I Have A Space For Planting

Chapter 342: ,pregnant

Chapter 342, pregnancy

After spending the night here at Xiangxiang, Zhang Cheng took half a catty of spirit tree-grade tea, a set of ginseng, several kinds of fruits, and such a set to some old men.

The more he thinks about it now, the more Zhang Cheng knows that he has received a lot of care from these old men before, so he has considerable respect for these old men.

Several old men also noticed the change in Zhang Cheng's attitude. In the past, Zhang Cheng's relationship with them was more inclined to both sides of the business. Now, the elders and elders look at it.

This made the old man quite happy.

"Boy, how many 60-year-old good participants are there?"

"Hey, this is really not much." Zhang Cheng said carelessly. Although several old men really have nothing to say, he can't really sell 60-year-old ginseng without restrictions, because this has a lot to do with it.

After all, as long as Zhang Cheng takes out a lot of 60-year-old ginseng without any cover, even if there is no problem with the old men, if the news leaks out, trouble will follow.

The old man Guan smiled lightly and pointed at Zhang Cheng.

After having lunch with the old man, Zhang Cheng continued to visit several old men.

When he came to Mr. Yang Shuyang, it was not Jing Yue who was with him, but another woman.

Young, beautiful, elegant, and good temperament.

She is a quasi-peerless beauty that can be compared with the most beautiful among Zhang Cheng's women, Ren Jia, Hu Zhen, and An Xiaoling.

After all, without makeup, or in other words, there are very peerless beauties in normal state, and Zhang Cheng has never seen any of them.

"This is Zhang Cheng, a junior of mine." Mr. Yang introduced to the woman beside him.

This is really a woman like clothes.

For this, Zhang Cheng is not as good as himself, not to mention other things, just say that after meeting women who feel good, it is difficult for Zhang Cheng not to be moved, and it is difficult to abandon them.

Merry but affectionate is a more appropriate description of Zhang Cheng's emotional state.

"Hello, my name is Xin Rulan." The woman said lightly, exhaling in a fresh and elegant manner.

Zhang Cheng nodded hurriedly: "Hello." This person, who is already Old Man Yang's side, is very attractive, but Zhang Cheng is not in a bad mood. After all, although Zhang Cheng is scumbag, he still has a bottom line.

And Mr. Yang was quite satisfied with Zhang Cheng.

After chatting for a while, Zhang Cheng said goodbye and left.

At the same time, he sighed that he couldn't learn, he really couldn't learn, and when he thought of abandoning his women and changing another batch, Zhang Cheng was full of reluctance. Therefore, unless it is a very attractive woman like An Xiaoling and Wang Sisi, Zhang Cheng feels that he should take his heart away.

After all, even if his waist is strong, he really can't manage the time. More than 20 women, almost enough.

After thinking about it, Zhang Cheng came to Bai Bai's side during the day.

"Is there any news about the new movie over there recently?" Mr. Bai poured a cup of tea for Zhang Cheng.

Zhang Cheng took a sip: "I'm still picking the script."

The old man Bai nodded and asked his assistant to call his daughter: "I want Miao Miao to work with you over there."

Zhang Cheng was stunned when he heard the words, Bai Miaomiao's brain retard? This made him suddenly embarrassed. After all, his relationship with the old man finally recovered. Since the old man said it out, if Zhang Cheng refused, it would be a bit of a loss, but the thought of cooperating with Bai Miaomiao also made Zhang Cheng very resistant. .

Soon Bai Miaomiao came over, saw Zhang Cheng, pursed his lips and sat down.

Zhang Cheng sensed it a little with his sensory force, and unexpectedly noticed that this man's hatred for himself was greatly reduced. Although he still remembered a little bit of hatred, it was just a small holiday. There would be no problem. If he wants to do something, he has a sense of power, and he can have some precautions.

After thinking about it, Zhang Cheng nodded in agreement.

Seeing that Zhang Cheng agreed to cooperate with him, Bai Miaomiao snorted softly. Because of the trivial matter of plotting the other party's special effect of ginseng, she was restrained by her father for almost half a year.

However, Bai Miaomiao has also learned a lot from her father in the past six months, and has learned about her previous problems. Moreover, almost half a year has passed, and she is no longer as annoyed as she used to be.

It's just that she doesn't know why her father asked her to learn something from Zhang Cheng.

In fact, Mr. Bai valued Zhang Cheng very much.

Because from the previous "Rebirth" to this "Zuan Zhuan", the progress of Zhang Cheng's two dramas has been leaps and bounds.

The previous rebirth can only be said to be qualified, but this new drama has something to watch, some explosive points, a compact plot, excellent service, outstanding acting skills, and many advantages.

This is also the fundamental reason why 'Zuan Zhuan' can suddenly explode.

After all, as far as the plot is concerned, it is actually a bit cliché.

But this does not affect Zhang Cheng's crew already has a considerable level.

Therefore, Mr. Bai wanted his daughter to join Zhang Cheng's crew to study, or to cooperate for a long time.

It was precisely because Zhang Cheng noticed the old man's intentions that he reluctantly agreed. Otherwise, he would definitely not want a partner like Bai Miaomiao.

After dealing with these matters, Zhang Cheng plans to find Zhao Shengnan.

When the lanterns are first on, it's nice to find a charming restaurant to have a delicious dinner, and then embrace each other in a hotel with a good view.

But at this moment, Zhang Cheng's cell phone rang.

After looking at it, I found that it was Chen Fei.

"What's wrong?" Zhang Cheng answered the phone.

"Brother Cheng, can you come over here? There is something..." Chen Fei felt embarrassed.

Zhang Cheng was a little surprised to hear that, did Chen Fei cause something in the supermarket?

No, if there is a more serious problem, Lei Zhun will not fail to notify him.

However, Zhang Cheng didn't think much about it and came to the Daping layer. Then I found out that Qiqi Lulu, Yanyan Chen Fei and Huanhuan, all five daughters were there.

The other girls didn't have any problems, only Huanhuan was very nervous, so maybe there was something wrong with her?

Borrow money? Huanhuan had borrowed it once before, and Zhang Cheng inevitably thought it was borrowing money again.

If it is only a million, he will borrow it without making an IOU, because these women have been very comfortable serving him recently~www.readwn.com~ So one million sounds like a lot, but Zhang Cheng is really not that good. care.

"What's wrong?" Zhang Cheng asked again.

Chen Fei glanced at her cousin, saw that she didn't dare to speak at all, and cheered herself up for a moment in her heart.

"Huanhuan, she's pregnant."

Zhang Cheng was stunned when he heard the words. Because his women were not pregnant before, he used his induction force to probe and found that his physical fitness was too strong, and the woman's physical fitness was insufficient, so it was not easy to get pregnant.

Although this is too strong and insufficient, he did not understand why it was not easy to get pregnant, but how did he get pregnant?

Immediately, Zhang Cheng frowned.

Don't be wearing a hat, right?

Thinking about it, Zhang Cheng calmly probed Xiang Huanhuan with his induction force, but her nervousness was not because of putting a hat on Zhang Cheng or something, but because she was afraid that Zhang Cheng would let her abort the child and then abandon her.

This makes Zhang Cheng a little ridiculous, what kind of brain circuit is this?

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