their psychological activities a little. Some were apprehensive, not sure if they could be selected, while others didn't care, but none of them were in a bad mood.

After all, during the first screening, Zhang Cheng checked some things with induction force.

As for whether this is a violation of the privacy of the nanny sisters, it can only be said that Zhang Cheng chooses nanny for his women, or should be more secure.

Looking around, Zhang Cheng nodded with satisfaction, then found a minibus and took the eldest sisters to the apartment building.

"This is where you work in the future. There will be basically no other things except laundry, cooking and cleaning every day. I wonder if you can accept it?" Zhang Cheng said.

"Boss, how much is the salary? Is it really 10,000?" a nanny asked nervously.

Although S City is an international metropolis, the salary of a nanny is similar to that of an ordinary screw-driving worker. It is 5,000 or 6,000 a month, which is basically the end. The fierce Zhang Cheng paid 10,000, which is really uncomfortable. How dare you believe, even if there are other companions, there may not be no one to retreat or something.

Zhang Cheng smiled when he heard the words: "Well, basically, there will be more than 10,000 in hand, but if you are willing to come to work with me in the future, you need to sign a non-disclosure agreement, and you cannot disclose the matter here to others, including your family."

After all, he has a lot of women. If these nannies talk casually, there will be any trouble if they are not kept together.

The nanny sisters looked at each other in dismay, and became even more uneasy. Originally, they raised their hearts, worried that Zhang Cheng was doing something illegal and criminal. After all, paying such a high salary is a hush money.

"I-I want to quit, okay?" Finally, there was an elder sister who couldn't help but feel timid and planned to quit.

The other nanny sisters turned their heads and looked at Zhang Cheng.

Zhang Cheng naturally doesn't care: "Yes, what's the matter, we haven't signed the contract. And even if the contract is signed, if you want to resign, there will be no problem. Please rest assured."

Zhang Cheng's words reassured the nanny sisters a lot. Except for the eldest sister who spoke, the other 22 stayed.

After a while, the decoration workers came down and saw so many women in their 30s and 40s gathered in the hall. They couldn't help but be surprised. But he didn't say anything and left in a hurry.

Soon Wang Qing came over.

Seeing that these nanny sisters selected by Zhang Cheng are quite reliable, Wang Qing is very satisfied, and the little man can still rest assured when he does things.

Wang Qing didn't say much, and took out some labor contracts.

This is what she came up with after referring to similar templates and making certain supplements based on the situation in the apartment building.

There are basically no problems with the terms. It is nothing more than asking the nanny sisters not to talk about the situation of the apartment building. If they are disclosed to the outside world, they have the right to ask the other party for a large amount of financial compensation.

The nanny sisters looked at the contract in their hands, and after reading some who understood a little, they felt that there was nothing that could not be signed, so they directly signed their names with pens.

Someone takes the lead, and the rest will be easy, and the elder sisters have signed.

I got the nanny's side~www.readwn.com~ Wang Qing led the nanny sisters directly to the sixth floor, her house.

Because the decoration plan was determined at the earliest, and there was no complicated decoration, Wang Qing's house was the first to be decorated.

"Let's clean up this house now." But even if the renovation workers have already cleaned up the site, there are still some unclean edges and corners.

Seeing the nanny sisters who rolled up their sleeves and picked up rags and mops, Zhang Cheng couldn't help frowning.

If he is allowed to manage the scheduling, work arrangement, and salary payment of these eldest sisters in the future, it will be fatal, so we should quickly send things out.

In terms of wages, those who are capable work harder, and it is better to let Wang Qing, who has already managed the wages of the security team, be responsible.

As for the daily work arrangement, after Zhang Cheng considered it, he decided to hand it over to Zhao Shengnan.

The silly woman needs to reduce the amount of training, so one morning is almost enough, and the rest of the time is just to find something for her to do.

Thinking of this, Zhang Cheng couldn't help but praise his wit.

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