I Have A Space For Planting

Chapter 370: , credit score

Chapter 370, Credit Score

The other party has a total of about 20 people, and each law firm has 2 to 3 people.

And these are the representatives of those disgusting law firms that destroyed Zhang Cheng's ideas.

After thinking about it, Zhang Cheng put down the phone. As for the issue of getting credit points deducted if he hangs up, he can only call it slowly in the future. After all, you can't be rude in front of these foreigners.

Because the other party is not unreasonable first, and his etiquette must be done first. Of course, if the other party dares to be unreasonable, then the mother who beat him will not know.

Although Zhang Cheng has not been able to do this yet, he can still do it to make these goods lose a lot in the country.

Otherwise, how could such a person "condescend" to come to China and take the initiative to reconcile with Zhang Cheng.

The other party was headed by a man with blond hair and blue eyes and a high nose.

The name is Theodore. As for the surname, Zhang Cheng didn't care.

"Hello, Mr. Zhang." Zhang Cheng was a little surprised by the other party's fluent Chinese.

"I studied abroad in China for eight years." Seeing Zhang Cheng's surprise, Theodore grinned, showing his white teeth, as if he was getting along well.

However, Zhang Cheng realized through induction that this guy had had relationships with hundreds of women when he was proud that he was studying at the time.

Zhang Cheng nodded lightly and didn't say much.

As annoying as this may sound, there's nothing women can do if they want to have sex.

But if Zhang Cheng's daughters want to be with foreign men in the future, don't blame him for directly depriving each child of the support of a small goal.

Because Zhang Cheng really hates these people.

Hypocrisy, full of lies, viciousness, discrimination and other issues, anyway, these things give Zhang Cheng a bad impression.

In addition, the plan of the international law firm was inexplicably sanctioned by these people, Zhang Cheng can only have a good impression of them.

"Mr. Zhang, with all due respect, our current state is undoubtedly not good for both of us. Why don't we take a step back?"

"We will no longer interfere with your law firm's business in our country, and you also need to return our lost business."

Hearing this, Zhang Cheng almost laughed angrily.

Listen, it seems to be very generous and tolerant, but what is the cause of the matter?

Everything is the other party's first scumbag.

And didn't mention it.

It was as if Zhang Cheng owed them.

"If that's the case, then let's not talk about it." Zhang Cheng stood up and turned to leave.

He has never been a qualified businessman, not before, not now, and never will be.

Theodore did not expect that after his remarks, Zhang Cheng directly flipped the table, obviously the people in the country are very modest and tolerant, aren't they?

Why is this man so arrogant?

"Mr. Zhang!" Zhang Cheng had already left the conference room before Theodore tried to keep his voice down.

I don't want to waste any more time with these people.

After walking out of the conference room of the hotel, Zhang Cheng looked at the exploding crystal on his mobile phone, and after being deducted 6 points, he couldn't even qualify for the credit score, and he regretted it very much.

Why did you say he came here!

If he hadn't come here, his credit points wouldn't have been deducted so much.

If he didn't deduct so much, he could still play in the rankings happily.

Zhang Cheng could only open a match with tears in his eyes, and then took out his own 2.6-point Ma Chao.

Matching is not just worse than anyone else, and those who are not bad enough will suffer a victory.

"Is it too hasty?" Wang Qing hesitated.

She is not questioning Zhang Cheng's decision, but is there any problem with this approach?

Wang Qing knew that Zhang Cheng had a traditional Chinese medicine company, and he also wanted to replace the share of the stealing country and the animal country in the international traditional Chinese medicine market.

At this time, you can naturally be more casual in your own home court, but in the future when you come to someone else's country, there will definitely be trouble.

Zhang Cheng was a little helpless when he heard the words. Because of the relationship of induction, Zhang Cheng knew that Theodore had no sincerity in reconciliation at all.

Because their calculus is to let Zhang Cheng lift his revenge against them, and then wait for Zhang Cheng to resume the cooperation that he got rid of before, and then they will "generous" and agree with Zhang Cheng to start a certain business in the beautiful country.

Even this so-called consent is only a superficial consent, and they will continue to sanction in private.

As for whether there is something wrong with this line of thinking.

How to say that, in the past, life in China was too hard. When facing these foreign uncles, it was inevitable that they would not straighten their backs, so that these foreign uncles developed the impression that China was relatively weak and easy to bully.

Zhang Cheng will now change their temper for them.



Zhang Cheng's departure made the huge hotel conference room unable to help quiet.

A few still miss the past, as soon as a word is spoken, the country will have their stinky feet, and their faces are full of anger, clamoring to teach Zhang Cheng a lesson.

There are also a few yellow-skinned, flattering representatives Zhang Cheng, and even domestically apologized to such a few pieces of information, as if they can really represent someone.

It's just that the times are different. Gone are the times when we had to look at the faces of foreign adults in China.

Besides, even if these law firms are united, they may not be regarded as 'foreign masters'.


Zhang Cheng simply did not go back to the apartment building, but went directly to the Daping floor.

Prepare to give out a strong output, and vent the anger in your heart.

Just so cute at home.

That Zhang Cheng is naturally not polite~www.readwn.com~ It's all over.

This good friend with a pair of big headlights looked at Zhang Cheng with fear. After all, she didn't want to endure the wind and rain just now.

After patting Mengmeng's butt, Zhang Cheng didn't continue.

At noon, Kiki Lulu came back from her lunch break.

Zhang Cheng was always carried into the bedroom.

When Chen Fei came back in the evening, Zhang Cheng smiled again.

When he came to Daping, Zhang Cheng always wanted to enjoy himself, and this time was no exception.

The next day, Zhang Cheng left the Daping floor with satisfaction.

Because the women got pregnant one after another, he didn't have enough to eat for some days.

But just when Zhang Cheng was about to return to the apartment building, Tang Yi's phone called.

After listening for a while, Zhang Cheng rushed to where the other party said.

It's a tea house.

In addition to Tang Yi, there is also a woman who looks pure but makes people feel scheming, quite beautiful.

The shoulder-length hair was slightly permed, and there was a small 'X'-shaped hairpin on the temples, with a heart-shaped earring, which made this girl look very charming.

Hands with long manicures are white and tender.

She is a refined and fashionable woman who knows how to dress herself.

Zhang Cheng paid tribute slightly, but in the end, he enjoyed it on the Daping floor yesterday, and he didn't lose his temper.

"What's the matter?" Zhang Cheng asked Tang Yi while sitting down.

The refined woman in front of her is Tang Yi's 'best friend', the one who made her miserable.

But yesterday, she suddenly returned the money she owed to Tang Yi.

Tang Yi couldn't figure out what was going on for a while, so he asked Zhang Cheng to come and take a look.

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