I Have A Space For Planting

Chapter 51: ,aquarium

Chapter 51, Aquarium

When I came to the aquarium, it was past 2 pm.

After buying the ticket, Zhang Cheng learned that the ticket included a meal roll and a random fish doll from the aquarium. Of course, you can also skip the rolls and dolls, which can be 120 yuan cheaper.

If you look at it this way, it seems appropriate. Even if you bring children under the age of 12, you can buy a family ticket, which can be entered and exited three times a year.

With the ticket, there is also a booklet, which introduces each area in the venue in detail, and roughly marks the location of the more famous aquarium creatures in the exhibition.

Entering the door is a rather large glass curtain wall.

The two sharks swayed and swam leisurely.

Looking at the brand name, it's Lemon Shark.

What kind of shark is this?

Zhang Cheng, who didn't know much about marine life at all, scratched his chin.

Whatever it is, it's enough to be a shark.

In front of the glass curtain wall, many children were lying on the glass and watching the sharks swimming leisurely inside.

When Zhang Cheng saw this, he didn't show any humility, so he dragged Xiangxiang and squeezed in.

Slowly, a few more sharks came swimming.

"Wow~~~" the children exclaimed.

Zhang Cheng is also quite novel to see it. After all, it is a very happy thing to see such a big fish with his own eyes.

See you, the river is crowded with fishermen.

After watching the shark for a while, Zhang Cheng and Xiangxiang continued to walk into the stadium.

Gorgeous and colorful tropical fish with wings like a flying devil fish.

I have to say that the aquarium is quite interesting.

No wonder it is known as one of the dating shrines in the eyes of straight men.

At least I will find it fun.

Otherwise, only my girlfriend likes it and I'm bored, so it's a ghost date.

It's just that the noisy children are a little annoying.

Other than this, everything else is fine.

After walking around, I saw a food house.

He took the meal roll up and asked for two glasses of sugar cane juice.

The slightly warm sugarcane juice is quite suitable in this late autumn.

Holding hands, they stopped and walked all the way, and at the same time had dinner in the aquarium, the two went home contented.

In the afternoon, I only visited less than one-tenth of the area in the aquarium, and I can come back several times.

When I got home, I lined up with Xiang Xiang happily and comforted him to sleep.

Zhang Cheng came to the living room and consciously entered his own planting space.

In the original space, under the setting operation of automatically collecting redemption points after making planted fruits, etc., some space points have been accumulated, but it is still far from the 3000 points required to upgrade the level again. quite far.

Zhang Cheng didn't care either.

After all, there is a space in heaven to solve the problem of his economic freedom, and he is already satisfied.

However, Zhang Cheng still used the space harvest attribute viewing function, and successively checked the jujube trees, pear trees, orange trees, etc. planted in the original space.

They are all ordinary, with only one name displayed and no special effects.

Obviously, although the original space belongs to one of his planting spaces, the environment should be consistent with the earth star where he is located.

There will be no special crops.

Thinking of this, Zhang Cheng is not disappointed. Consciousness enters the space of Tianchengjie.

Zhang Cheng has been thinking about this Tianchengjie space recently, and he feels more and more that it should be located in another dimension, or even another universe.

Just where exactly, he doesn't know.

And the appearance of spiritual items is really unusual.

I don't know if ginseng will continue to change if it has been planted.

This is also the reason why Zhang Cheng has always cherished Lingcao-grade ginseng.

Even though he knew that after eating this stuff, he would improve his physical fitness, but he didn't eat too much. He even gave half of the Tianchengjie space, which is only half an acre of land, for these spirit grass-level ginseng to continue to grow.

It is to hope that the ginseng, which has become a spirit grass, can continue to enhance its effect.

After all, if a level 2 spirit grass appeared, what would the effect be like?

And since the time of obtaining the Tianchengjie space, a little more than two months have passed. If you count the thousand times the speed of the Tianchengjie space, then 200 years of time in the space have passed in a hurry.

The small-leaf red sandalwood that was planted at the beginning spreads its branches and leaves and grows very well.

But it seems a little too good, the trunk actually looks like three or four meters high. The thickness is also about 10 cm.

Comparing the statement of the century-old sandalwood, these small-leaf red sandalwoods growing in the Tianchengjie space are undoubtedly much faster.

If you really wait for one year, that is, a thousand years, you don't know how long it will grow.

He also checked the ginseng in the Tianchengjie space, focusing on the spirit grass-level ginseng.

Zhang Cheng exited the space, took a bottle of white wine, and opened six or seven bags of the braised chicken feet, drumsticks, grilled fish, and spiced beef jerky that he had bought earlier. Full to the brim on the table.

After eating Lingcao-grade ginseng for the second time, Zhang Cheng would easily be slightly hungry.

You won't be very hungry if you don't eat, but it's also a little unpleasant.

So Zhang Cheng basically eats four or five meals a day.

But after eating so much, Zhang Cheng didn't get fat or anything. Maybe time is short?

Zhang Cheng is also not very clear, just wait and see. If he really gained weight, he would have to learn from Zhao Shengnan, the silly woman, and work hard.

Turning on the TV, Zhang Cheng watched the live broadcast.

The Xingxiu area is still full of demons, and the cover pictures are all very beautiful~www.readwn.com~ invincible and stunning.

When you click in, you will find that at most 8 points and 9 points, this is still in a state of beauty. If beauty is turned off, it is estimated that GG can be played directly, and the old buddies who brush gifts can be scared and run away with buckets.

So when Zhang Cheng watched the live broadcast, he paid more attention to the figures of the female anchors. As for looks, as long as it's not too beautiful, it's fine.

After watching it for a while, there was nothing remarkable.

Zhang Cheng turned back to the game anchor.

As a game that has been popular for several years, pesticide is the most popular game category on various live broadcast platforms.

Even now, it's almost 11 o'clock at night, there are about 40 pages of anchors, and each page can display 120 anchors.

That is to say, there are nearly 5,000 anchors broadcasting the game of pesticides alone.

It can be seen that the popularity of the live broadcast is extraordinary.

Zhang Cheng doesn't plan to start a live broadcast, not before, not now, as for whether there will be in the future, that may be the case.

Holding a braised chicken claw in one hand, Zhang Cheng chose a target that would let him pass the boredom.

After a while, the image of an anchor attracted Zhang Cheng.

A pair of very large headlights.

This gave Zhang Cheng a great impact. After all, he came to watch the game, and it was a bit exciting to see such a pair suddenly.

Click in and see, it's even more amazing.

On the TV screen, it was bigger than Zhang Cheng's head.

In the live broadcast room, there are mostly barrages such as 'This wave is good~' and 'It's so big and white~'.

Do you want to make a round?

Looking at the gift list of this anchor named Mengmeng, Zhang Cheng felt that this could be available.

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