I Have A Space For Planting

Chapter 369: ,reconciliation

Chapter 369, Reconciliation

So Zoya is almost a smuggling.

This is also the reason why Wang Qing will find Zhang Cheng.

Zhang Cheng glanced at Zoya.

"Can you tell me what happened?"

It's not the time for Zhang Cheng to see beautiful women who can't walk.

Otherwise, in the last contact, you have to spend some thought with this Zoya and that.

Zoya hesitated after hearing the words: "I, I am unemployed."


Who is it that he has never lost his job? Whether it is voluntary resignation or passive resignation, who has not been out of work for a while?

However, Zhang Cheng immediately thought that he was applying foreign experience based on domestic experience.

After all, if you are unemployed in the country, even if you can't find a better job, can you not find a near one? In foreign countries, this involves Zhang Cheng's knowledge blind spot.

Especially through the power of induction, I found that Zoya was in a dazed state. Obviously, unemployment had a great impact on her.

Big enough for her to risk smuggling to a foreign country.

In fact, this is mainly because Zoya can speak Chinese, and she has been to S City before. Attracted by the prosperity of S city, coupled with the time she got along with Wang Qing when negotiating cooperation, she and Wang Qing got along pretty well, and that's why she came to defect from thousands of miles away.

Zhang Cheng scratched his chin, the other party has no documents, which is somewhat troublesome.

"Do you have any trouble in your country?"

Zoya was a little surprised when she heard the words: "Trouble?"

"Yes, it is involved in politics or something." Zhang Cheng said.

Zoya shook her head quickly, she was just an ordinary unemployed lawyer, how could she be involved in politics.

Zhang Cheng nodded when he heard the words, and his sense force also told him that Zoya did not lie.

After thinking about it, he called Mr. Yan Xuyan's assistant, Qin Zhang, and asked if he could handle it before Zhang Cheng breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, this kind of thing is really beyond his ability to handle.

Fortunately, Mr. Yan's side was strong enough to keep him from falling off the chain.

Wang Qing looked at Sister Xiong in front of her. She also knew that there was something wrong with her approach. After all, how could she not know what kind of virtue this little man was.

However, on the one hand, it is inconvenient for her to deal with these things, and on the other hand, she doesn't mind what Zhang Cheng does with other women, as long as she doesn't mess around.

Zoya is a girl she feels pretty good.

Zhang Cheng smacked his lips, in fact, if Zoya was not a beautiful woman, he would basically refuse. After all, no one wants to live in the country? Want to eat fart.

At least Zhang Cheng is quite disgusted with foreigners, only Zoya is an exception.

Without disturbing Wang Qing, Zhang Cheng took Zoya to apply for relevant documents.

Qin Zhang made a formal investment application for Zoya, and did not do any black box operations. Of course, there will definitely be some human feelings in it, which will save you some trouble.

After dealing with related matters, Zoya looked at a hotel on the side of the road.

"I-I want to take a break."

Zhang Cheng was not surprised when he heard the words. He might be tired. Without thinking much, he took Zoya to a hotel and opened a room for her with his ID card.

"take a good rest."

After Zhang Cheng was about to leave, Zoya grabbed her arm.

Seeing this, Zhang Cheng looked at Zoya and saw her expression of an implied invitation. He didn't know what was going on, and he didn't refuse, so he went upstairs directly.

some operation.

In fact, except for some differences in appearance, Zoya is no different from other women.


Just some flavor.

But looking at Zoya's face value, slender but exquisite curves, um, this little defect can be tolerated.

After qualifying, Zhang Cheng lay on the bed.

Zoya, who was about the same height as Zhang Cheng, shrank in his arms, feeling the afterglow.

She never thought that the man beside her would be so powerful, giving her unprecedented happiness. This made Zoya infatuated with this man.

"Thank you." Thank you for solving her problem for Zhang Cheng.

Zhang Cheng didn't care, after all, he also fell into favor, didn't he.

"In the future, you can import some chocolate, candy, and vodka from your country and sell them in the supermarket I run." Zhang Cheng said.

This is also the way he thought for Zoya to invest in China.

Zoya heard the words and said, "Okay." It's just that she has no strength now, or she will definitely thank Zhang Cheng again in person.

I paid some room fees for Zoya's room, and went out to buy a mobile phone. Because of her knowledge of Chinese characters, Zoya has no problem using her mobile phone.

And when she saw the 100,000 yuan in her mobile phone wallet, Zoya gave her a kiss again.

100,000 R!

This man is not only powerful, but also generous. Zoya feels that she has to seriously consider how to make this man fall in love with her, or at least make this man feel nostalgic for her.

After leaving Zoya, Zhang Cheng returned to the apartment building.

Today it's the turn of Ren Jia, Li Lan'an, and Xiaoling's team.

So even if the sky drops a knife, it can't stop him from coming back.

After Grandpa Ren moved into the apartment building, he didn't feel uncomfortable. He should eat and sleep, which reassured Zhang Cheng a lot.

After all, if Grandpa Ren feels unwell, then Ren Jia may have to move back to the place he originally rented.

How much is the question.

Fortunately everything is perfect.

After placing Grandpa Ren to rest, Zhang Cheng and Ren Jia came down together.

Although there was a lot of contact during this time, Li Lan was still a little shy and stared at the TV series playing on the screen.

Zhang Cheng smiled lightly, stepped forward and hugged Li Lan in his arms~www.readwn.com~ After a few kisses, he hugged him horizontally.

It took three trips to get the women into the bedroom.

Next is hunting time!

The next day, Zhang Cheng got up with a contented face.

Because of the formation of a small team, the enjoyment is much better than before. The most important thing is that I can't be hungry anymore, so I'm happy.

But just when Zhang Cheng had breakfast and wiped his mouth to do something.

Wang Qing's phone came again.

Zhang Cheng couldn't help but feel guilty.

No, wouldn't it be about pursuing him and Zoya?

Zhang Cheng bravely answered the phone.

After listening for a while, he breathed a sigh of relief. It turned out that several law firms in the beautiful country wanted to reconcile.

Zhang Cheng was thoughtful when he heard the words, so he simply met the other party first.

When he came to the hotel, Zhang Cheng's face sank, because he had already arrived, and the other party had not yet arrived.

This made Zhang Cheng very displeased. It was you who reconciled with Lao Tzu, not Lao Tzu who begged you! Did you do this?

However, Zhang Cheng didn't throw his hand away. After sorting out the irritability in his heart, he took out his mobile phone and started to use pesticides.

After a while, several well-known law firms from the beautiful country who had joined forces to sanction Wang Qing's law firm alliance came over.

Among them, there are many internationally renowned law firms with hundreds, even thousands, tens of thousands of lawyers. In the international market, it can not be said to be a leader, but it is also quite energetic.

But now he must bow his head in front of Zhang Cheng.

Because in just a few months, Zhang Cheng destroyed nearly 100 projects that they were negotiating with or had already cooperated with domestically.

In particular, many of them were transferred to their competitors, which made them even more uncomfortable.

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