I Have A Space For Planting

Chapter 60: ,Smoky makeup

Chapter 60, Smoky Makeup

While nibbling on a squid slice, Zhang Cheng looked at the young ladies who were coming and going. Zhang Cheng's performance was like an old jellyfish.

He's also really pretty.

"Handsome guy, would you like me a drink?"

Just as Zhang Cheng was admiring the beautiful scenery, a girl with smoky makeup came over.

Zhang Cheng didn't notice it at first, until the smokey makeup said another sentence, Zhang Cheng realized it and turned his head to look.

The makeup is too heavy, and you can't tell your age.

Maybe seventeen, eighteen, maybe twenty-seven, twenty-eight.

Especially because of excessive smoking and drinking, he made a smoky voice.

But it looks pretty.

So if you want to drink, then drink it.

Zhang Cheng motioned to the bartender to help the smoky makeup bartender.

Seeing that Zhang Cheng didn't even ask what she wanted to drink, Smoky Makeup agreed to treat her, sticking out her tongue and licking her lips.

Only then did Zhang Cheng see that she had gotten a tongue stud.

This made Zhang Cheng frown slightly. Haven't tried it?

"Can I order something more expensive?" Smoky makeup asked charmingly.

"How expensive is it?" Zhang Cheng said.

Smoky makeup looked at the bar: "Just gorgeous, right?"

Is it gorgeous?

A cocktail of 4988, that is, a concoction of wine.

It is the most expensive cocktail in this bar.

"Are you going to play qualifying together after drinking?" Zhang Cheng didn't hide his purpose.

Hearing that, Smoky Makeup sat beside Zhang Cheng generously, hugged Zhang Cheng's arm, and stuck the headlights on Zhang Cheng's arm without caring.


"Then come." Zhang Cheng said.

Hearing Zhang Cheng's generous treat, her eyes lit up with smoky makeup. She only saw that others had drunk it, but she had not tasted it yet.

I didn't expect to casually flirt with a man today, and he would be so generous.

Soon, the bartender brought in the foreman. Obviously, he didn't know how to make this kind of wine yet, and the man in his thirties quickly prepared the splendor and put it in front of the smoky makeup. Nod and leave.

The tone of black, white and blue like fireworks are gathered in the wine glass.

Really beautiful.

Smoky makeup picked up the glass, looked at the colors in the glass, looked a little intoxicated, and took a sip.

How to say that.

It wasn't as amazing as I expected, it was just a mix of several wines.

Smoky makeup was a little disappointed, then took a sip of wine, jumped into Zhang Cheng's arms, and fed Zhang Cheng the wine in his mouth.

Zhang Cheng was a little surprised. Although he had imagined that Xiangxiang or Zhao Shengnan would feed him wine like this before, he had not had time to implement it.

Unexpectedly, I was suddenly attacked by smoky makeup today.

However, Zhang Cheng didn't refuse, he stretched out his arms to hug the girl, even drinking and kissing, all in one go.

"Okay, uncle, I don't owe you any more, so I won't eat the meal." After Smoky Makeup finished speaking, she jumped away.

Zhang Cheng didn't care either, he didn't want to eat if he didn't want to eat.

The bartender brother unexpectedly glanced at Zhang Cheng, 5,000 yuan?

If the other party lets go of his pigeons after agreeing to do so, the bartender feels that he must beat someone.

Smoky makeup walked away for a while, but unexpectedly found that Zhang Cheng didn't come after him.

Her original intention was to cause trouble. As long as Zhang Cheng chased after her, she would definitely take the opportunity to yell and harass.

As for what happens next, I don't care about smoky makeup, it will probably be interesting at that time anyway.

But Zhang Cheng was indifferent, which made her stop and turned to look at Zhang Cheng.

Is this man playing hard-to-find? Or do you really not care about her? Or maybe 5,000 yuan doesn't matter to him?

But since she got away, she didn't want to go back, she turned and left.

Zhang Cheng still eats his squid slices and watches the passing beauties.

There is no difference from before.

Instead, the bartender brother looked at him from time to time, thinking that he might have seen the wrong way.

After all, although this guy was dressed in cheap clothes, he was indeed very imposing with the generous style who didn't care about money just now.

After drinking a few more bottles of beer, Zhang Cheng clapped his hands and planned to go home.

After all, he came out to try his luck. Someone came over to tease him. As long as it was pleasing to the eye, he wouldn't mind going to a meal and double row.

But if no one came over, Zhang Cheng would hardly take the initiative.


Now Zhang Cheng has no shortage of women.

And just when Zhang Cheng was about to leave.

Zhang Cheng's smoky makeup was tricked before, but he turned back, and he also brought back a beautiful woman.

Although she wears heavy make-up, she can still see that she is slick and smooth from her eyebrows, eyes and figure.

"Handsome guy, can you buy me another drink?" The smoky makeup was a little drunk, and obviously he drank a lot.

Zhang Cheng shook his head, chuckled and refused.

"Don't be so stingy, invite me for another drink." Smoky makeup said coquettishly.

But Zhang Cheng just disagreed.

"Stingy." Seeing that Zhang Cheng couldn't make sense of the smokey makeup, she was a little angry.

Zhang Cheng didn't care and planned to turn around and leave.

But the smoky makeup reached out and pulled Zhang Cheng.

"Hey, why are you still angry? Isn't that right?" Smokey makeup tentatively asked.

Zhang Cheng couldn't help but be amused: "Stop playing, go home." After speaking, he stepped forward and prepared to leave again.

But I didn't expect to be pulled by the smoky makeup again.

"I'll definitely not play with you this time. I'll invite my sister and me for a drink, and I'll go to dinner with you." Smoky makeup said.

Zhang Cheng heard the words and glanced at the smoky makeup.

After going out for a few days~www.readwn.com~ Zhang Cheng accumulated some anger, and because Xiangxiang was filming TV series these days, he was a little tired, so Zhang Cheng couldn't enjoy it.

So I came out for a spin.

After drinking some wine, eating some snacks, Zhang Cheng's anger was almost gone.

It was just right to go back to sleep.

Unexpectedly, the smoky makeup started to play with fire.

"Are you going to play ranked with me?"

"What are you thinking, it must be only me." Smokey makeup said.

After being provoked twice, Zhang Cheng looked at the smoky makeup.

"Are you kidding me this time?"

Smoky makeup hurriedly shook her head, even if she wanted to play tricks, she couldn't admit it until she got drunk.

"Then let's go, go upstairs, and someone will bring the wine over later." Zhang Cheng said and went out.

Smoky makeup was taken aback for a moment, can you still play like this?

However, her friend followed.

This makes the smoky makeup even more surprising.

What's the situation?

Then the three of them came to the express hotel upstairs from the bar.

Zhang Cheng didn't care much about friends who had smoked makeup coming over, so he ordered room service and brought some food and drinks.

By the way, I gave two more glasses of gorgeousness.

Then everything went smoothly.

Zhang Cheng made three rows again.

After it was over, Zhang Cheng added a small letter from the two of them, left some money, and got up and left.

Even though it's past 4 in the morning, Zhang Cheng has no intention of staying overnight.

Looking at the money on the head of the bed, the smoky makeup dazedly didn't react.

Her friend stood up and picked up the money, then a look of surprise flashed in his eyes.

Almost 20,000?

This man is really generous.

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