I Have A Space For Planting

Chapter 327: ,adoption

Chapter 327, Adoption

While dealing with all kinds of trivial matters, while dealing with his wife and good friends, Zhang Cheng lived a happy life every day.

"Zhang, Zhang Cheng, Sun Ming's parents will come and pick him up tomorrow, can you, can you accompany me?" Teacher Xu said a little nervously.

Although this matter has nothing to do with Zhang Cheng directly, Teacher Xu still wants Zhang Cheng to stay aside, because when this man is around, she will feel at ease inexplicably.

Zhang Cheng was a little surprised when he heard this, but he didn't refuse anything.

This teacher Xu has a very good figure, and he is willing to cooperate with all postures when playing in the rankings, which makes Zhang Cheng very enjoyable. Of course, he will not help with this little thing.

The next day, just after ten in the morning, two men and women in their thirties came over.

The man's expression was a little embarrassed, while the woman's expression was indifferent.

When Sun Ming saw his parents, his expression was a little complicated. Although he was only eight years old, he was already sensible. He understood that his parents gave up on him, and it was Teacher Xu who rescued him.

"Ming, Mingming." The man was Sun Ming's father, Sun Guangyong. Tears fell from his eyes when he saw his son who was looking good and had recovered.

Instead, Sun Ming's mother looked up and down when she saw her son.

"Mr. Xu, it's really healed? It won't relapse in the future?" Sun Ming's mother Ma Fangfang said with a look of hesitation. At the same time, even if it doesn't relapse, I'm afraid there will be a lot of follow-up treatment costs in the future.

This made Ma Fangfang very reluctant to take her son back.

It is inevitable that people wonder if Sun Ming is Ma Fangfang's biological child.

But unfortunately, Sun Ming's eyebrows and eyes are quite similar to Ma Fangfang's, and it's basically unlikely that they were adopted.

Zhang Cheng frowned a little when he heard this. Although he didn't have much contact with the little brat like Sun Ming, when he usually got along with him, he could also know that the kid was quite sensible.

"Recovery is already cured, but there will be a lot of treatment costs in the future. I hope you are prepared and take the responsibility of parents."

Hearing that, Father Sun nodded vigorously, abandoning his son once, which has already made him feel like a knife, and this time he doesn't want to abandon his son a second time.

But unfortunately, Ma Fangfang, who was on the side, grabbed her husband directly, and at the same time gave her a wink, which suddenly made her husband's face froze.

She is not willing to take over such a sick child. As for saying that this is her son?

What happened to the son, the one who caused her trouble was not a good son!

Instead of being a good son, why are you still here?

So Ma Fangfang rolled her eyes: "Who are you?" She turned to ask Zhang Cheng's identity.

"I'm Teacher Xu's boyfriend." Zhang Cheng said.

Body, posture, just based on these two points, Zhang Cheng is very happy to be Teacher Xu's boyfriend.

Ma Fangfang nodded when she heard the words, and didn't ask any further questions. With Teacher Xu's salary, it was almost impossible to collect medical expenses for her son. I'm afraid most of it was the man's money, right?

Immediately, Ma Fangfang made a pitiful look: "This gentleman, it's not me and Guangyong who are cruel, there is really no way..." As she spoke, she wiped away tears.

And with her words, Zhang Cheng probably heard what this woman meant, and would not pick up his son anyway.

This made Zhang Cheng inevitably laugh angrily.

"This is your son!"

"It's our son, but we really don't have the money to help him heal." Ma Fangfang was still a little measured and didn't say anything more disgusting.

However, her attitude is also very straightforward. Either Zhang Cheng will be responsible for his son's treatment costs in the future, or he will continue to raise his son. They don't care anyway.

When Sun Guangyong on the side saw this, his face suddenly became bitter, and he shrank back when he wanted to take his son back.

Zhang Cheng looked at this man's trashy performance and couldn't help but dislike it.

After thinking about it, I called Wang Qing and asked the two scumbags to sign a waiver of parenting certificate. Although this thing is not recognized by the law, when there are problems in the future, it can also relieve Teacher Xu's side. trouble.

Then he directly drove away the wonderful parents who even wanted some child support, and then asked Mr. Yan's assistant Qin Zhang to go to the Civil Affairs Bureau to get the adoption certificate.

Soon, the little boy Sun Ming changed his name to 'Xu Ming'.

Ms. Xu was very pleasantly surprised that she could adopt Sun Ming. She liked children very much, otherwise she would not be a teacher, but she was infertile and divorced because of it. Unexpectedly, she now has her own child.

Although not biological, Xiao Xu Ming is also very close to her.

"Mom." Little Xu Ming's tears fell, not only the sadness and disappointment that his biological parents had abandoned him, but also the feeling that Teacher Xu rescued and adopted him.

Zhang Cheng also sighed when he saw the scene in front of him. After thinking about it, he simply bought the place where Mr. Xu was currently renting for her.

When Teacher Xu found out, she was very shocked. She never thought that this man would buy her a house.


Zhang Cheng doesn't have too many ideas. If there were not many women before, he should accept this teacher Xu. After all, he has a good figure and a high degree of cooperation. As for infertility, Zhang Cheng does not have so many. care.

And don't worry about Teacher Xu, this woman decides to stay with Xiao Xu Ming for one reason or another, and even commits herself to Zhang Cheng and wants to cure him, which makes Zhang Cheng feel pretty good.

So it's just a house, just buy it.

Does it matter?

I stayed for a long time, but Mr. Xu didn't say any words of thanks. In the end, my heart was overwhelmed and I just squatted down.

After enjoying it, Zhang Cheng held Teacher Xu in his arms. This woman is not slim, but she is not fat, but rather plump. This is rare among Zhang Cheng's women and good friends.

This is also the reason why Zhang Chenghui is more rare in Teacher Xu.

"You don't need to be burdened." Zhang Cheng chuckled lightly.

Teacher Xu looked at Zhang Cheng, then nodded obediently.

After dealing with Teacher Xu, Zhang Cheng planned to go to Ning County to visit Aunt Mei.

Of course, there are also Zeng Li, Hu Zhen, and An Xiaoling.

However, sister Yang Yu and Yang Xue called.

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Cheng was thoughtful.

According to what the two sisters said ~www.readwn.com~ the clothing store of the animal kingdom came over and wanted to invest in Yuxueyifang.

Although the two sisters directly rejected it several times, the other party still continued to negotiate and apply, and they also found several people who were not very able to refute their feelings.

It's quite a bit of a non-stop meaning.

This surprised Zhang Cheng, and felt that he should meet with the other party to see what the **** those beasts in Yiku were up to.

The next day, I met the people from the clothes shop at the hotel we agreed to.

"Mr. Zhang, I'm really sorry for disturbing you." A middle-aged man in his forties said with a guilty face.

It's just that in Zhang Cheng's induction, the other party didn't feel any guilt, but instead felt complacent.

Because the other party felt that no matter how hard he avoided seeing him, he had to come out to meet him.

What kind of brain circuit did he brew?

Zhang Cheng frowned: "Since you know you're disturbing me, why are you jumping up and down?"

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