I Have A Space For Planting

Chapter 50: , save the script

Chapter 50, Collecting the Script

"If you can do it, let's talk about it first. Let's test the water with a small investment at the beginning." Zhang Cheng said.

Xiangxiang was even more moved when she heard the words.

"But, why do you invest so little?" But he was still a little hesitant.

Zhang Cheng thought for a moment after hearing this.

"Tomorrow, let's go to an old man for consultation."

After selling a few waves of ginseng, Zhang Cheng's relationship with Mr. Yan Xuyan became a little closer.

So you probably know the industries of these old people.

In the daytime, Mr. Bai seems to have several film and television companies. Even if there is no direct help from him, if you get a couple of pointers, Zhang Cheng and the others can save a lot of trouble.

Xiangxiang nodded cheerfully when she heard the words.

The next day, Zhang Cheng went to his place after contacting the old man Bai.

Soon I came to a well-known villa area in S City.

Mr. Bai lives in this villa area. The volume ratio here is very low. Plant some flowers and trees around each other's yard, so they can hardly see each other's side.

Of course, the price is also very gratifying, each building is almost tens of millions, or even hundreds of millions.

After checking in and out at the door, Zhang Cheng and Xiangxiang were led into the living room of the villa by Mr. Bai's assistant.

"Haha, Xiao Cheng, why are you interested in making a TV series?" Mr. Bai got up to greet him, and made tea for Zhang Cheng himself.

Zhang Cheng thanked him: "With a small investment and a small cost, let's have fun."

After hearing the words, Mr. Bai thought for a moment: "If that's the case, then I suggest you go to S Film and Television School and find those juniors and seniors who are about to graduate and save a script first."

Small investment and low cost, under these two conditions, saving is very important.

As students who are still in school, they are undoubtedly quite cheap labor. After all, most of them have not had time to prove themselves, so they undoubtedly need such an opportunity to show off.

If it can be successful, it will be a win-win situation. If it fails, it will not lose a lot.

Zhang Cheng was thoughtful when he heard the words.

Mr. Bai gave an order to the assistant beside him, and soon a business card was brought over.

"This is the business card of Professor Wang Li Wang of S Shadow. You can chat with him."

Zhang Cheng took the business card, looked at it, and handed it to Xiangxiang.

"Thank you Uncle Bai."

"Haha, if you want to thank me, sell me two more ginsengs next time." Old Man Bai laughed.

"Definitely." Zhang Cheng couldn't help but laugh, these old men really crave ginseng.

"I take it seriously." Old Man Bai said.

After chatting for a while about filming TV series, Zhang Cheng had a general idea of ​​how to film TV series, so he said goodbye and left.

Then he dialed the number on Professor Wang Li Wang's business card.

The call was quickly connected, and Zhang Chengyan made it clear that he was here.

Hearing that he got the business card from Mr. Bai, even as a professor at S Film and Television School, Wang Li took it seriously.

"If it's convenient now, can you come to the school?"

Zhang Cheng naturally had nothing to do, and took Xiangxiang directly to the S-Shape School.

This top film and television academy in China has trained too many stars and great directors, and has also produced countless good-looking movies and TV series that are even regarded as classics.

But with the influx of capital into the film and television industry and the entertainment industry in recent years, all the time, if you find a stream of casually a month, you can come up with a TV series with dozens of episodes, and then sell hundreds of millions of people's jaw-dropping. sky-high price.

Naturally, no one would lower their hearts and do film and television seriously.

It is inevitable that S Ying will gradually become lonely.

But in the end, a dead camel is bigger than a horse, and a rotten boat has three pounds of nails.

What's more, there is no S movie that is completely sunset.

Go to S TV and meet Professor Wang Liwang.

A middle-aged man in his forties.

After a simple courtesy, Zhang Cheng spoke out his thoughts.

According to Master Bai's suggestion, I plan to create a script first.

As for the requirements, the shooting cost is less than 5 million yuan, and the number of participants is about 10. Unlimited types.

Hearing Zhang Cheng's request, Professor Wang Li was thoughtful.

"How about setting up a script solicitation campaign with a one-month time limit?"

Zhang Cheng scratched his chin when he heard this. Naturally, there is nothing wrong with this.

"As long as the selected scripts have bonuses ranging from 10,000, 5,000, and 3,000, if the project is confirmed, there will be corresponding remuneration in the future." Zhang Cheng is not stingy here.

Wang Li laughed when he heard the words: "Then I would like to thank Mr. Zhang. I'll make arrangements now."

This is also the face of the old man Bai Bai in the daytime.

If it wasn't for the introduction from Mr. Bai, how could Wang Li have so easily organized a script collection activity.

What kind of pheasant university is when their S movie?

Zhang Cheng directly transferred 50,000 yuan to Professor Wang Liwang to organize activities and bonuses. After all, there are basically only three or five scripts that can be selected in the end. If there are 30 or 50 good scripts, then Zhang Cheng can wake up laughing from his dreams.

"I plan to choose the actors and actresses for the next filming in the school." Zhang Cheng continued.

This made Professor Wang push the glasses on the bridge of his nose. If so, it is indeed an opportunity for their S film and television students.

"Then I would like to thank Mr. Zhang for your support." Professor Wang said.

After chatting about some details, Zhang Cheng left with Xiangxiang.

The reason why Zhang Cheng participated in the whole process is that on the one hand, he took Xiangxiang to familiarize himself with the process, and then how she did it herself. As for what she can achieve, it depends on her own efforts and luck~www.readwn.com~ and also Zhang Cheng Cheng is also a little interested in filming TV series and movies.

After all, is it possible to shoot a good-looking one?

I don't ask for any classics, as long as it can be watched and enough to pass the time.

As long as he can achieve this level, then three or two shows a year, and each drama loses several million, or about 10 million, Zhang Cheng can still accept it.

After all, Zhang Cheng really doesn't care much about money.

If Tianchengjie space continues to produce ginseng, money will hardly be a problem for him. Of course, at this stage, it is still impossible for Zhang Cheng to mobilize tens of millions, hundreds of millions or something.

Not only Zhang Cheng can't do it, but most people in the world can't do it.

However, Zhang Cheng didn't have such a large expenditure.

He didn't want to buy a plane, a yacht, or a few buildings.

Ordinary consumption, daily expenses, 1 day ginseng and 10 days ginseng are enough.

After making these preparations, Zhang Cheng and Xiangxiang have nothing to do.

I went to the supermarket yesterday, and it's boring to go again.

So after thinking about it, Zhang Cheng and Xiangxiang simply came to the aquarium in S city.

Zhang Cheng thought that the 280 tickets were too expensive, and he never went in to watch it.

Now that I have money, I naturally want to see the various animals raised in the aquarium.

It is said that aquatic creatures from all over the world are exhibited in this 40,000-square-meter venue.

Including domestic cherished and protected animals, alligator, salamander, Chinese sturgeon, etc.

When she heard that she was going to the aquarium, Xiangxiang's eyes lit up. As a woman, I have no resistance to all kinds of colorful fish.

So he nodded again and again.

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