I Have A Space For Planting

Chapter 343: , placement

Chapter 343, Placement

But after knowing that the child was his own, Zhang Cheng got up and held Huanhuan's little hand and placed her by his side.

"When did you know?" Zhang Chengwen asked. Although his physique was too strong, it was not easy for the woman to get pregnant, but he usually did not take any measures, and it was not surprising that Huanhuan won the bid.

And it was confirmed by induction that the child was his. Naturally, Zhang Cheng would not treat Huanhuan harshly.

"Xing, Tuesday..." Huanhuan was still a little nervous. She didn't dare to abort the child, but she was worried that Brother Cheng would not want the child, so she drove her away.

After all, in Brother Cheng's place, not only do they not need rent, but they also have 20,000 pocket money every month, and they are not restricted from going out to work or anything.

In other words, she can send home more than 20,000 yuan every month!

This has greatly improved the lives of her mother and sister, and Huanhuan is sure she can't lose this environment.

Is that the day before yesterday? Zhang Cheng was thoughtful.

So do you want this kid?

At the beginning of Lang Liglang, Zhang Cheng basically saw a similar woman and accepted it. Xiangxiang was attracted by Zhang Cheng under such circumstances.

After all, you can't expect a screw-driving factory dog ​​to know any bells and whistles.

It was only gradually that Zhang Cheng had some rules.

At that time, Zhang Cheng thought that if Xiangxiang, or his good friend, had children, let them all give birth or something.

After all, the concept of more sons and more blessings has more weight in Zhang Cheng's heart.

It's not unaffordable.

But now a distinction is made between women and good friends.

Women definitely want to live with Zhang Cheng, perhaps until the end of their lives. As for good friends, Zhang Cheng thought about getting rid of them after a few years.

However, Huanhuan's pregnancy disrupted Zhang Cheng's thoughts.

So give this woman a house in an apartment building?

After Zhang Cheng considered it, he denied it.

On the one hand, there are not many vacant rooms left in the apartment building. Unless it really makes Zhang Cheng's heart move, or it can help him a lot, Zhang Cheng will not accept women easily. And although Huanhuan is pretty, it's not enough.

In addition, Zhang Cheng's love for Huanhuan is not too deep.

But Huanhuan is pregnant with his child in the end. As the child's mother, she must be treated preferentially.

So after thinking for a while, Zhang Cheng made a decision.

Huanhuan watched Zhang Cheng's expression change, and she was very nervous, because her fate would be determined by Zhang Cheng's next actions.

"Let's give birth to the child." Zhang Cheng said gently, knowing that when he was thinking about it just now, Huanhuan was frightened, so Zhang Cheng was more gentle.

Huanhuan was stunned when she heard the words, she felt that the best outcome for her was probably to abort the child and then leave with a sum of money.

It's not that she never thought of aborting the child without telling Brother Cheng, and pretending that nothing happened, but if exposed, it may even lead to Brother Cheng's anger. By then it will be too late to regret it.

And even if Brother Cheng asks her to abort the child and leave, with Brother Cheng's usual generosity, he shouldn't treat her badly, right?

But what Huanhuan never thought was that Zhang Cheng wanted her to give birth to the child.

"Don't you want to?" Seeing that Huanhuan didn't answer for a long time, Zhang Cheng frowned as if he was stunned.

"No, no, Brother Cheng, I, I will." Huanhuan said quickly.

When Zhang Cheng asked her to give birth to the child, Huanhuan was very pleasantly surprised, because this was what she and her cousin had guessed, and what Brother Cheng might have made was the most beneficial and best result for her.

But after it happened, it still made Huanhuan a little unbelievable.

Zhang Cheng smiled lightly, and gently hugged Huanhuan in his arms, gently pressing his palms on her flat belly.

"Do you know how long the child is?" Zhang Cheng seemed to feel the little life in Huanhuan's stomach that was connected to his blood.

The feeling of this moment made Zhang Cheng feel as if he had been overcharged. Although he would not be reborn, there was something different.

As for the specific difference, it may be the moving of life to continue, or the thrill of becoming a father soon.

In short, Zhang Cheng was quite sure that he was a little different from who he was just a moment ago.

"Old, about two months?" Huanhuan said not quite sure.

Zhang Cheng chuckled again, and hugged Huanhuan in his arms, his doting was very obvious.

This made the other girls feel envious.

The next day, Zhang Cheng first took Huanhuan for a pregnancy test, and at the same time entrusted an intermediary to buy a house.

It's a house rented out by others, the location is good, the house is okay, it is more than 170 square meters, and the decoration is decent, so there is no need to refinish it. At most it is to change the bedding and so on.

As for the name of the room, of course, it is written in Huanhuan.

And Huanhuan looked at the red book in her hand, and all kinds of emotions came to her mind. Although she knew that Brother Cheng was generous, it still shocked her to give it to a suite.

Zhang Cheng didn't care that much, and asked Huanhuan to come to the talent market after resting at home. Because it was the afternoon, there were not too many people in the market.

However, when Zhang Cheng paid out the salary of 15,000, it still attracted the attention of many people.

Soon, Zhang Cheng found two eldest sisters with good personalities who had given birth to children at the same time.

Then take the two eldest sisters back to Huanhuan.

Because Zhang Cheng has to go around after all, he will definitely not have much time to take care of Huanhuan. Then the corresponding arrangements must be made.

For the other 10 days, ginseng, red sandalwood for fortune, fruits and vegetables from Tianchengjie are all arranged here for Huanhuan.

As for spiritual tree-grade tea, pregnant women are unlikely to drink tea, so it is better to avoid it first.

Huanhuan was sitting in the living room, watching Zhang Cheng move up and down, in and out, and finally felt relieved.

Brother Cheng really wanted her to give birth to the baby, not perfunctory shirk.

"Do you think there is anything missing?" Zhang Cheng asked Huanhuan in his arms after being busy until the evening.

Huanhuan shook her head quickly: "No, no more~www.readwn.com~ Brother Cheng, everything you prepared for me is very good."

Zhang Cheng couldn't help but feel happy when he heard the words, and again carefully placed his hand on Huanhuan's belly.

Although the child doesn't even notice the fetal heart now, Zhang Cheng just felt the little life inside.

And Zhang Cheng has a very strong feeling that it will be a daughter.

"Our child should be a daughter." Zhang Cheng grinned.

In fact, whether his son or daughter, Zhang Cheng likes it very much.

"Brother Cheng likes his daughter?" Huanhuan saw Zhang Cheng's appearance, and his apprehension and tension dissipated.

"I like them all." Zhang Cheng kissed Qin Huanhuan's forehead. After thinking about it, he planted some apples, bananas, strawberries, and grapes in the Tianchengjie space. Although these are all types of crops that do not have "Charm", that is, they cannot obtain additional attributes. But in order to make Huanhuan eat happier, it doesn't matter.

What's more, the Tianchengjie space is still gradually expanding.

There is still some space left.

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